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~*Chapter 7*~

"Thanks AJ," I said, kissing his cheek as I opened the door.

"No problem, just call and tell me if you need a ride home," he said, driving away. I walked over to the sand, and looked frantically for Nick. I spotted him sitting near where the ocean met the sand, and I walked over to him. I sat down and put my hand on his knee, and he looked at me.

"Nick, I don't want to know what happened there, but I just want one thing answered. Are you calling off the wedding? Because if you are, please tell me now, so I can tell everyone not to come," I whispered.

"No, Jess. It's just that, I've been thinking about last night, and I don't know what to say," he replied, eyes filled with helplessness.

"I knew it, it's because I'm still a virgin, isn't it? I wasn't sure if that would come between us, but I guess it did. Nick, can't you see I love you? I'm begging for forgiveness, and you're pushing me away," I said, tears forming as I stood up to leave. He grabbed my hand, before I could leave and pulled me down. His lips met mine, before I had a chance to say anything, and he moved closer to me. "Better?" he asked, once we parted.

"Nick, you can't just kiss me to make things go away. I want an answer, and if you can't give me one, maybe we aren't ready to get married," I said, my words hitting like bullets. He took in a deep breath, and started his explanation.

"Jess, more than anything in this word, I'm ready to get married. I've found the one person I want to be with the rest of my life, and I just don't want to lose her," he began.

"Then why are you acting like this?" I asked, quietly.

"Honey, last night you scared me. I'd never thought about after the wedding, only the wedding itself. Knowing that you were scared about, well, sex, made me wonder if I was rushing things. Then, last night, you needed my help, and I had nothing to say. When you asked me about invitations, I didn't want to say the wrong thing, like I always do. You needed my help last night, and you needed it now, and I don't know if I can give it to you. I want you to make the decisions, about when you're ready for sex, and when the wedding is, and the invitations, everything. Because I'm ready whenever you are, and I'll love your ideas no matter what. Forever," he said, putting his hand on top of mine. Tears formed in my eyes, this time there was no way for me to keep them from spilling.

"Oh Nick. I love you," I said, pulling him in for a hug. As I started to cry on his shoulder, he whispered,

"Jess, some people live their whole lives without ever experiencing true love. I'm living my life, and I happen to have found the love I've been looking for, you. Please don't ever think I'll stop loving you, because I could never find it in me not to love you."

"Nick, I love you. I was afraid I was losing you," I whispered, slowly coming closer to his lips. We sat there next to the water, kissing, for a little while. When we parted Nick asked me, "Wanna go back to pick out invitations?"

"Yes, as long as you'll help me," I said, smiling.

"Of course," he said, kissing me quickly, before going out to the car. I was happy that was over, yet another bump passed.

Chapter 8
Chapter 6