
The days are so boring.. i feel excited for no reason.. like its summer.. but its not.. i want to go outside in the rain.. its not raining.
my drawing is wicked *modesty all over*.. i made the arm too big and its not done:

ashley made me put him in a corset.
Im gonna draw a fairy bitch for her.

i just took a shower.. i .. yeah.. i fell asleep in trig... slept all through notes.. which is all we did all pd.. no worries.. it was only the 6 trig functions and right triangles.. simple.. yet i woke up to stupid fuckers saying "i dont understand" and irini going "oh my god i cant take this"..poor irini.. i left her alone all period im suprised shes still sane... fell asleep in psych.. all we did was talk..

middle school kids still dont get it.. theyll be devoured when they get here.. and only niko and caroline would survive in drama class.. poor sad kids.

im looking forward to seeing corey cheerlead on saturday. shes wicked. indeed.

well time to go nothing is up.

sayonara, fuckers.

HIGHLIGHT of the dayyy: A on my chem test, A on my trig test, A on my psych quiz, made 75cents-spent 1$, jeff told me to shut up at the middle school. i dont like those kids.


tell me what do you see
when you look back at your wasted life


And you dont see me.

ignore the banner dudes.