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~*Chapter 2*~

Before closing he door, Sam looked back and saw a hurt and angry Marcy. "If you think we can ever be friends again, you've got another thing coming," she said, and with that Sam slammed the door and ran all the way home, but decided to stop at the beach in their backyards. It wasn't very far becasue Sam had always lived 3 doors down from Marcy, since 3rd grade when Sam's family took teh huge move from New York city to Tampa Flordia. "Well maybe I did something wrong by going after Mark so soon. Especailly When I knew that Marcy's parents had made her break up with him," Sam thought," And than he went and got her pregnaut after only one time, they forbide her to ever say his name again," Sam collasped in the sand, and started bawling, all the problems in her young life seemed so small compared to what Marcy was about to face.

"Hey there, girl are you ok?," some lady asked as she passed by a crumpled Sam.

"Yeah, I think so," was all she could make out.

Chapter 3
Chapter 1