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~*UpDaTeS 2*~

These are the updates..check'em out..updated almost daily!

AUG 14/00~~ Hiya~ I just added my chapter 3 to Mirror Images!! Check it out.... Whit-- your turn!!!!!

AUG 13/00~~Hey!!! I updated Mirror Images--chapter 2! Great job Becky! I also put up the 2 decisions to the story What If?? U have to go through the "The Begininng" and then make a choice!! Alrighty chao!

AUG 12/00~~Yo! I updated mine and Becky's story Truth and Consquences!! Check it out!!

AUG 11/00~~Hey!! I started a very new story called Mirror Images!!! Chapter 1---Next chapter will be written by Becky Long--then Becky Lam--then Whitney--then Nicole!!! Crazy eh??? Also I put up chapter 8 of Not so Picture Perfect--and the final chapter--chap 9!! The saga is finally ova!!

AUG 10/00~~I think it's the 10th--haha I lose all track of time when there's no school...anyways u guys have been soooooooo patient with the large lack of updates lately so I decided to reward u!!! I updated-----chapter 9 of perfect timing---chapter 6 of No more Secrets and Lies---and I'm gonna get up---chapter 5 of For Keeps---chapter 2 of I'll Always be Right here--chapter 2 of a PerFect FAirytale!!! YEha!!! We also won another award!! Check it out!!

AUG. 4/00~~Hey Hey! Today is JEn and Ryan's 1 YEAR ANN. How Cute? Congrads to you guys hun! i loves ya!.. haha I found, Nicole, who write poetry. I added some of her poems! They are ggreat, check 'em out! Send me stuff.... hahah *hugs*Becky

JULY 28/00~~Hey!! An update whaoo...I added chapter Chapter 8 of perfect timing---and chapter 5 of No more secrets and Lies,,,,all by Whitney------check'em out!

JULY 22/00~~ Hey Jen here--I put the description of BEcky's new story uuuuup...SEND me stuff--haha cuz now I'm the one with nufin to do!! haha ME AGAIN...I updated the last of the stuff in my mail box..chapters 9-11 of Friends forever(beckys), and I added chapters 3-4 of FOR KEEPS by Whitney!!! SOOOOOOO now it's EMPTY meaning Im in need of writing!! haha,,,chao

JULY 22/00~~HEYYYY Becky here! I just updated becky's Story Together Forever!!! 35-40! Check it out! AND!!! I just added BECKY'S NEW STORY! It's UP, and looking HOT! check it out!

JULY 19/00~~Hiya! Becky here, I updated Becky's Story, Together Forever, Chapters 32-34... I will get the rest up when she sends me chapter 35 (which Jen forgot to do!) hahah ok? Thanks!

JULY 17/00~~Hey Hey, Jen here...To start off with I added a new story called I'll always be right there...I didn't get the authors name yet but leave your comments in th eforum!! MORE LATER..

JULY 17/00~~ Hey Hey! There has been nothing to update lately, so I decided to write some poems.. blahhh so there are two more poems made by me! hahaha ok, Check 'em out I guess! thanks, Becky...

JULY 11/00~~Hey I added chapters 7 of perfect timing...check'em out!@

JULY 8/00~~Hiya! I just added Becky's poems... they are cool... check 'em out! *hugs* BECKY and I updated mine and Jen's story Truth and Consequences....JEN'S TURN!! hehehe....

JULY 7/00~~ Hey..added chapters 23-31 of Together forever,,,in a hurry so I didn't check the links...tell me if they work..bye!,,,Hi! I added an email forum,,,so u can just paste your chapters there now,,it'll be more organzised I think,,,this email forum sends stuff to me,,but I'll make one for Becky soon!! It just took me hours to make one..haah,,,but I figured it out!

JULY 6/00~~ HEy guys!! I added a CHat Room,,,,SO we should make a time sometime where we could

JULY 5/00~~ Hey! I updated my story not so picture perfect...chapter 8...check it out and tell me what ya think!

JULY 4/00~~Happy 4th of July to all u Americans out there!! A few new stories and Authors to tell ya bout! First is Megan--her story is called I swear to never lose u again...Chapter 1 is up..oh and it;s RATED R--you've been warned...the next is Lauren who's story is called The pain of's kinda sad but really gripping---also rated R...ummmm lastly I put up chapter 3 of FOr Keeps so check that out!

JULY 3/00~~Hey, It's Jen---lotsa updates..starting with,,chapters 16-22 of Together Forever, ummm chapters 5-8 of friends forever(becky's version), and chapter 2 of For Keeps!! Check'em out!

JUNE 30/00~~ Becky here. I just updated my story, Breaking up is Hard to do. Uhh.. yah! CHeck it out.

JUNE 29/00~~Jen Here!! I added a What kinda girlfriend are u chart under **charts and check it out and see if it's true...I'll get the boyfriend one up soon! ummmm me again, I updated Friends Forever (Becky version) chapter 4...and I put up a new story by Whitney,,,called For Keeps..chapter 1!!! Check it out it's looking good! I also added a new story by moi! It's called "What If?" It's kinda like the movie sliding doors...check it out..I'm done THE BEGINNING, I'll try to get the decision chaps done sometime soon,,,I'll be really busy this weekend so I doubt there will be any updates from me!! Miss Me..haha...

JUNE 29/00~~ Hey it's BECKY! I just added another new story written by JEn and I! It's called "The Story of our life" I dunno, if i really like the title i gave it, so it might be changed! Uhh,, chapters one and two! but we have more written, so excpet more soon! I always changed my Bio like Jen did in the Us section. AND I signed the guestbook.. hahaha Great eh?

