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~*Chapter 4*~

I hugged him tightly. "So I think tomorrow we should have everyone at your place for dinner then we'll anounce it," Nick said with a smile.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe where getting married. Babe do you have doubts?" I asked.

"No doubts in the world. I wanna spend my whole life with you," he said looking at me.

"Nick, it's getting kinda late and I think I should just go to sleep. Come over tomorrow," I said kising him good-bye. I fell asleep happy. The next day Nick came over to my house early. We called all the guys, his parents, our friends and everyone we knew for a huge party. We only had several hours to plane and we did. At 7:30 people bgan to arrive. Nick's siblings and parents, each of the guys. and tons of other people. Everyone ate dinner, and while we where everyone was drinking coffee and tea Nick and I revealed the secret. "Okay guys. Here it goes, Nick why don't you tell them," I said nervous.

"Okay... ummm Jess and I have decided that we've loved each other long enough and that we where meant to be together. So were getting married," Nick said. We both waited for a reply from anyone. Nick's parents and siblings smiled, the guys grined and A.J. had an odd look on his face. We where both hugged and kissed to death. With good luck's and congradgulations. I made my way to A.J. "Hey," I said.

"Hi," he replied.

"So, what are you thinking about?" I asked.

"How I've been thinking in my head that there was a way to get you back," he said looking embarassed.

"I've now realized that Nick has your heart and I no longer do," he said.

"Alex, Nick has my heart as my fiance, you hold my heart as a friend," I said hugging him.

"I know Nick can treat you better than I ever could have," he whispered.

"A.J. I need to ask you something. I've been thinking about this since Nick asked me. I don't have anyone to walk me down the aisle. I know my dad would have loved too if he was still here, but he isn't. So A.J. being my truest friend will you give me away?" I asked. There was silence for a moment.

"Jessica, your sure there's no one else?" he said.

"My parents are dead and I have no other family. I want and I need you," I said almost to tears.

"Yes, I will," he said. I hugged him tightly.

"I love you so much," I said. Everyone left and Mr. and Mrs. Carter told B.J. to take the other kids home. They sat in my living room, across from Nick and I.

"Now you two don't think your making a rash decision?" they asked.

"No," we both replied.

"Now jane, you know we can't object to this we too got married at 20," Mr. Carter said.

"That's true. I just hope you two know what your doing," she said. "We do," Nick said.

"Do you know where you two will live?" nick's mom asked. "I was thinking for now here and then we could go house shopping," I replied. She liked my answer and smiled.

"Well I guess I have nothing to say but I can't wait to have some grandkids," she said.

"Not for a while," I said with relief. They both went home and Nick and I sat on the couch looking at each other. "Tomorrow I'm gonna get into the preperations. Have you decided who your best men will be?" I asked.

"The guys of course," he replied.

"You?" he asked.

" Well my bridesmaids will be Danielle, Sarah, and Christina while my maid of honor will be B.J." I said. Danielle, Christina, and Sarah where my best friends. They where all from New York. I had called them the night before and requested they come down. Christina and Sarah where coming down early to help with the wedding while Danielle couldn't make it. But said she'd be here in time for the fitting's. "Nick I'm so excited." "I know I am too. Look tomorrow I have the whole day off so we are gonna start plaining," he said looking at me.

"Ohhh God Nick we don't have a date," I said paranoid. I began to get out , my calendar.

"Babe calm down. Let's discuss it," He said sitting me down. He had a way of always calming me down during hectic moments. That's what I loved about him. What I loved about us.

Chapter 5
Chapter 3