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~*Chapter 10*~

"Hey Mrs Barrien," Nick greeted, walking into Heather's back door. "Nick, I've told you once, I've told you a million times, it's Alyssa," she said, turning around from the kitchen.

"Sorry... Alyssa. Is Heather here? I wanted to know if she'd like to go play a round of basketball or something... maybe something else," Nick asked, entering the kitchen. It was then he noticed her face became saddened.

"Um.. Nick, Heather's.. not here right now," Alyssa said, returning to the dishes.

"Oh, well when will she be back?" Nick asked.

"Nick, she's.. gonna be back around 12 on Monday," Alyssa said.

"What? Where is she? Why didn't she tell me?" Nick asked.

"Nick, I can't tell you anything. All I can say is that she's not here," Alyssa said.

"You're kidding? I can't know ANYTHING about my best friend? Alyssa, this isn't right. You've gotta tell me something.. anything," Nick pleaded. He looked up to see tears streaming down her face.

"Nick, don't make this harder than it already is. She.. just needs to get away," Alyssa said.

"Fine, I'm going. If I don't find anything out, I guess I'll see you Monday," Nick mumbled, storming out. Alyssa sighed, Heather better figure this out quickly. Nick stormed out, throwing his sunglasses on. Where the hell was Heather? I jumped into his car, and started it up. Where was he going? He decided to ask Sarah, she was Heather's 2nd best friend, behind him, and she would be the one Heather would turn to when she didn't turn to him. He got there as fast as he could. He was just getting out, when he was greeted by Sarah. "Hey, Nick," she whispered.

"Sarah, where is she? Why can't I know?" Nick asked.

"Nick, she's confused about who she loves. She needed to get her feelings straight before she confronted you," Sarah replied.

"Okay, how come she couldn't just come out and tell me?" Nick asked again.

"I don't know. I don't know. All I can say is that I vowed not to blab her secret," she answered, shrugging.

"Sarah..." Nick said, grinning.

"Don't try," she said.

"Can you at least give me hints?" Nick asked, giving her a puppy dog look.

"Fine... it's a beach, with a house... and nice furnishing..." she said, trying to give it away as best as she could.

"Does she own the house?" Nick asked.

"Maybe.." Sarah replied, smiling.

"Daytona, isn't it? She's at their house in Daytona?" Nick asked, turning to his car.

"Nick you didn't find out from me," Sarah warned.

"Right, I just figured it out. I need to get to her, tell her I love her," Nick said starting up his car and preparing for the 3 hour drive.

"Good luck!" Sarah yelled, as his car backed out. 2 hours had passed, and Nick couldn't get Heather off his mind.

"Why did she have to leave?!" Nick exclaimed to himself. He pressed the button for the radio, and a song poured out. A song that related to him and Heather... something he didn't want to be listening to. "Where You Are", by Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey. He had met them once, at the Grammy's, and they seemed to be a cute couple. He had wished he could find love like them, but it didn't seem likely. Until now... until he saw the real Heather. The one he was sure he loved. The one he was chasing after. He just hoped he wasn't too late. He started to daydream, about him and Heather, and he suddenly started to swerve. The driver on the other side didn't notice, he was speeding as well. With a blink of an eye, and a shuttering twist of metal, Nick's world suddenly went black.

Chapter 11
Chapter 9