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~*Chapter 31*~

I sat on the couch with a gallon of Brownie-fudge ice-cream. The baby had made my appetite grow. I took a couple pickles from the fridge and sat down. I dipped them in the ice-cream. 'MMMmm this is so good!' I thought to myself. I flipped through the endless channels and found 90210. I slowly put down the ice-cream and layed my head on a pillow. I felt myself drift into a deep sleep. I began to dream. I was old, and so was Nick. We where complaining about not having any children and if we had just let the first come, we wouldn't be old and lonely. Somehow I found myself breaking our in cold sweats and waking up screaming. All I thought about was that I was killing a human being, a part of me, and Nick. I found the phone on the coffee table and dialed Nick's cell=phone. "Hello?" he asked.

"Nick get home! I need you here," I said anxiously.

"Wow! Jeez babe I ddin't know you loved my sexy body so much," he said laughing.

"Nick, I'm serious! It's about the baby," I said.

"Oh god Jess. I'm sorry, I'll be there in a minute," he said hanging up. About ten minutes later Nick ran through the door.

"Are you okay? Is the baby okay?" he asked worried.

"Yes where both fine," I said calming him down.

"Well then what's up?" he asked confused.

"Nick I want to talk about this whole getting ride of the baby. I can't do it!" I said begining to cry.

"Okay," he said holding me.

"I can't give up this baby, never knowing what they'll be like. I'm keeping it and if you don't like it then you can leave!!" I said preparing myself for heartbreak.

"Baby I would never leave you. I want this just as much as you do. In fact if you where going to you know I was going to put up a fight," he said.

"Serious?" I asked.

"More serious about this than anything," he said hugging me.

"I love you," I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I love you. And I know this baby will always be loved," he said rubbing my ever growing stomach.

"Sweetie, you look so tired. Why don't I take you upstairs and I'll give you a message and sing you a song," he said wiping away what was left of the tears. I pulled on my p.J. and sat down on the bed. I soon felt Nick's ahnds on my shoulders. "Close your eyes," he said rubbing softly.

"Nick?" I asked.


"I think you'll be a wonderful dad," I said.

"Well you'll be an even better mom. But you know they will be spoiled," Nick said.

"I know. Nick promise me we won't go to over board," I said.

"Promise. Now close your eyes. i never got to sing you my song," he said.

"Okay okay," I said closing my eyes and opening my ears.

"My heart changed that day I saw you standing there. My angel had come from heaven. Beacause of you I am complete now and forever," Nick belted out in a soft tune.

"More," I asked.

"Sorry. Can't reveal all the backstreet secrets," he said.

"I love you too," I said.

"By the way it wasn't about you," Nick said. My mouth dropped.

"Who?" I asked curiously. Nick layed me down and layed next to me. His ahnd rested on my stomach.

"It's about my baby," Nick said smiling up at me.

"I love you so much," I said.

"I love you too," he said kissing my forehead.

Chapter 32
Chapter 30