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~*Chapter 3*~

I threw my keys on the table and quickly threw on an apron. I knew I didn't have much time to make the meal I knew Nick loved, lasagna. I took out the cheese, tomato sauce, and filled a pot up with water and put it on the stove. I put on the radio, and heard the song I'd recently learned to love, Blaque's newest single, "I Do". I hoped that was what I always gave Nick, all the love he needed, but I didn't have time to think about it, I was too rushed for dinner. I took the noodles and all the supplies, and quickly made layers in the pan. I thrust it in the oven, and felt hands come around my side. "Man, you look sexy in that apron," Nick whispered, holding me tight.

"Hey, you're here early," I said, trying to look at my watch. He placed his hand over mine, and pushed it down.

"Time doesn't matter, let's just say I couldn't stand not seeing you. I've been away from you too long to worry about time," he said, turning me around and kissing me. His hands moved around my back and landed on my waist, while my hands racked through his hair. His hair felt damp, like he'd just gotten out of the shower, letting my hands move easily. My finger started to twirl around a strand, and his lips moved across my chin, and down my neck. "Oh Nick," I sighed, placing my hands on his shoulders.

"What?" he asked, startled, hoping he hadn't gone too far for her.

"Nothing, I just miss those times just being with you. I love you," I said, starting to kiss him again, reassuringly.

"Oh, okay," he said, as our lips met. As we parted, I quickly ran into the other room, and pressed play. Out poured the song I gave Nick as a going away present, "This I Promise You". I returned to the kitchen, and he twirled me around.

"Care to dance?" he asked.

"Sure," I said, placing my arms around his neck, his around my waist. He pressed me closer to him, as we slowly danced.

"So why did you want me here at 7:05?" he asked, breathing into my hair.

"Oh, I'm making you a homecooked meal, the kind that big growing guys need," I said playfully, "It should be ready." I mournfully released from his embrace, to go get the lasagna.

"Yup, it's done," I said, as he walked over to my side.

"Mmmm, smells good," he breathed in. I sliced a piece for both him and me, and sat down at the table I'd arranged. We both ate in silence, too hungry to talk. As I cleared away the plates, I saw Nick come up behind me, and place his hands around my waist. "Oh, Nick, I'm so glad you're back, I missed you so much, words can't even describe," I said, close to tears.

"Jess, I felt the same thing. And I know this is kinda abrupt, but I think it's time," he started. I turned off the faucet, and looked up at him.

"What?" I asked. "Jessica Marie, I've known you since you moved her from New York, and you've been my best friend since. I think that I was too stupid to realize how much you meant to me, until now. And I know that I can't live without you, so.." his voice trailed off. "Jessica Marie Brown, will you marry me?" he asked, taking the ring out. The ring wasn't that big, but was a simple band. Every other gem was either an amethyst, for my birthday, or an aquamarine, for his. In the center was a small flower made of diamonds. He slowly slipped the ring around my ring finger of my left hand.

"Nick, this is gorgeous, I don't deserve something this beautiful," I breathed in, looking at the ring in awe.

"Only the best for the best girlfriend," he said, holding my chin up.

"Nick, I've only been your girlfriend for a little over a month. Don't you think this is moving fast?" I asked, still in shock.

"Jess, I love you. I don't think it will ever die, just grow. And I don't want to lose you, you mean too much to me. The tour made me realize how much I needed you, and I don't think I could ever not have you by my side," he assured me.

"Oh, Nick, yes. Yes, I'll marry you," I said, tears streaming out of my eyes, as I hugged him tightly.

"Good, cause I don't know what I would do if you said no," he said, rubbing my back. He picked my chin up, and used his thumbs to slowly wipe the tears from my face.

"You're supposed to be happy," he kidded.

"Oh, Nick, I'm overwhelmed with happiness, words can't describe. I just wish you knew what you meant to me," I said, smiling. He quickly wrapped his arms around me again, and kissed my cheek. I was so greatful, I was going to finally be Mrs. Nickolas Carter.

Chapter 4
Chapter 2