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~*Chapter 5*~

Heather hung up the phone and looked down at what she was wearing. This was so unlike Nick. Usually, when they talked, he couldn't wait to get off. Now, suddenly he wanted her to go over his house at 11 at night. "Mom! I'm goin to Nicks!" she yelled, as she went down the stairs.

"Don't you think it's late?" her mom asked protectively. Heather rolled her eyes.

"No," she said, going into her car. It was late, but she also needed to talk to Nick. Whatever this was about, it obviously couldn't wait. She sighed, why was Nick like this? Even when she tried to ignore her feelings for him, he had to go around and invite her over. Why couldn't she just ignore the butterfly feeling in her stomach when she saw him? Why did she have to allow herself to get carried away? Nick wasn't right for her, Brian was. She drove to Nick's house, thoughts running through her head. Nick looked at the phone down in his hand. If he planned on having Heather over, he'd have to clean his room. Before he had time to make it, the door knocked. "Buddy, I've really gotta talk to you," Brian said stepping inside.

"Rok, this is NOT a good time, I'm just about to go to bed," Nick said.

"Something's up, I can tell. You would never kick me out of your house," Brian said.

"Brian, nothings up, I'm just really tired from the tour and everything. I need to be alone," Nick said.

"Before I go, is something going on between you and Heather?" Brian asked.

"No, of course not," Nick said, as his heart started to thump.

"Hey Nicky, oh wait, it's not a good time, I'll be back in five minutes," he heard a voice say. As Brian turned around shocked, it revealed that it was Heather. Brian turned back around, glaring.

"Yeah, I'm sure that nothing's going on," Brian said.

"Wait Bri, she's here for BJ," Nick said.

"I can tell when you're lying. You're lying Nick. You like her, don't you?" Brian asked.

"Ha! Me and Heather? You wish!" Nick said, laughing.

"You do don't you?" Brian asked, glaring, "I told you!! Hands off! She's my girl, and if I catch you going near her.. I swear I'll--" Brian said, storming off. Nick stood there stunned. How did Brian know? He wasn't that obvious. He saw Brian's car headlights drive away, and then a pair come back. Please be Heather, please be Heather, Nick begged to himself. Heather leaped out of the front door. How could she have just walked in on Nick and Brian's conversation? Brian knew something was up, it was obvious. She saw it in his eyes. She always had. Now not only did she had to hide her feelings from herself, but Brian too. Brian still loved her. How could she do that to him? She quickly drove off, and tried to concentrate. But it wasn't working, so she just went back. This time she was luckier, Brian had left. She got out of her car, and ran into Nick's open arms. "Hey Nicky, is this a better time?" she asked.

"Oh yeah Heath bar," Nick teased.

"So why did you want me here?" she asked.

"This," he anwered, tilting her chin up. He brought his lips closer, and gently pressed them on hers. She felt sparks for a second, until he released.

"I've waited all night for that," Nick said, breaking the silence.

"Nick, what was that?" she asked.

"Heather, I think I like you," he said.

"No, Nick, you can't," she replied, shaking her head.

"Heather, I can," he replied.

"No, you can't!" she screamed running upstairs. Nick looked down, what had he done wrong? Well, he had kissed her, but he had to. It seemed like she liked it too. So what had he done to make her run off? He shrugged.. girls. He turned and ran up the stairs, up to his room. He saw her sitting on his bed, looking at a picture of them from last summer. "Do you remember this?" she asked.

"Yeah, it had been raining cats and dogs that day, but you were set on going to the boardwalk. So we brought our umbrellas, and as we started my mom made us take a picture. That's how we got that," he said, pointing at the picture in her hand. He moved toward her, trying to see if she'd move. When she didn't, he sat next to her on his bed. "Oh Nick. Why did you have to like me?" she asked, leaning on him.

"I don't know.." Nick said.

"Isn't it obvious Nick? I like you to, but I can't. I just can't. I have Brian, and I can't hurt him like that," she said, starting to cry.

"Oh, Heath, don't cry. Please don't cry," Nick begged.

"I'm sorry Nick. It's just that.. oh I don't know. Shouldn't I be happy? I mean, I like you, you like me, everything would be perfect. Just Brian's there, and I don't have the heart to hurt him. And even if I did, do you know the risk we're taking if we break up? I mean, our friendship would be ruined," Heather cried.

"But Heath. I love you, I'm willing to take that risk, are you?" Nick asked, looking her in the eyes.

"I don't know," she mumbled. Nick looked at her, tears spreaming down her face, and slowly placed his hands under her chin, and slowly traced his fingers along the stream of her tears. His fingers lightly pushed away the tears, and his hands pushed back her hair. He looked into her eyes, and slowly brought her head closer to hers. Their lips met, and Nick felt like he was in heaven. Heather looked up. "Nick... I like you too," she whispered, as his arms went around her waist.

"I love you Heather," Nick mumbled into her hair.

"I love you too Nick," he heard her whisper as he felt her dozing off in his arms. Nick closed his eyes, and was thankful for having a best friend like Heather. ever.

Chapter 6
Chapter 4