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~*Chapter 1*~

"You bitch!," Marcy exclaimed as she looked at her now ex-best friend angerly.

"Ok, get over yourself Marce," Samantha yelled back looking like she couldn't believe her ears.

"Get over myself?, Get over myself?, I can't believe you at all. I went out with Mark for 2 years! and than you go out with him and do god knows what," Marcy yelled back, with tears welling up in her big blue eyes. Marcy rubbed her stomach and back to ease the stress. "What's that supposed to mean?," Sam said looking as though totally pissed.

"You know what I mean, you're not exactly known for the regular kiss under the porch light at the end of a date are you?," Marcy asked, bringing up one of the biggest secrets Sam had ever told during there 15 year relationship.

"Marcy I can't beleive you, errrr," Sam ran off, coming and starring Marcy right in the eye.

"You can't beleive me? You're the backstabber, you're the one who screwed my botfriend," Marcy said, equalling Sam's stare.

"He's not your boyfriend, you're so dullutional aren't you," Sam spat accross the the small space that separated them. They both looked at eachother, as if watching their once strong friendship washing away like the tides of the ocean outside Marcy's window. "Get out," Marcy finally said, pointing to her bedroom door.

"But Marcy, why? You broke up woth HIM, 3 months ago...I really think it's time to let him go," Sam said looking suddenly very tired.

"Sam, you know why I can't let go, you know what I'm going through...he's ALWAYS going to be a part of me, forever," Marcy cried out, all the hurt and emotional scars were being hurrled back at her. Sam winced, as if she could feel Marcy's pain. "I know," was all she could make out before closing the door behind her.

Chapter 2