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Hi!! This will give u a better way to know what has been updated!! We'll try to do them often!! ~~ PAGE BEGAN ON FEB 5TH 2000 ~~

MAY 31/00~~HEY! It's becky, reporting an update, There is a HOT new story called "No More Secrets and Lies" by Whitney. IT looks like it's gonna be really good, so plese check it out!! thanks! AND, I updated my story... haha just added chapter three, nothing BIG!!! i hope to write more soon.. hahah check it out if u want "from the Heart" thanks!

MAY 29/00~~Hiya, this is becky here.... I have had NOTHING to do, and i think Jen might be overloaded? haha even if she isn't, could you guys please send me stuff... my e-mail addy is ... and i will get your stuff up as soon as possible.. PLEASE??? and if u like poetry,, send them this way... comeon! just do it! ;)

MAY 26/00~~Hey!! tons of new stuff...starting with...the last chapters of What U want,,,23-28...look for a sequel to come out very soon!!! Also I updated chaps 5&6 of Perfect timing..and chapter 7 of Time WIll Tell,...Check'em out..PLUS I cleaned out my mailbox so sned me some new stuff guys cuz I have nothing to update!!@!

MAY 21/00~~WE actually recieved a poem!! It's written by Nicole and it's called graduation! Check it out!

MAY 20/00~~ Hey, I actually updated one of my own stories!! crazy eh??? It's the story called not so picture perfect...Chapter 5..check it out! ALso I put the winners of all the polls on the poll Page, and put up the new May/June poll..check and see if your story is there....votevotevote!

MAY 18/00~~Alrighty, I put up a brand new chapter of Perfect TIming, thanx for sending it Whit!! ALl I have left to update if The one and Only, and What u want..I think,,,so send me some new stuff guys!!

MAY 16/00~~Hey!! I put up a new chapter to time will tell...chapter 6...also I fixed the new story Perfect timing so it's in the hosted section now...check it out...also looking for more stories or poems!! email me!

MAY 14/00~ Hey..sorry bout the lack of updates foreva..but I finally updated and I will more,,today I put chapter 20-25 of the one and only,,I'll get 26-28 up tomorrow!! buhbye!

APRIL 20/00~~ YOOOO I added chaps 20-23 of What u want...Anyone who wishes to write a story pleaze email becky or I!! Cuz We're runnning outta stuff to update!! Thanx Buhbye! Hey Again..I updated TIme Will Tell..chapter 5..also Perfect timing...chapter 3,,

APRIL 19/00~~Hey!!! I added soem new chapters of What u want...chaps..17-20..I'm almost through my mail box..yah..SIGN THE FORUM AND GUESTBOOK PLEAZ! !

APRIL14/00~~HHHHHEEYYY I added another brand new story called PErfect Timing by Whitney..Chaps 1-2..check'em iout,,,and as u may have noticed I changed around the look of the page,,,andddd added a forum so we could all comunicate daily!! cool eh..say what u like what u dislike,,,anything!!

APRIL 13/00~~Hey girlzzz...Jen Here...I updated "Time Will Tell" Chapter 4..I'm trying my best to catch up..bear with me..and guys plllleaaaaazzze sign the guestbook,,especially the people that write here because I wanna know whose been here..thanx! More later...

APRIL 11/00~~Hello, This is Becky here, I just added a new story called Healing. IT is pretty good, although we do not know who the authour is, if it yours, LET US KNOW YOUR NAME!! Thanks. Also, if anyone wants poetry displayed, please let me know.. thanks y'all!

APRIL 10/00~~ Hey agian,.,,I added chapter 14-16 of WHat u Want..I'm slowly getting through them!! u girls write to fast..haha..joking..keep it up!!

APRIL 8/00~~ YO!! I added a new story by Kris called On Any Given DAy, Check it out!!

APRIL 6/00~~ Hey! ok I added chaps 12-13 of What u want..check it out..

