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~*Chapter 23*~

Nick begged me all day to go to the stupid carnival. I just wanted to stay home. All I could think about where the things that where going on inside of me. Mid afternoon, I layed on my bed and flipped on the t.v. My head hit the pillow hard. The feeling of being still was so pleasing and happy to me. I flipped on mtv and watched as the I want it That Way video appeared on the screen. Nick's voice came up and his crooked smile appeared. He looked so vibrant and happy. I flipped the channel to watch 'NSYNC. Suddenly Nick walked in. "Is there a reason your mad at me?" He asked standing in the doorway not daring to enter the room.

"Why do you think I'm mad at you?" I asked turning on my side to face him.

"Cause when your made you ignore me. Then your little nose wrinkles up and your eyebrows get higher. Plus you look so extremely sexy when your mad," he said.

"So I'm not sexy any other time?" I said getting defensive.

"Oh baby you are so sexy every day and especially every night, but your so much more when your mad,' he said coming closer. He sat down next to me on the bed and started to rub my cheek with the back of his hand. I turned my face away.

"Ok so you are mad at me. Is this about the weight thing? Cause if it is babe, I am so sorry! Please don't be pissed at me. I was such an ass!" He said shaking his head.

"Thanks you where an ass," I aded.

"Thanks for the support sweets," he laughed looking down at me. I knew that wasn't the reason why I was mad. I laughed along, playing it off. I fell asleep to Nick's arms wrapped around my ever growing waist. The next day Nick headed off to the studio and I slide out the door to the drug store. While there I heard my cell phone ring. "Hey baby what are you up to?" Nick asked criously.

"You know the whole shopping thing. Look honey I really have to go. Talk to you later?"

"Nothing else I'd rather do," he said. I hung up the phone.

"Is this it for you miss?" the man behind the counter asked.

"Uhuh," I said biting my lip. I looked over on the screen. One Home Pregnency test was shown. I payed and headed home. I waited patiently. Looking at the little line it was blue. Pregnant. I smiled to myself not showing it. Afraid of hwat Nick would think of the whole thing. I dialed my doctors number and requested an appointment asap! "Jessica Marie Brown it seems as though you are in your first trimester of pregnancy. Any morning sickness? Cravings?" My doctor asked.

"No I mean I've gotten a little queezy here and there. I've been eating a lot more," I said patting my stomach.

"Oh well that's normal and good may I add. Your eating for two. I won't put you on a weight limitation," he said.

"Well here are your vitamins and we will schedule you an appointment for next Friday. Will Nick be joining us?" He asked.

"Yeah," I bit my lip and walked out of the room.

"Hey Nick your girl sent you flower. Ohh la la," Kevin chuckled handing Nick the bouquet of white roses. Nick picked up the card and read it,

"Meet me at North Shore, 6:15 sharp," he said. He made a face and then smiled. I pulled myself out of the car and walked to our special table and sat down. I put on a black dress trying to slim my figure. I ordered a shirley temple and waited for Nick to arrive. 6:15 exactly Nick cmae up looking as gorgeous as ever. "Six fifteen exactly, I'm never late," Nick said walking over to me and kissing me.

"Mmmm I've wanted to do that all day. Did you like the flowers?" I asked.

"Oh yeah I love it when you semd me flowers. So what's the big occassion?" Nick asked.

"Well just sit down and I'll tell you," I said. I let out a yawn and began to speak.

Chapter 24
Chapter 22