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~*Chapter 21*~

Nick and I browsed through the Linen's amd Thing's aisle's.

"Oh sweetie look at the cut cloud sheets," I giggled.

"No way, I am so not sleeping on clouds," Nick complained.

"Oh ok. Look at these blue ones," I said pointing to a nice pair of blue sheets that I was sure nick and I could both agree on.

"Looks good,' Nick said picking up the sheets and throwing them into the cart.

"Good so we've taken care of the whole sheet thing. Feel better?" I asked

"So much. Hey I've got an idea. Why don't we stop by the video store pick up Notting Hill maybe some other movies and snuggle under a warm blanket. That rain is really coming down, wouldn't want my precious getting sick," Nick said taking me into his arms in the store.

"Nickolas please!" I shouted in the store.

"Okay I'll save it for the couch," he laughed. We ran to the movie store and picked up notting hill and a ton of candy. Nick threw the sheets on the bed. I popped the bag of popcorn in the microwave and grabed a couple sodas. Nick took a big blanket from the closet and began to snuggle up on the couch. I put the bowl on the table with the sodas and candy. Nick was spread across the couch with remote in hand. "Any room for me?" i asked. Nick lifted the blanket. "Oh yeah sweets right here where you belong," he said. I layed down next to him and he pushed the play button. Nick's arms where around me and I felt safe. The rain fell hard on the roof. I slowly heard Nick begin to fall asleep. "Hey wake-up!" I yelled. He jumped up startled.

"Sweeite don't you see I was trying to sleep?" he asked.

"Yeah that's why I woke you up," I said kissing his cheek.

"Only on the cheek?" Nick asked.

"Yeah your not watching my movie with me," I wined.

"Ok ok I'm wactching it with you," he said. We watched quietly until the end. Julia Roberts had her head in hugh grants lap. From the side view you could see her round stomach.

"Oh isn't it sweet?" I asked.

"What?" Nick asked.

"Her being pregnat. I can't wait for a baby of my own," I said almost crying.

"Baby? Your actually thinking about that now?"

"Yeah of course. You don't want to?" I asked confused.

"I want kids but not yet," he said.

"Oh," I added.

"When your ready to have kids I'll be ready," he said.

"Okay," I said.

Chapter 22
Chapter 20