APRIL 5/00~~ HEy agian...alrighty..I added 2 new chaps of What u want...10-11..check'em out!..I also added a new story that a sequal to Friends called "Time Will Tell"'s by WHitney so check it out! Chaps 1-3

APRIL 2/00~~ Hi!! wow two days in a row of updating,,,alrighty I added a new story by a new comer to the page,,Check out Kris's "spring Break" It's pretty cool so far! CHapters 1-3..Jen again...I added another couple chaps od what u's getting really good..Chapters 8-9

APRIL 1/00~~ AHh I'm quiting this page!!! April fools..sorry that was bad...haha..anyways I added the past two chapters of Friends? Thanx to Whitney for a great story!!! Umm also I added chapters 4-7 of What u Want..sorry again for teh alck of updates..

MAR 30/00~~Hey guys!! Sorry it's been so long...just haven't been in the mood,,hhaa,,,welll I added a funny page,,and I added chaptes 17-20 of the one and only!! Check it out! I fixed up was all's good now,,,I also added a chapter of Friends forever..

MAR 13/00~~There haven't been any new updates(just to let you know, because Jen has been out with her teeth, and no one has e-mailed me! Woo hoo... I am going to Florida in Two days, So, I am outta here!! I will see you all when I return !!! Loves, Becky!!

MAR 2/00~~Hey Hey! I added some of my poems, check them out. thanks... Hey, jen here..I added chapter 4 of what u want, and chapter 12 of Friends?...I'm gonna take the poll down on the 6th so vote now!!!! Andddd I'm getting my wisdom teeth out next wed so there wont be many updates from me for a few days so if there's stuff u want done send it now!! Buhbye! Jen again, I added another new story by ME, its called FOr richer or poorer,,,chapter 1,,thanx tell me what u think!!

MAR 1/00~~Hey hey!! well I have lots of updates today...such as...chapter 11 of Friends?, chapter 2-3 or What u want....and I've posted a brand new story by Kara..its called taking it tot he extreme,,I've got chapter 1-5..check it out!

FEB 29/00~~ Happy leap year day!! haha...couple of updates to tell ya,,,the one and Only,,chapters 13-16...and Who do U love chapter 3-4..More tomorrow!!! LAter!

FEB 28/00~~Jen here,, I'm adding some more awards that were sent to me,,,umm I put up Anu's About the author...I'm thinking about adding a few more stories...I'll tell u when I get them up,,

FEB 27/00~~Hey!! We won 4 count'em 4 more awards! coolcool..I'll(Jen) update again possible tomorrow night!! So later until then!! oh and sign the guestbook! haha

It's Becky, I just added Lyndsey's About the Author!!!! so, check it out if u wanna know about her!! thanks!!! Plus, please (I am sssooo totally begging you to) ask people to contact me about poetry!! eek, no one likes to send me stuff... please?!?! thanks!

FEB 26/00~~ Hey Hey! We won yet another award--aren't we going ggggreat!!! WOO HOO!!!!! I am still looking for ppl to write poetry for us! tell everyone! thanks! Nite! +Becky+

FEB 25/00~~Hullo!! Sorry bout the lack of updates this week!! we've both been busy! We won two more awards!! nobodies signing the guest book!! so could u please do that!! thanx,,umm I added chapters 11 and 12 of beckys story The one and only! so check that out,,,I'm babysittingon a friday night so there could be more later!!

Me again, I added another chapter of Not so picture Perfect. Chapter 4 I believe...the next ones gonna be really good so I'll try to type it up soon! I'm out... Nite

FEB 21/00~I added chapters two and three to my story--From the Heart. Anyone who write poetry--please see me!(Becky) THANX!

FEB 20/00~~We won 2 more awards!!! Check'em out!!! I'll start editing again on Monday..weekends are kinda my days off!!!

I Just added Lindsey's story called "I do" so, Everyone check it out!!! Plus, if anyone writes poetry or knows of anyone who does, please contact me (Becky), so I can get the poetry page started and kickin! Also, I started my page/story.. so please check it out, and give me any suggestions you can think of!! thanks a bundle!! WOO HOO!!! =)

FEB 17/00~~I added a new story by Whitney and Becky L..called What U want!! its chapter 1 and it looks really good so far!!

Also good news!! Becky and I won an award!! check it out!! Everyone needs to spread the news about the page..We need more Writers!!! Thanx,,

FEB 16/00~~Yeah I fixed all that Friends chapter now they're in order!! More tonite...New