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~*Chapter 6*~

"Aw, what a cute picture..." BJ whispered to herself, as she quietly tiptoed into Nick's room. She took out her camera, and looked at the sleeping couple, Nick's hands protectively around Heather's waist, as she leaned back on his chest. Both were dead to the world. She quickly flashed the picture, before either could move. "Mmm.." Nick groaned, as he wiped his eyes.

"Cute pic Nicky," BJ teased.

"What the... you didn't," Nick started.

"What do you think Brian would think about this?" BJ asked.

"BJ! IT'S NOTHING!" Nick yelled, waking Heather up.

"What?" she asked, realizing she was still sitting on Nick. Her eyes shot up, to meet BJ's.

"This is NOT what it looks like," she said.

"I'm sure. I totally understand. I mean, I've been waiting for you two to hook up," BJ said.

"We're not hooked up," Nick growled.

"Whatever you say Nicky boy. Once you come to reality, I'll be in my room," BJ said, leaving the room. Heather tipped her head up to meet Nick's, and gently rolled off his lap.

"Good morning Nicky," Heather said.

"Morning Heath," Nick groaned, rolling onto his bed.

"I'm gonna go borrow some clothes from BJ, if you need me, I'll be there," Heather said, walking out of his room.

"Beej, can I borrow some clothes?" Heather asked, walking into her room.

"Yeah, sure hold on," BJ yelled from her closet.

"Okay," Heather said, sitting down on BJ's bed.

"How's this?" BJ asked, emerging from the closet holding a black miniskirt and a matching pink halter top.

"I asked for casual, not slutty," Heather replied, shaking her head.

"Sorry, I'm trying to find something to impress Nick," BJ said, returning to the closet.

"I don't need to impress Nick!! I don't even like him!" Heather exclaimed, "I love Brian!!"

"Yeah, sure. How's this?" she asked, returning. This time she was holding a floral skirt and white shirt.

"That's fine, thanks," Heather said, taking the clothes.

"Wait a minute," she said turning around to reveal the back, "I don't go for backless."

"Okay okay, you give me no other choice but to give you the "plain jane" white spaghetti strap shirt," BJ said, tossing her the replacement.

"Thank you," Heather replied sweetly, skipping out of the room. BJ watched as the girl left. This was gonna be harder than she thought.

"NICK!" BJ said, barging through the door.

"What?" Nick asked, pausing his Nintendo game.

"Can I pick out your outfit?" she asked sweetly.

"Sure, whatever makes you happy," Nick said, going back to his game.

"This should be good," BJ mumbled, walking over to Nick's closet. She started in the shorts.

"Fashion alert!" BJ exclaimed quietly, holding up a pair of checkered shorts. She finally decided on a pair of dark khaki cargo shorts. She then went to the shirt area. "Wow! I didn't even think Nick owned one of these!" she thought to herself, holding up a tight white tank top. She giggled softly, as she put the shirt. She picked out a hunter green button down shirt. "Nick won't wear this by itself," she mumbled. She quickly grabbed the tank top she put back, and came out from the closet.

"You like?" she asked, holding up her selection.

"Who cares? It's clothes?" Nick asked, standing up.

"I'm gonna leave," BJ said.

"Yo Heather!" BJ yelled, knocking on the bathroom door.

"What?" she heard her respond, from her room.

"I've got the best idea," BJ said excitedly.

"What?" Heather asked, turning around from the mirror.

"Well.. I'll do your makeup for you," BJ offered.

"Beej, I'm not a huge makeup fan," Heather said.

"Oh give it up, can I?" she asked, pushing her to a chair.

"Fine, but don't make me a clown," Heather said. After five minutes, BJ closed her final makeup compact.

"Done," she said, twirling her around to reveal the final product.

"Beej, it's.. it's great," Heather said, stunned. She looked at her reflection.

"It does look pretty good," BJ agreed.

"Thanks," she said, hugging her, and leaving the room.

"I'll see you down at breakfast," Heather called out behind her.

"Finally, this should get Nick," BJ mumbled, heading back to her closet. If that didn't get them together, then nothing would. Heather walked down the stairs. She hated having makeup on, but she didn't want to insult BJ by wiping it off. And she couldn't exactly say no, BJ was so excited to put it on in the first place. She'd have to "wipe" it off later, while she wasn't looking. "Hey, honey, you look great," Jane said, as she entered the kitchen, "Here, have some pancakes." Heather sat down, as a heaping plate was set in front of her.

"Thanks," she said, as her stomach growled its response. Nick played with the collar that was around his neck. He really hated this shirt, that's why he'd hidden it behind everything else. It figures BJ would find it, Nick thought to himself, leaving his room and going downstairs. "Good morning," Nick said, walking by his mom. Then his eyes zoned in on Heather. She looked different, but he couldn't point his finger on it yet. Whatever it was, she looked more beautiful than the day before, but he tried to hide his emotions. She still had Brian, and Brian would beat the crap out of him if the news ever left his lips. Heather looked up, and her eyes met Nick's. "Morning," she mumbled, as Nick's plate was set in front of him.

"Whatcha doin this morning?" Nick asked.

"Probably going to see Brian," Heather shrugged.

"Oh," Nick said. She kicked him under the table, and he looked back up. She mouthed "come", and Nick blurted out, "Mom, can I drop Heather off?"

"Sure honey," she replied.

"I'll see you upstairs Nick," Heather said, jumping up from the table.

"Beej! Can I borrow a cardigan?" she asked, running back into her room.

"Sure, here," she said, throwing her a white one.

"Thanks," she said, going into the bathroom, to prepare herself to see Brian. After last night, she wasn't really sure how to confront him about it. What would Brian think? How would she tell him? She wasn't really sure, but she had to figure it out soon, before it got too late.

Chapter 7
Chapter 5