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~*Chapter 7*~

"Nick, what am I gonna tell him? Sorry, we've drifted, so I'm going after my best friend?" Heather asked, once she was in the security of her car with Nick.

"Heather, you'll know when you see him," Nick told her, turning on the radio.

"I hope so," Heather said. She quieted down, as Nick started to sing playfully to Jessica Simpson's "I Think I'm In Love With You."

"You know, it's a girl singing to a guy, not the other way around," she commented, as Nick's voice screeched along.

"Then why don't you try," Nick asked.

"Ha! I'd break the windows!" Heather laughed.

"Fine, then I'll have to do," Nick said, patting her hand. He started singing loudly again, until he got to the chorus. As he heard it start, he leaned over to whisper in her ear. "Girl I think that I'm in love with you, I've been doin silly things when it comes to you," he whispered, his breath tickling her ear. He saw a smile creep onto her face.

"Now that's the Heather Barrien I like to seee, not the mopey one," Nick whispered, pulling a piece of stray hair running across her face, behind her ear. He lied back into his seat, this was going to be a really hard confrontation. Heather felt a tingle go up her spine. First Nick whispers to her, his breath leaving chills down her back. Now, him just touching her face and hair left her tingly. When had that emotion come. She didn't care, she liked it. She liked finding out what Nick would do next. But she couldn't think about Nick. Now she had to think about Brian. Brian... how would she tell him? She didn't know, but she had to find a way... Suddenly, her thoughts were broken when Nick started singing again. "I'll be the one..I'll be the one.." Nick sang his part.

"Nick, we're here," Heather announced, switching off the radio.

"Aw, just as it was getting good," Nick whined.

"Come on," Haether said, opening her door, "Did I tell you that you look really nice in that outfit?"

"No," Nick said, shrugging.

"Well, you do," she said, as he walked over.

"Well, did I tell you that you look gorgeous in BJ's clothes?" Nick asked. Heather laughed,

"Umm.. not lately."

"Well... now I did," he said, walking closer.

"Interesting," she mumbled, as his lips pressed hers in a heated kiss. Brian looked outside his window. Suddenly, he saw Heather's car. Although he really didn't want to see her, she definiely owed him an explanation about last night. Bullshit she was seeing BJ. He took one last glance as he saw Heather get out with.... Nick. Why did Nick always have to follow her like a stray puppy? He thought as he leaped down the stairs. This was the last time he was gonna warn Nick about hanging out with Heather, before he got physical. "Nick," she mumbled, as her hands racked his hair. He felt his hands move down the front of the cardigan. She moved her hands down to his green shirt, and quickly threw it off. "Ech..hem.." they both looked up startled, remembering why they came out here anyway.

"Brian..." Nick said, bending down to pick up his thrown shirt.

"You bro, what's up?"

"Nick, can I talk to you? Heather Marie.. you're next," Brian warned. Brian walked out of his house, and his heart nearly lept out throat. What the hell was going on? Standing in front of him was Nick, totally making out with Heather.. his girl. He waited a little while to find a good spot to cut in. He watched as Nick went down to her cardigan, and found it a good time to start talking. Suddenly, Heather's hands went to his green shirt. THIS was too much for him. "ECH..hem," Brian coughed.

"Brian..." Nick said, startled.

"Can I talk to you? Heather Marie... you're next," Brian said, as Nick followed him, putting his green shirt on.

"Nickolas, you're supposed to be my best friend. So why the hell are you cheating with my girlfriend?" Brian asked, glaring. Nick's eyes started to dart. How was he supposed to answer? I mean, Brian was right, but Heather should have definitely gone first. "I think you should ask Heather," Nick finally said.

"Bro, that's the lamest excuse for you to be sucking face with my girlfriend. After last night, I don't think I can trust you," Brian said. Nick didn't know what hurt the most, that Brian was confronting him, or that he didn't trust him.

"Listen, I'm sorry, but I can't answer everything. You need to talk to Heather," Nick said.

"Fine Nick. Fine. I don't know what's gotten into you, but you suddenly would much rather hang with Heather than me.." Brian said walking away.

"Heather," he said, as Nick walked away. Heather looked at Nick wearily. She was scared. This was going to be even harder than it was going to be before.

"Heather Michelle Barrien, I'm so surprised. I mean, that's all I can honestly say. I love you, and that's how you repay me? By making out with my best friend, I've lost all trust in you, even if I still had any after your little entrance last night," Brian said.

"Brian, you know it and I know it. We're drifting," Heather said, tears coming to her eyes.

"No Heather, you're losing interest in the love we used to share. We can get it back, it just might take some time," Brian said.

"Brian, that's not it. This hurts you as much as it hurts me. You think it's easy? We were perfect. But it's over Brian. We can't just make it up. It's not that simple. Oh Brian, it's over," Heather cried.

"No, Heather. No," Brian said, running up to his front door, and slamming it behind him. This was not happening to him, this was just a bad dream, make that a nightmare, and he was just going to wake up soon. But he knew this wasn't fake, and the best girlfriend he'd ever had was dumping him. He felt helpless, there was no way he could stop her. But she was right, they were drifting... but he could stop it if she let him. But she didn't. She was already over him and onto someone else, which hurt the most.

Chapter 8
Chapter 6