JUNE 28/00~~hey Jenny again! I updated Nicole and My story, Friends FOrever---chapter 8 & 9...I've had 8 forever I just forgot to put it up,,,so it's new to u!! rightio!!! haha,,,Hopefully more to come,,,but probably not cuz it's party day...Hey!! I also changed my Bio in the Us section,,it was like 5 months old so It was time for a change a runo... I was looking at the guestbook,,haha,,And guess whos never signed!!! Becky Lo,,,,get signing!! haha jokes

JUNE 27/00~~Hey Jen here--I updated becky and my story Truth and Consquences,..Chapter 5...Becks turn! Hey Hey...I added another chatper of Not so Picture Perfect..I'm not sure what's gonna happen next..I have a decision to make,,,read it and you'll know what I mean..Leave you suggestion in the forum!! Thanx

JUNE 26/00~~ It's becky!! Wow, I'm up EARLY!!!!!! I just updated my story, Breaking up is hard to do. I dunno where it's going.. it's kinda crazy!! haha h if you are a poet.. e-mail me! thanks... Becky

JUNE 25/00~~ Oh goodness, can i see? it's late at night, and I jsut finished updating the story by whitney called "no more secrets and lies" .it's gotten really good! and I can't wait to see what happens next! she has me hanging!! Enjoy! loves, BECKY

JUNE 24/00~~Hey,Jen here, I changed the background colour of the page so u can see the links easier now...hope this helped!! I also added another chapter of Truth and Consquences...chapter 4,,I've gotta write the next one so I'll try to get it up u may have noticed it doesn't ahve BSB in they don't have to be in every story u write,,just letting ya know! buhbye! and sorry to becky La for adding lines to your story...annnnnd I'm trying to write more of Not so picture perfect for u guys...I got upset today and couldn't write anymore so there's only half a chapter at the link,,so don't go!! haha I'll try my best to do it tomorrow...THANX!! luv ya

Me again, I finished that chapter of Not So Picture PErfect...It's pretty emotional so I hope u like it,,,let me know! I also added 2 new chapters of Friends Forever by Becky...Sooooo check it out...heheh can u tell I was bored today,..there's a zillion updates!

JUNE 23/00~~hey..I updated Perfect timing,,,chapter 7! Thats all the chapters I have to update so if u had sent me others I didn't get them,,,and Whitney, Becky's edited no more secrets and lies so pleaze send them to her..Thanx!!

Jen again, I put up a new story by Becky and I called Truth and Consquences, chapter 1-3...take a look and tell us what u think!

JUNE 21/00~~HEY!! Exams are ova!!!!! WAHOO..the only new thing is that Becky found this Bitch's funny,,,take and I'll post YOUR results!! hahah

JUNE 12/00~~Jen here, I added a new story called Friends's by becky,,chap 1....then I added chapter 8 of Time will Tell...soooo I have nothing left to update me with some chaps peeps!

JUNE 10/00~~Hey, it's becky. I added some of my poems, they are kinda sad thou.. (DAMN BREAKUPS!) if u want to check them out, go ahead. Please send me stuff guys, I am BORED! Thx, Becky.

ME again, Well, I added a new story, cuz i was bored! so check it out, it's called BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO.. haha notice a trend? I hope you like it!

JUNE 10/00~~Me again, like the new title banner?? coolcool...umm thats all I changed..I'l start updating stories again soom,,,go vote at that BEST FAN FIC PAGE please...and enter your stories!!!

JUNE 8/ may have noticed the page is UNDER CONSTRUCTION!!! So be patient and we'll get everything back up soon...we're just tryign to make it a little more professional...thanx for your patience!

JUNE 7/00~~Hey, Becky and I have decided we need some pics on the page, so it would be great if u guys could send us some of your favs!! thanx

ALSO, there's a page with fan fiction awards...please go there and nominate your stories and I entered the pagfe in BEST FAN FIC PAGE, soooo please vote for it,,I also but Picture perfect in BEST GROUP'd be great if u voted..thanx..links located at the bottom of the main page..

ummm I also added some new webrings and we also won another award...yahayah

JUNE 6/00~~Hey!! I wrote a poem(jen) it's like my first one ever, so don't laugh at it!!! ok u can cause it probably sux..oh well..I also put up kris's and becky's pages under what's called the VARIETY PAGE...(instead of hosted, I thought that name was kinda dumb) so check them out! Everythings updated again!! SEND SOME NEW STUFF!!...

JUNE 4/00~~ Hey Hey, Becky here... SEND ME STUFF! hahaha, I just updated my story, Chapter Four to "From the Heart" is now up! check it out! POEMS-- I WANT THEM! haha send 'em!

JUNE 2/00~~Put together forever on the hosted page( mighta help eh) so u can actually read it now..haha...blonde moment!!

Me Again, I updated The One and Only --chaps 29-31. And I updated Together Forever--chaps 12-15...

WOW so many updates...I added a new check that out...ummm I changed the hosted page---I put a page up for nicole and becky...the others will be up soon...sorry bout the stories not being up! ---also we won another award! check'em out!

JUNE 1/00~~Our 4 month anniversary is in a few days!!! That's gggggreat!!! Wellll I(Jen) updated a new story CAlled together FOrever..It's a sequel to What u's very cool so check it out..Chaps 1-11!!
