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~*Chapter 8*~

Together Nick and I picked out invitations, then off to book the restaurant and a minister. We then went back to my place hired a caterer, and a d.j. Nick then ordered chinese and we sat by the fireplace eating. "Boy what a day," I said with a sigh.

"Yeah but we got a lot done. Now you will go with the girls tomorrow and do the dress thing and I'll go with the guys and do the tux and cumber bun thing. By the way when we picked out the invitations I gave the lady the guest list," he said scarfing down some chowmain.

"Great! I'm absoloutely excited!"

"Babe there is one thing," He added.

"What?" I asked not paying attention.

"Honeymoon?" he asked.

"Yeah what about it?" I asked confused.

"Where do you wanna go?" he asked.

"Oh God Nick I never even thought of it. What do you think?" I wanted to know his oppinion.

"Well it's mostly suppost to be the lady's decision. But I was thinking of the island of St.Croix?" He some what asked.

"I've always wanted to go there," I screamed.

"Then it's settled. I'll make the plans," Nick said.

"Great! Truthfully Nick I can't wait!" I said.

"For what?" Nick asked.

"For when I'll be able to hold you in my arms as my husband," I said with stars twinkling in my eyes.

"Well I don't know we might be a little to busy to just be doin holdin," he grinned.

"Well I might be looking forward to that too. But don't talk about it now," I said nudging him. He was so amazing to me. The exact person I wanted to live me life with, have children with, and grow old with. An hour later I stood at the entrance of my door saying good-bye to him. "I'll call you when I find the perfect dress," I said between kisses.

"No don't cause I won't get to see you in it. But I wouldn't want to break the good luck right?"

"Right," I responded.

"Well I gotta go. Sweet dreams my angel," he said kissing my forehaad and walking out the door.

"No No honey that dress is just so not right for you," the designer yelled through the store. It seemed as though I had tried on a hundred dresses.

"I think it looks fine," said B.J.

"No it really doesn't look that great," said Sarah with Christina agreeing. My friends had flown down and where helping with the many preperations. Danielle wasn't down yet but would be when we did the bridesmaid fittings at the end of the week. The designer then brought out another dress. Identical to the one Julia Roberts wore in Runaway Bride. I slipped into the dressing room and into the dress. It fit perfectly. It looked good to. "Now if my son does not marry you in that he'd be a fool," Jane said with a smile. Everyone agreed and I decided it was the one. We then moved to the other end of the store for bridesmaid dresses. Picking those out wasn't as diffacult. We decided on a strappy sheer light blue sun dress. The girls loved it and I agreed. We went to lunch and in the middle my phone rang. "Hey angel how ya doin?" Nick asked into the reciever.

"Wonderful how about you?" I asked.

"Well the guys got their tux's and I got mine. I'm gonna look pretty good. and all for you," He added.

"Mmmm can't wait I'm sure you'll look sexy. I picked out my dress. And the bridesmaids," I said.

"I'm not worried about them. Only you. I'm sure you'll look wonderful. Lokk the guys and I are going out to lunch. Tell mom and Beej I said hi. I love you," he said making kissing noises and hanging up.

"Let me guess that was Nick?" Sarah said.

"You guessed correctly," I added. I spent the day with the girls picking out flowers and all the girly stuff. Nick and I decided we'd meet at the beach to talk some stuff out. I brought with me sparkling apple cider and two champaign glasses. I sat next to Nick on a soft blanket. He had a folder in his hand.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

"We need to do the wedding party thing. Ya know like who walks with who and all that," he said making it clear.

"Okay. Daniel should walk with Kevin, Sarah with Howie, Christina with A.J. and B.J. and Brian of course," I said.

"Oooh good choice. I never thought of it but are any of those girls excluding B.J. of course looking for some single guys. Cause I saw Brian and the rest of the fellas checkin them out. Maybe we could hook them up at that engagment pary my folks are throwing for us," Nick said.

"Engagment party?" I aksed.

"Where not supposed to know. Prestend to look suprised. It's next week," Nick filled me in.

"Okay well we will be the love doctors then. But for now Nick I need to tell you somehting. I asked A.J. to walk me down the aisle," I squinted waiting for his response.

"Good idea. I agree," he said leaning to kiss my forehead.

"I figured he could walk me down and Brian could walk both the girls down. Okay?"

"Yah," he said. It counted to me.

Chapter 9
Chapter 7