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~*Chapter 15*~

"You ready to go back home?" Nick asked, picking me up.

"Sure.." I said, in a daze. Nick's eyes looked the most blue I'd ever seen, and I couldn't stop looking into them, as if I could see right into his soul. He walked me back into the house, and kissed me right in front of the bed. "Nick?" I asked.

"What?" he replied, starting to undo the straps of my bathing suit.

"Don't you think it's a little early?" I answered.

"Never," he replied, continuing with the straps. I blushed, feeling stupid for asking such a silly question. The top came loose, and he slowly pushed me onto the bed. I pulled him on top of me, and he sat there, carressing me for the rest of the night. "Nick?" I asked, slowly sitting up. I leaned on his chest, and remembered everything, including the events of last night.

"What Jess?" he asked.

"What time is it?"

"Around 7 in the morning, why?"

"Wanna get something for breakfast," I asked, kissing him.

"Not really," he said, kissing down my neck.

"Why not?" I asked. I was feeling hungry, I hadn't eaten since yesterday's lunch.

"I really want to hold you for the rest of the day," he said, kissing my hand.

"Oh Nick, c'mon. I do to, but my stomach wants something else, and I bet yours is too. Get up," I said, rolling over,

"I'm gonna take a shower, and when I come back, we'll leave." I stood up, and quickly ran into the bathroom, starting the water. I heard him come in, and I soon become intoxicated by the smell of his cologne. I grabbed a towel, and wrapped in underneath my arms. "Mmm," I said, grabbing his from behind.

"Good morning to you too," he said, turning around.

"You smell good," I said, kissing his neck.

"Thanks, so do you," he said, as my lips moved up. We shared a sweet kiss, and then we both got dressed to go to breakfast.

"So what do you want to do today?" I asked, as we drove out to breakfast.

"Just be with you," Nick said, smiling.

"That's sweet. I was thinking about just hanging out at the beach. How bout you?" I asked.

"I really wanted to go see some movie, or go to a cool museum.. or something else. I don't wanna do the beach 2 days in a row," Nick commented, making a face.

"But Nick, you love the beach," I said.

"I know, but I really am tired of it," Nick said.

"I've got an idea. How bout you go to a movie, while I go to the beach. Then, we'll meet back here, and you can tell me all about the movie, and I'll tell you all about the beach. And, then we can do something together," I suggested. Nick made a face, but agreed. After breakfast, we parted.

"I love you," I said, kissing his cheek.

"Me too," he said, dropping me off. I walked into the house, and grabbed a towel, and quickly changed into my other bathing suit. All I could think about was Nick. I truly loved him, but I had a nagging feeling he was going to see someone better at the movies. I shook the thought out of my mind, how could I have such school girl thoughts? We were now married, he wouldn't cheat on me on our honeymoon, right? Nick drove to the movie theater in silence. Of course there was no one he could talk to. He longed to have Jess by his side, but he knew he'd be fine at the movies. Although, there was always the thought of her finding a hotter guy on the beach. He laughed his way out of that one. They were married, and Jess was too devoted to him, to forget about that, right? He drove to the theater, and bought his ticket for Whatever It Takes. He made himself comfortable, with his popcorn, but he still longed for Jess to be by his side. He tried to eat his popcorn, but it just made the lump in his stomach grow deeper. They'd only been away from each other 10 minutes, and he already missed her. He was definitely whipped, but he needed her by his side.

Chapter 16
Chapter 14