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~*Chapter 5*~

I felt his lips press over every button of my shirt, struggling to open each with his mouth. His hands moved around my back, sended shivers up my spine. I sat there, allowing it to all happen, enjoying each moment, maybe even a little scared. He was sweating helplessly, and I pressed my hands around his face, trying to massage it a little. His hands unbuttoned my pants and... I bolted up in bed. I felt my face, and noticed I'd been sweating. I looked down at my hands, realizing it had only been a dream. A hauntingly real dream. I remembered us deciding on a date for the wedding, May 18, the date of my parents wedding, and him sleeping downstairs on the couch. I looked at my clock, and realized it was only 2 in the morning, but I couldn't go back to sleep right now. My thoughts slowly wandered back to the dream, I guess I was more afraid about what would happen AFTER the wedding, rather than the wedding itself. I flung my feet over the bed and slowly wandered downstairs. I saw Nick sleeping peacefully, and quietly tip-toed over to his side. I placed my hand over his cheek, and slowly drew my lips to his. We kissed silently, and then I let him go back to his original position. "Mmm," Nick mumbled, "What are you doing up?"

"I couldn't sleep, so I came downstairs. I saw you sleeping, and... I couldn't help myself," I said, quietly, "I'm gonna get a midnight snack, wanna come?"

"Sure," he said, standing up in his boxers and t-shirt. He looked really hot, and I quickly got the thoughts of my dream out of my head. I grabbed the Brownie Fudge ice cream and 2 spoons and sat down.

"What happened?" Nick asked, concerned.

"Nick, I was thinking about... the things after the wedding," I said, slowly drawing it out.

"Oh, Jess, why worry yourself on that?" Nick asked.

"I don't know, I guess I'm nervous. Nick, you're so...different from me, I'm an ameratur at it, and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable," I said, telling him my thoughts.

"Jess, do you really think I'll care about that? I love you, that's why I'm marrying you, not because I think you'll be good in bed," he said, wiping his eyes. I thought about that for a moment,

"Nick, I don't think you'll care, but...I'm not sure. But, I love you too, so I don't know why I'm worried." I stood up and took the ice cream back into the fridge.

"Don't worry," he said, hugging me, "It will be okay."

"Yeah, I know," I said, walking past him and back upstairs. Nick slowly paced his way back to the couch, and sat down. He was scared about her, of all people to be nervous, he never would have guessed Jess to be nervous. Especially about that. He was nervous too, but he wasn't sure if that was the reason. Now that he knew she was scared, he wasn't sure if they were ready. He knew that that was what she was waiting for, maybe that was the reason. He slowly feel into a disturbed dream, thinking about Jess.

Chapter 6
Chapter 4