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I know you cannot believe your eyes, but yes, this page is still alive. And I hope we'll make constant uploads and other stuff. Now, as a proof of life, there's a new map review - Return to Mooon Montains. The map is made by Boxcarwilli, and it's excellent. Uploaded lots of screenies(thx to Iirion for sending them) just to feed your eyes while DLoading.

Now, other news. There's a new mod in the making. So what, you'll ask? There's hundreds of mods on the scene. But this isn't an ordinary mod. This is THE MOOSEY MOD! Now, I know lots of you don't know who or what is moosey. I'll not explain, just go to this site and have a laugh. And remember, mOOzey ownZ jOO. YOOMAY!

And don't forget to visit the home of the Serious Sam ++ mod made by one of our reviewers, Iirion Claus.

One more thingy. If you like mecha or anything that has big walking piles of metal runnin' around, you'll love the CAZmod. Check it out.

See ya' soon(I hope)



Yes. Finally we have Caid's review for the Memories of Duum map by El-ad 'IrCarX Iirion Claus' Amir (hope I've spelled that right :). If you haven't noticed yet, El-ad is one of our reviewers, a SS mapper (member of Groteam), a member of Titan Warfare mod, and he does other useful things linked to SS. And he's funny too :)

I have recieved apology from fifthhorseman for some misunderstandings regarding GeeBee's map, Final Fight. We have the new review up and a couple of screenies. And we also apologize to GeeBee.

I'm getting tired of asking you to send us your maps for reviews. Believe me, It's your profit to get your map reviewed, not ours.

See ya'!





...but SweriousGrandpa's is still alive. Today we have 3 reviews for you. Two from fifthhorseman - Lava Warrens and Final Fight, and one from Iirion Claus - Temple Nemesis. New maps and reviews coming soon.

And we're moving to Seriously! soon...

See ya'!





Yes, that's right! We have yet another exclusive. Our special member, INTRUDER, came up with an idea to connect 7 single player maps into some kind of a mission pack. The maps have been made by various artists, and you have probably already played some of these: Memories of Duum(Iirion Claus), Space Station(Earthling), Canyon Run(Trisk), Kleer Stronghold(Serious Sam of Sam), Marsh Wastes(Trisk), Lava Warrens(P0gie), Final Fight(GeeBee)

Here's something from the readme file:

Hello everyone, Intruder here and this is an idea I had about putting all the coop/single player maps together that I could. Like there would have been more but we hit 14mb with this one and I thought well thats enought for now. But anyways heres 7 maps that are linked together, so that when you finish the first one then the second one will load and you play thru that one and then the next will load and so on and so forth. And don't forget to check the Netrisa's Strategic Data everytime a new map loads, so you can get alittle info about that map and some of the maps will give you hints and clues thru the Netrisa messages also from time to time while your playing. Now these maps weren't made with this concept in mind but it works if you remember.

Sam has just woken up in a very strange place and neither he nor the Netrisa know if they are dreaming or having just a bad nightmare. But one thing forsure your going to have to help Sam get thru this all and figure out if it was dream or a nightmare later on

You can dowload this pack of goodness right here! Hope you'll like the pack. Big thanx to INTRUDER for giving this first to Serious Grandpa's :)

We have also two new maps for you, Final Fight from GeeBee and Serious Bowl from Geoff 'Kaalot' Carlson. I'm sorry for uploading these maps so late, I've been buisy.

See ya'!





We have another exclusive for ya'! Dave Waters aka Serious Dave has finished another beauty of SS mapping, Temple Nemesis. I MUST thank to Dave and Caid for this exclusive, help from you is invaluable! Download this map and be sure to check out Caid's review here!

I apologize to mr man and Iirion Claus, our great reviewers, for not putting their reviews on the page. I'll do it first thing tomorrow morning. Sorry guys!

See ya'!



HOSTED !!!!!!

