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~*Chapter 13*~

I felt the plane jolt, as it landed in St. Croix. "You okay?" he asked rubbing my hand.

"Yup," I nodded. We quickly got off the plane, and grabbed our bags. We found our limo driver, and he drove us to our rental house.

"This is it.." Nick said, unlocking the door with his key, and pushing it open.

"Oh, Nick, it's so pretty," I said, stepping into the door with my luggage.

"I specifically picked out this house," he said, "Look at the view." I quickly walked to the back, where two sliding glass doors waited. I slid them open, and stood out on the deck. I sighed, this was definitely beautiful. "Thanks Nick, it's great," I said, hugging him. His lips slowly pressed down on mine, and he led me back through the door.

"The view will be prettier tomorrow, anyway," he quietly assured, as we kissed again. This time, it was more passionate than it had ever been. My heart skipped a beat, and the butterflies returned. He carried me to the bed, and gently placed me down. "Nick," I groaned, as his lips traveled down my neck. His hands felt down the front of my shirt, and slowly unbuttoned each little white piece. It went by so fast, I couldn't even think. He was so gentle with my fragile body, and the next thing I knew, I was asleep in his arms, like I'd always dreamed. "Nick?" I asked, as I heard running water.

"What?" he asked, sticking his head out the door.

"What happened?" I asked, pushing myself up with one hand, while the other tried to cover myself with the sheets. He looked at my with wide eyes, as he walked into the room wearing boxers.

"Well, I don't remember all of it, just that you made me the happiest I will ever be," I explained.

"Oh, well probably the reason you don't remember, is because you immediately feel asleep. It must have taken a lot of energy out of you," he said, rubbing my back.

"Oh," I giggled, "I'm always the party-pooper."

"Nah, you stayed up for the fun part," he said, winking.

"Ew, Nick, that's gross," I said, searching under the sheets, for my underwear and bra.

"Looking for this?" Nick asked, holding it up.

"Either that, or the pj's I packed, I said, scared to stand up. He walked over to the suitcase, and picked out the blue pajamas I'd chosen. He threw them to me, and I tried to put them on while I was sitting in bed. "Ya know, you don't have to be scared, I've now seen everything," he said. I found the closest shoe, and threw it at his head.

"Okay okay, it might take a while for you to open up."

"Try never!" I said, putting the shirt over my head, and running into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me. He was acting really gross, but he'd definitely get over it. He quietly knocked on the door.

"What?" I asked in exasperation, as I opened the door a sliver.

"I'm sorry, you know I'm only teasing," I said, apologizing.

"I know," I said, coming out and giving him a hug.

"We could always do it again, tonight," he said.

"I've had enough for one day," I said, releasing. "Okay, we'll try again tomorrow," he said, laughing.

"You're hopeless Nick!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, hopeless over you," he assured.

"What time is it?" I asked, changing subjects.

"About 4:30 in the afternoon," Nick observed.

"WOW!" I exclaimed.

"What?" Nick asked, concerned.

"What are we gonna do today?" I asked.

"Stay together, and watch some TV," Nick suggested, coming closer.

"Sounds good to me," I said, kissing the tip of his nose, "You get the popcorn, and I'll get the movie." "

And where do you expect to get these things?" he asked.

"The store," I said.

"In boxers?"

"No! Change quickly, and then I'll go to the rental store, and you can go to the grocery store," I suggested, grabbing a t-shirt and shorts.

"Okay," Nick agreed. This was gonna be fun, just me and him.

Chapter 14
Chapter 12