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~*Chapter 9*~

"Sar, I'm so confused," Heather mumbled into the phone, talking to Sarah.

"Heath, everything will be fine, you just have to choose which guy youlove," Sarah said.

"Easy for you to say," I said.

"Listen, I know you don't want to hear this, but what happened between Brian and you... is history. I mean, you guys don't even see each other that often, and that spark I used to see between you two.. is gone. It was lost a long timeago. But this between you and Nick... it's new, it's fresh, it's what Ithink you should go for," Sarah recommended.

"Yeah, but you totally missed the whole glimmer in his eye fade when I tried to break up with him. He hasn't given up, and I feel so bad giving up on him," Heather replied.

"Oh come on, he's probably over it," Sarah answered. "I was thinking... to get away, from everything. From my life, from Nick, from Brian, everything. I was.... thinking up going up to Daytona for the weekend," Heather told her.

"Can I come?" Sarah asked. Heather sighed, "I wish you could, but I need to figure the out on my own."

"Okay, I'll be over to help you pack," Sarah offered.

"It's okay, I can do it myself,"Heather said, as the operator answered her.

"PLEASE HANG UP NOW." That was Sarah, always willing to give a helping hand.

"HEATH!" she heard Sarahyell 10 minutes later. She ran up the stairs, and looked at Heather.

"Did you tell you're parents yet?" she asked, helping me fold some clothes.

"No, but they won't care," Heather replied.

"Okay, but... does Nick know?" she asked.

"No, and that's the secret. You can't tell," she said.

"Oh..." Sarah replied, her voice trailing off.

"What?" she asked.

"I don't know... I just thought Nick would be the first to know," Sarah commented, getting quiet.

"Well, he's not. You've gotta promise me you won't tell him," Heather said, stopping to look at Sarah.

"I promise," she whispered, looking at her feet. "Swear? Cause if I found out you told Nick.... well, then I'll... I'll.. I don't know, but whatever it will be,it won't be good," Heather commented.

"Fine, I promise. But if Nick asks,then I'm willing to ruin our friendship for him. You can thank me later," Sarah said.

"No, if he asks, then that's his problem. He can't know,ever," Heather said stubbornly. They continued Heather's small packing insilence, Heather thinking, while Sarah tried to find a way to secretly tellNick. Sarah knew that she couldn't hide it from Nick, he needed to know. "Mom, can I go up to Daytona for the weekend?" Heather asked, taking down her duffle bag.

"By yourself? I don't know what a good idea that will be," her mom replied. "Please, I just.. need to get away," Heather begged. Her mother sighed.

"You know I can't say no to you.. ever," she said, nodding.

"Is that a yes?" Heather asked.

"I guess so. You better hurry though, before reality sets in, and I change my mind," her mom said.

"Oh thank you mom! You won't regret it.

"I'll call you when I get there,promise," Heather vowed.

"You better, or I won't know where my little babyis," her mom teased. Heather rolled her eyes, "I'll see ya Monday Sarah, promise," Heather said, hugging her other best friend goodbye.

"Okay, don't forget, Nick will also care," Sarah whispered.

"He hasn't cared since..." Heather said, trying to find her answer.

"He's never NOT cared.You know it too," Sarah told her.

"Whatever. I just want you to say goodbye," Heather said.

"Bye," Sarah said, hugging her. Heather took herbag, and threw it in the trunk. She stumbled into her car, and started itup. It was 8 at night, and the ride was at least 3 hours long. She wasscared, but she wasn't sure of what. All she needed was a good night's sleep, and she wasn't sure when she was going to get it.

Chapter 10
Chapter 8