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Welcome Gryffindors to your student profiles! If you would like to submit a profile, please sent it to me at

Name: Maggie
House: Gryffindor
Quidditch: Chaser
Blood: Half witch / Half muggle
Hair: Light brown
Eyes: Bright Blue
Horoscope: Tarus
Animagus: Phoneix (unregistered)
Pet: Owl
Favorite Subject: Care of Magical Creatures
Other: Plays piano, shy, short, three other siblings

Name: Nadia Oon
House: Gryffindor
Quidditch: Sub Keeper
Blood: Half Veela/Half Witch
Hair: Silvery Blonde
Eyes: Icy Blue
Horoscope: Capricorn
Animagus: Tiger (unregistered)
Pet: Snowy Owl
Magical Abilities: Good at Divination & Astrology
Favorite Subjects: Divination/Transfiguration/Astrology
Other: Plays guitar, Metamorphmagus, Parveena’s best friend, loves tigers, telepathic, toys around with magic all the time and and loves Hogwarts.

Name: Parvati
House: Gryffindor
Quidditch: Beater
Blood: Muggle-Born
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Deep dark brown
Horoscope: Capricorn
Zodiac: Goat
Animagus: White unicorn with a red horn
Pet: Owl
Magical Abilities: Good at Herbology
Favourite Subject: Herbology/Charms
Favourite Magical Creature: Unicorn
Hobbies: Playing Quidditch
Other: Has two sisters Parveena & Pathma, plays the piano & electronic guitar, nosey, mischievious and most of all loves Hogwarts.

Name: Parveena
House: Gryffindor
Quidditch: Beater (Captain)
Blood: Muggle-Born
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Jet Black
Horoscope: Gemini
Zodiac: Horse
Animagus: White unicorn with a gold horn(unregistered)
Pet: Owl
Magical Abilities: Very good at Quidditch & Transfiguration
Favourite Subject: Transfiguration/Herbology
Favourite Magical Creature: Unicorn
Hobbies: Surfing the net/Playing Quidditch
Other: Prefect, has two sisters Parvati & Pathma, has a small Gryffindor tatoo on her arm, plays the electronic guitar & keyboard, loves Hogwarts, shy around new people, witty, firm, brave, independent, nosey, Nadia's best friend and a metamorphmagus.

Name: Pathma
House: Gryffindor
Quidditch: Chaser
Blood: Muggle-Born
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Hazel Brown
Horoscope: Virgo
Zodiac: Monkey
Animagus: White Unicorn with a silver horn
Pet: Owl
Magical Abilities: Good at Charms
Favourite Subject: Astronomy/Care of Magical Creatures
Favourite Magical Creature: Unicorn
Hobby: Playing Quidditch
Other: Has two other sisters Parveena & Parvati, youngest in family, childish, loves Hogwarts, a little nosey & plays the electric guitar.

Name: Velva
Nickname: Velvet
House: Griffindor
Blood: 1/2 Witch and 1/2 Vampire
Hair: Red
Eyes: Redish brown but can change/w moods
Height: 5'/6"
Horoscope: Saggitarius 12/12/76
Pets: Owl & Cat
Wand: Mahogany and Phoenix feather