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~*Chapter 5*~

Marcy bounded down the stairs, as quickly as her body would let her. "Where are you off to so quickly?," Her sister Amanda asked, her eyes darting over to where her parents were sitting pretending not to care. "If they want to know where I'm going they can ask me themselves," with that Marcy raced out the door. Marcy ran down the street and got right up to Sam's door. "Knock, you can do this," Marcy coached herselve. Suddenly a tear stained Sam open the door, "Oh Sam I...," Marcy started until she saw Mark pop out from behind her.

"Marcy!, I, wow you've gotten so big," Sam said, not knowing how to clear the air between them.

"Yeah, you'll know what it feels like soon enough won't you?," Marcy gave them one last look before turning and heading back home.


Back with Sam and Mark, he was staring at her in confusion. Sam felt like her whole world was crashing down on her, why was this happening to her? All these questions were racing through her head, like how did Marcy find out, & how could she off let it out into the open with Mark standing right..."Sam, what exactly was she talking about?," Mark said interupting her train of thought.

"What are you talking about, she was just upset," Sam answered trying to cover up what was really going on.

"Sam I'm not stupid you know,... "Coulda fooled me,"...Sam thought

"I know your hiding something from me and I want to know what it is right now," Mark continued, turning a bright colour of red.

"Ya know what Mark, you are stupid, you've gotta be one of the stupidest 19 year old I've ever met...I mean you're gonna be a father before you're even 20," Sam yelled so loudly that many neighbours turned to see what was wrong.

"Yeah I know, with Marcy it was a mistake but I plan to be there for that child...Sam that has nothing to do with us," Mark glared at her.

"Oh it does involve us Mark!, because what I meant was you're gonna be a father of TWO before you're 20!," I said to a stuned Mark, he looked like he was going to faint but there was know way he was getting out of this one that easily.

"Mark, yea that's you really have responsibilties, hope you enjoyed your life," Sam said a little to much out of spite.

"Wait Sam," Mark said as I had turned to walk into the house.

"What do you want," Sam asked before receiving the final blow.

"I know your rep Sam, we all know what you're the hell am I supposed to know this is MY kid?" Mark said, before turning and walking to his car.

Chapter 6
Chapter 4