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~*Chapter 12*~

Nick and I jumped into the limo and speeded away to the restaurant on the beach for the reseption. I held tight onto his hand. "I'm so happy," Nick said.

"Ohhh me too," I said sure of the fact he knew how much he loved me. This was it I was married. Now and forever. We reached the restaurant as the last ones there. Dinner was served and Nick and I sat at the long table in-front of everybody. "Do you have a feeling where being watched?" I asked with a giggle.

"Ya just a little," he said with big eyes. After dinner the speeches where given. Brian stood up as the best man and said his speech. "Wow! I never thought that little Nick here would be the one to get married. I just want to let you guys know that I love you a lot. If there is ever anything you need I'm here. And by the way when the first baby is born I expect the name to be Brian or Brianna," He said and sat down. Laughter filled the room. I was as happy as could ever be. Then Beej stood and purposed her toast. "I just wanted to say I'm very happy for you. I love you Jess and big bro you made a great choice. Oh and Nick? Just cause she's your wife doesn't mean you can steal her as my shopping partner," she said. I stood and hugged her. I was so happy to be with friends and family. We then walked out to the beach and took the photos. Several with Nick and I alone. One with Nick and all his best men. Then Nick and I with all the wedding party. "Me with my bridesmaids and maid of honor. Nick and I with his parents. And many more. My favorite one though was one of Nick holding me by the waist with his head resting on my shoulder. We both had huge smiles on our faces. I wanted to put it inside the locket I was wearing. "Can we please have Mr. and Mrs. Nickolas Carter come into the ballroom for the first dance?" The d.j. asked. Nick and I walked into the room. I wrapped around him tightly. Then open Arms by journey began playing. I melted into Nick feeling how much we loved each other. "I love you more than anything," Nick whispered in my ear.

"I love you too," I said kissing him. For a moment the people watching us didn't matter. Until when we kissed and everyone clapped. We danced all night and had a greta time. "A.J.?" I asked as I walked over to him sitting with Lisa. He looked at her as in asking if it was ok to go.

"Go ahead, talk," she said smiling at me. I was amazed Lisa the one who almost wait no wanted to kill me weeks ago was smiling at me! I pulled him over.

"Thank you," I said hugging him.

"For what?" he asked.

"For being the best friend I could ever have," I said crying.

"Now don't cry. it'll smear your make-up. I'm very happy that Nick has you. I'm just sorry I could never treat you the way you deserve, the way Nick does," he said.

"But it seems like you and Lisa are doing pretty well," I said showing a brighter side.

"Yah we are. She's really my type," he smiled.

"Speaking of Lisa where is she?" I asked. I scanned the room. I saw her talking to Nick then hugging. A.J. and I both walked over there.

"Jessica. I'm so glad you came over here. I wanted to tell you how truly genually happy I am for you and Nick," she said hugging me.

"Yeah Lisa and I where thinking that maybe sometime all four of us could go out sometime," Nick said.

"Sounds fun," But before I could say anymore, the d.j. announced it was the bride and groom dancing time. When the bride danced with other men and the groom danced with other women. Saying their congradgulations to each other. I danced with each of the guys, aaron, Mr. Carter, and several other men. While Nick danced with about ever woman in the building. "Mrs. Nickolas Carter will you please come up to the front stage please?" the d.j. said. I did. Looking for Nick everywhere. He was nowhere to be found. I walked on stage. Nick came out and huged me. He then took the mic. "I wanted to let you all know that I will be taking my bride to a deserted island. So we will see you all later. Thanks for coming and we apprieate it. But were going to throw the bouquet and the garder first," he said handing the mic to the d.j. He sat me down in a chair and took the garder from my leg. He then threw it to the crowd of single men. Brian caught it whith a blushed face. I threw the bouquet and some older very older lady caught it. There was laughs through everywhere. Nick and I ran out the restaurant with bubbles being blown as we walked down. Nick and I boarded a plane to the island and went off to our island as Nick called it.

Chapter 13
Chapter 11