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~*Chapter 4*~

"Sam, you have a visitor," her mom called up the stairs.

"Who is it mom?," Sam asked, while wiping away a tears from her cheeks and putting her hair up in a ponytail.

"Honey, it's Mark, and he's waiting in the de, OK? her mom said impatiently.

"Great, just the person I wanted to see," Sam muttered.

Yeah mom, I'll be right down," she called down to her mom in a louder voice.

Do I tell him?, Will he care?, OH god what am I going to do?," After one last glance at the mirrow Sam decided that he was going to know something was wrong, but...after all, it is half is fault, so why shouldn't he know?

Sitting down on her bed Marcy started to dial Sam's number. "No, I can't. It wouldn't be right...I can't now...not after everything," She studdered as tears started to fall down her cheeks rapidly, and began hitting the phone. Simutaniously it rang, scaring Marcy, hopping it would be Sam. "Hello?," Marcy sid in an excited voice. "Hey," their mutual friend tiffany said cheerfully. "Oh, Hi, how are you?," Marcy Asked. "I'm good, but how are you?," Tiff said in a concerned voice. "Have you heard the news," she continued. "What news?," Marcy asked getting a horrible feeling in her big belly. "Sam's, pregnant,"...

Chapter 5
Chapter 3