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~*Chapter 24*~

"Nick.." I started, looking down at the plate in front of me.

"Jess, if something's wrong, please don't hide it from me," Nick pushed.

"Nick, what would you say if I told you I was pregnant?" I asked, a goofy grin spreading on my face.

"I'd tell you what I said before, I'm ready when you are. Then, I'd say, holy shit you're kidding me," he said, trying to understand.

"Nick... I'd like you to say hi to your first child, hopefully one of many," I said, patting my slightly larger stomach. Nick's jaw practically dropped to the ground, and his face went pale.

"Nick?" I asked, patting his hand from across the table.

"Jess.... you're kidding right?" were the first words out of his mouth.

"No.... I'm not. I- I'm pregnant. I- we- are gonna have a baby," I said, my excitement dying. He didn't seem as excited as I was.

"Oh my god," Nick said, his hands brushing stray pieces of hair out of his face.

"Nick, aren't you happy? I thought you wanted to have a little girl or boy to spoil?" I teased.

"Jess, I just wasn't ready for that. I mean, when could we have made a child? I don't know about you, but I honestly wasn't ready to have kids so soon into this marriage. I mean, I'm still getting to know you," Nick said, leaning forward, holding onto the table for support.

"Nick, we happened to practically have sex every night. You were like a sex machine," I giggled. Nick rolled his eyes in response.

"You also never used protection," I pointed out.

"Well, I WAS kinda hoping we would have a child one day," Nick said, cheering up.

"I know.. that's what I thought you'd be happy," I said, rubbing my hand against his cheek.

"I'm sorry. I was really psyched, but I'm kinda worried what the fans'll think. I mean, I just married you, and now we're having kids, what are they gonna think?" Nick asked, worried.

"Nick, don't let them get to you. Just do what makes you happy," I said, kissing him lightly.

"Ya know, you're too good for me," Nick said. "I know," I kidded. "So... what do you want for dinner?" Nick asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that I'm now eating for two," I said.

"I'd love to be in your position," Nick said.

"You can have it. You wanna carry this baby?" I asked.

"Never mind, I'd rather eat for one," Nick replied. I punched his arm playfully,

"Fine, I'll just carry this perfect baby."

"Any kid we have will be perfect," Nick said, kissing me tenderly.

"I know. So.. you excited," I asked again.

"Oh yeah, and nervous," Nick said, "What if the kid hates me?"

"Nick, no one could ever hate you," I answered.

"Thanks honey," he said, "Are you still hungry?"

"Nah, I'm just in the mood for pizza," I said.

"So do I," Nick answered.

"Oh yeah," I added, "I have a doctor's appointment next Friday." I saw him roll his eyes.

"Hey, don't give me that. You're in this just as much as me, so you go to every appointment as me," I told him. I saw his eyes light up.

"Okay, what are you thinking?" I asked.

"Do I get do see you in those little, like, apron things?" Nick asked.

"Nick, of all things...." I said, my voice trailing off.

"I don't know, and that should be the last thing on your mind."

"Not on this mind," he responded, pointing to his head.

"Yeah, I already knew that," I teased. We walked over to the car and ordered the pizza.

Chapter 25
Chapter 23