Finally! We are going to be hosted at Seriously!!!!! I've recieved mail from the guys at Gamespy, and they have finally agreed to host the site! Vesto, webmaster of the Seriously! pages, was giving me support all the time and I thank him for that. You're a great guy! Thanx, dude :)





We have lots of new reviews and maps for ya' all! There are new reviews for Marsh Wastes, Lava Warrens, Mission of Mayhem and for the new map, The Lava Chapels submitted by Ive.

I have played with site a little. On the map reviews page you can see wich maps are single player and wich are deatmach maps. Finally added the members on the SG members page. Added more mod links to SS mod links pages and some new links to SS links pages.

We have recieved lots of new maps, so be sure to check the pages soon.

That's all for now, see ya' later!





Serious Grandpa's is the very first site wich has the rights to publish the first mission pack for Serious Sam, Mission of Mayhem! This mission pack isn't made by Croteam, it's made by INTRUDER. So, A BIG THANX to INTRUDER for giving us this exclusive, and be sure to send him all your praises. You can DL the self extracting .exe from here!





Don't miss the great new single player map Lava Warrens submitted by p0gie. He says that this is his first map ever. Two great reviews for this map by Iirion Claus and mr man.

Our reviewers have been buisy for the last few weeks and didn't have time to review all maps that are submitted. I hope they'll review the rest of the submitted maps soon. keep submitting maps to SG. Thanks to all the mappers who are submitting maps to SG. You make this site grow. I just hope that we're going to get hosted soon...

See ya'!





Yes, that's right. Uploaded 2 more map reviews from Caid: Stratosfear, and Marsh Wastes. Also uploaded the new version of the Jump City map, now you can play the night version too.

That's all for now, expect more reviews soon.

See ya'!






I know I haven't been updating lately, but I currently haven't got the time. I'll put up some reviews on the page tomorrow, and work a little on the page to get it hosted elswhere. Our reviewers have been lazy in the past few days, so I must do something to motivate them(where's that damn shotgun?! :).

See ya!





Yeah. I've become a member of the mod called Cranked Arrow Zavtra(ex Mecha Arena). It's a mod for SS, and it will feature lots of diffirent Mechs. It's a cool, perspective mod and it's developed by a cool team :) Visit their(our) site, and don't forget to mail your praise :) And one more thing; later this week some of my artwork will be put on the CAZ pages(i don't want to publish them here first). I hope you'll like the drawings...

See ya'!





Added 2 new maps with reviews: La Entrada De Dios by Nod TuGud and xxiiiDM1 by xxiii

See ya'!





I made some changes to the site. There is no more fanart section. If you have made some SS fanart, submit it to Seriously!. Fanart made by SeriousGrandpa's members will be shown in the 'other fun stuff' section.

I have also renamed the 'cool SS maps' and 'coll SS models' sections. They are now called 'map reviews' and 'model reviews'.

Added the 'SG member's section too. It's empty for now, but I'll finish it as soon as possible.

I'll put mr man's review for a new map tommorow.

See ya'!





Like I've promised yesterday, a new map is up - Sewer Dump. It was made by Jussi 'Ive' Kollin, and the first review was made by Iirion Claus.

I've also put some new screenies of the 'Canyon run' map.

See ya'!





SG welcomes their new member Caid. He wrote a review for the 'Jump city' map.

fifthhorseman wrote his review for the 'Canyon run' map.

Sorry about the lack of updates. I haven't had much time these days. I'll upload the new map called 'Sewers dump' tommorow. Also will add more screenies for the 'Canyon run' map

See ya'!




El-ad 'Iirion' Amir has submitted new comic. It's called 'The best weapon part 2'. Check it out!




New Features:

Memories of Duum map

Final Fight map

Serious Bowl map

Temple Nemesis map

The Lava Chapels map

Mission of Mayhem mission pack

Lava Warrens map

Marsh wastes map

Stratosfear map

xxiii DM1 map

La Entrada De Dios map









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