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Thank you for reading the directions. On behalf of the members of the Revolution, good luck.

(1) What's your name? Your first name will suffice, thank you.

(2) What's your e-mail address? Unless you don't WANT the results of the test...

(3) What's the purpose of the Revolution, punk?

(4) What's your opinion of pop music? Pop music by, say, Britney Spears or N'Sync. (Must be typed in paragraph formation, meaning 4 or more complete sentences.)

(5) See your respose for number four? Type it all out backwards. That's right, peon, every letter of it.

(6) What's your favorite song?

(7) How do you like the name... "Beverly?"

(8) What about "Pete?"

(9) What adjective comes to mind when you read the name "Ken?"

(10) And for "Aya" or "Ran?"

(11) What's your favorite anime series? (If you don't have one, name one you've heard of.)

(12) What's your favorite RPG? (If you don't play RPGs, you're screwed, man.)

(13) Are you anarchist?

(14) Are you or have you ever been a member of a message board? If so, are you planning to or did you stay committed to that message board?

(15) How would you solve the following situation? Let's just say you have a friend whose name is Ken. Now, you really like Ken. He has many admirable traits (that you can conjure up for yourself). Anyway, one day, Ken approaches you with that gimp that guys get when they're angry, and he makes a scene out of cussing you out. Then he kicks your new sports car so hard that it has a noticeable dent. Underneath your blazing anger, you realize that Ken has a perfectly plausible reason to be angry with you. You grimace, and out of the corner of your eye, you spot a shotgun sitting in the front seat of your car so that it's easily accessible. Not that that fact has anything to do with this hypothetical situation... (Coughs.) But remember, in this hypothetical world, real rules still apply.

(16) Would you say that you're... insane? Give examples as to why or why not, as well as your definition of insane.

(17) Have you read the Revolution story? (If not, you can read it here.)

(18) What words come to mind when you think of Kate or Resa? (If you don't know who Kate and Resa are, shoot yourself, please.)

(19) Do you have a bad temper, even when it comes to jokes? (Note: The jokes I'm pertaining to may not necessarily be "Knock Knock" jokes – they could even go so far as to tease you, whether it be offensive or not.)

(20) Tell me a story using all the creativity you can muster from your poor, pathetic body.
