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~*Chapter 4*~

Nick looked across the table, listening quietly to what Leslie was saying. He was trying to pay attention, but it just didn't seem to be working. Her words went in one ear and out the other. He couldn't wait for Heather to get to her house and call him. She was probably at the movie theater by now, either enjoying the movie, or making out with Brian. Why can't she be.. no he promised himself he wouldn't think about the things she could do with him, and not Brian. When had this sudden crush on Heather formed? He had no clue, but it was really starting to annoy him. He looked down and pushed his plate away. "Nick, you've barely eaten," Jane noticed right away.

"Not hungry," Nick said, standing up.

"But Nick, you haven't finished listening!" Leslie said.

"Tell me later," Nick yelled back, jogging outside. He went outside and looked out to the beach. He remembered when they were little, when they made sand castles. He sighed, no matter how hard he tried, he was never going to get Heather off his mind. He gave in, he couldn't stop thinking about her. She was perfect for him, she knew him pefectly, and he knew her perfectly. She was all he ever imagined in a girl...and she was also taken. To his best friend. That hurt, knowing he'd introduced them. But, at the time, he didn't like her. And he still didn't, he tried to tell himself, although he wasn't believing a word. He took off his shirt, and looked down at his bathing suit. Without another thought, he jumped into the open pool. It was his only way to get Heather off his mind. And it worked. He could barely think, as it felt like 100 knives were piercing him. He jumped out of the pool, as soon as he resurfaced. He shook his hair out, remembering when he was little and used to spray the water on Heather. God he missed those days... when nothing was complicated. How did things get so confusing? Before he could find an answer, he grabbed a towel from the changing room, and walked back out to hear his name being called. "NICKOLAS CARTER!" Angel screamed from the door.


"Phone call," she said, handing him the cordless phone.

"Thanks," he said.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Hello?" a voice on the phone mimicked.

"Okay Heath, not funny, for a second I thought I was hearing an echo," Nick laughed, glad to finally hear her voice, although it hadn't been very long.

"Ha ha," she teased.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Nothing? Why?" she asked.

"When you call, something's up," he assumed.

"No it doesn't! Isn't it okay for a girl to call her best friend?" she replied.

"Well.....yeah," he said, giving it some thought, "So why are you calling me?"

"NICK!" she yelled.

"Okay, okay, I get the point," he said, chuckling.

"Well, actually Nick, I was thinking..." she started.

"See, I told you something was up," he cut in.

"Nick, can I finish? Anyway, I was thinking about what you were talking about before," Heather started again.

"So was I," Nick agreed.

"Well, I don't exactly know what you meant, but suddenly, my feelings towards Brian have changed... slightly. Not much, but a little," Heather started slowly.

"Oh really? That's interesting," he said.

"Not really. Nick.. I want you to know, that if I ever did... like you more than I do know, I don't really want to start a relationship. It's just too hard," she said quickly.

"What?" Nick asked shocked, "You mean you actually like me as more than a friend?"

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter. I mean, I have Brian and he loves me. Besides, I don't know how you feel... and I'm not about to break up a perfectly good relationship to go after some guy who doesn't even like me. Besides, our friendship is too important to lose," Heather reasoned.

"I love you," Nick blurted out.

"What?" Heather asked surprised. That was not the response she'd been looking for.

"Will you come over tonight? I need to talk to you in person," Nick begged.

"Nick! I'm already in my pajamas and ready for bed. I just needed to call and tell you that," Heather said.

"Heather Michelle, I need to tell you something else and the phone is not a very good place to share feelings, is it?" Nick asked.

"Nick, I told you, don't call me by my full name," Heather warned.

"Fine, Heath, I need to talk to you. Please come over," Nick stated.

"Nick, I told you, can't this wait? I'm in pajamas!" Heather exclaimed.

"Heather, I've seen you in a lot less than that," Nick replied mysteriously.

"NICK! That's gross!" Heather screeched. Nick could hear Heather's mom telling her to calm down.

"C'mon, please? If you have to, you can stay over. I just....need to see you," Nick replied.

"You mean, once wasn't enough?" Heather teased.

"Heather, please?" Nick asked. He heard her sigh, "Fine."

"YAY!!" Nick yelled.

"But if you over react, I'm outta here!" she laughed.

"Fine, I promise, no silly business," Nick vowed.

"I'll be over in five," he heard her say, and then hang up. This was the perfect way to tell her how he really felt. Maybe she didn't feel the same, but he had to tell her before it took over his life.

Chapter 5
Chapter 3