I still feel perfect... but its more like a depressed perfect.. but tsil that perfect feeling inside like everything is just .. . PERFECT.. i dont know why.. things are happening.. like they always are.. i just dont know..

today i went to the boardwalk with sam... felt like crap because i couldnt go see corey because it was 12 dollars to get in.. felt like crap because i couldnt see the play with christine because i couldnt find my camera for 20 minutes a sams and got there 12 minutes late and no one was selling tickets and it had started so i just left.. its been a fucking crappy .. perfect.. night..

i need a car.. and summer..


sayonara, aishiteru.


***im gonna make you believe in something***

h o m e . t o d a y . .02.28.m o r n i n g. . . .d a y. . . b o r i n g.d a y s(02.25 . B o r i n g(02.24) . ko n n i c h i w a(02.23)
5 a m B U Z Z(02.22/23)
g a l l e r y(is under construction)
earliertoday . . . this morning
leave comments in my guestbook.

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matt mentioned this song..its kool.

S i o b h a n


D e l a n e y


A n i t a


A s h l e y


J o s h

ignore the banner dudes.