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Official Homepage of Joey Matthews and Christian York

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Show Results

January 28, 1999, Raleigh, NC
Joey Matthews over Otto Schwanz and Christian York over Kid Dynamo

February 25, 1999, Raleigh, NC
Christian York over Shannon Moore and Joey Matthews (Triangle Match)

March 11, 1999, Baltimore, MD
CHRISTIAN YORK pinned THE INFERNO KID in 15:09 to retain the MCW Cruiserweight Championship. 2-DOPE & SYDESWYPE(with "WHITE CHOCOLATE" DONNIE B) won the three-way elimination tag team match in 19:25 to keep their titles against challengers THE HARDY BOYS (JEFF HARDY & MATT HARDY) and BACKSTREET ("MIGHTY" QUINN NASH & JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS, with PLATINUM NAT).

March 12, 1999, Berlin, MD

THE HARDY BOYZ (MATT HARDY & JEFF HARDY, with BOBCAT) pinned BACKSTREET (JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS & "MIGHTY" QUINN NASH, with PLATINUM NAT) IN 13:11. CHRISTIAN YORK retained the cruiserweight title in a four-way elimination match against RAMBLIN' RICH MYERS, THE INFERNO KID and ADAM FLASH in 11:02.

March 20, 1999, Lusby, MD
CHRISTIAN YORK successfully defended his MCW cruiserweight title in a four-way elimination match against JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS, MATT HARDY and JEFF HARDY.

April 8, 1999, Dundalk, MD
CHRISTIAN YORK retained the cruiserweight championship by pinning JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS (with PLATINUM NAT) in 14:42.

April 15, 1999, Denton, MD
CHRISTIAN YORK (with ANGELICA) pinned JOEY "THE FUTURE MATTHEWS (with PLATINUM NAT) in 16:48 in a successful defense of his cruiserweight belt.

April 29, 1999, Raleigh, NC
Christian York beat Joey Matthews

May 2, 1999, Dundalk, MD
CHRISTIAN YORK (with ANGELICA, sort of) pinned JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS (with PLATINUM NAT, sort of) to retain thecruiserweight title in 12:24.

May 16, 1999, Owings Mills, MD
In a three-way elimination bout, cruiserweight titleholder CHRISTIAN YORK retained his belt by scoring the pinfalls of both his opponents, first "RAMBLIN" RICH MYERS in 8:57 and then JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS (with PLATINUM NAT) shortly thereafter at the 9:06

May 21, 1999, Silver Springs, MD
JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS (with DONNIE B) became the new MCW cruiserweight champion by taking the belt away from CHRISTIAN YORK (with ANGELICA) with a 15:27 pin fall.

May 22, 1999, Pylesville, MD
JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS continued his day-old cruiserweight reign with a disqualification win over CHRISTIAN YORK (withANGELICA)in14:15.

June 17, 1999, Dundalk, MD
PLATINUM NAT won the cruiserweight title from JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS with a 4:05 pin fall. "RAMBLIN" RICH MYERS pinned CHRISTIAN YORK in 6:12.

June 24,1999, Raleigh, NC
Cham Pain defeated Joey Matthews....Scab (with James Thurston) defeated Christian York

June 27, 1999, Newburg, MD
JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS defeated KEENAN CREED. Creed never really did get going in this match, with "The Future" pretty much doing what he wanted when he wanted with the less-experienced Creed. Finally, Joey put Keenan out of his misery with the Joeycanrana off the top rope. Time of fall: 8:35.

BETWEEN-MATCH INTERVIEW SEGMENT: STUD LEE OSBORNE came out to taunt the crowd (which he did with his usual style, and I'd be saying that even if he wasn't on the mailing list for this report) and to introduce his special guests at this time… MCW cruiserweight champ PLATINUM NAT and his protege, RAMBLIN' RICH MYERS. Nat, wearing the now-legendary "space suit" (platinum jacket and slacks), in which he must have been dying from the heat, claimed that he could beat anyone in MCW and that they were all afraid of him. Clearly, the heat was affecting him more than most. Anyway, just after bragging that he had an open contract for anyone in singles or tag-team matches, out came ANGELICA and CHRISTIAN YORK (w/CONTRACT). Yes, York had found oneof those open contracts hidden in Nat's travel bag, it seems, and signed it. Stud Lee looked it over and passed on the bad news that it indeed looks like a valid contract. So later on this very show, it's NAT/MYERS vs. YORK/ANGELICA. After several minutes of prayer, and reassurances from Myers that the situation would be "taken care of", the unhappy Platinum One left the ring, followed by Myers and Osborne. CHRISTIAN YORK and ANGELICA defeated PLATINUM NAT and RAMBLIN' RICH MYERS. Time of fall: 6:05.

August 3, 1999, Landover, MD
QENNAN CREED (I finally got the spelling right) pinned JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS in 12:50 with a small package after foiling a Joey suplex attempt. CHRISTIAN YORK pinned DINO DIVINE in 11:13 after delivering a scorpion death drop and a twisting senton.

August 5, 1999, Ocean City, MD
RAMBLIN' RICH (with PLATINUM NAT) beat CHRISTIAN YORK (with CHASTITY) and ADAM FLASH in 11:18 in a three-way elimination match to determine the number one contender for the cruiserweight title. JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS, hittting plenty of high spots, pinned QENNAN "THE PRETTIEST THING IN ALL OF OCEAN CITY" CREED in 7:58.

August 8, 1999, Dundalk, MD
EARL "THE PEARL" & RAMBLIN' RICH MYERS pinned CHRISTIAN YORKin 5:59 of a handicap match.

November 13, 1999, Owings Mills, MD

December 4, 1999, Olney, MD
JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS & CHRISTIAN YORK pinned THE GHETTO MAFIA (2-DOPE & SYDESWYPE) in 10:30 in a match filled with high flying from the victors.

December 5, 1999, Dundalk, MD

January 19, 2000, Glen Burnie, MD
JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS & CHRISTIAN YORK won their spot in the finals, emerging victorious over 2-DOPE &SYDESWYPE and ECW's "DASTARDLY" DANNY DORING & "THE ANGRY AMISH WARRIOR" ROADKILL (with JUDGE JEFF JONES) in 11:16. In the three-way elimination match for the tag-team title,EARL "THE PEARL" & "RAMBLIN" RICH MYERS (with PLATINUM NAT) became the champs by beating JIMMY CICERO & CHAD AUSTIN (with THE OTHER TQM GUY) and JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS & CHRISTIAN YORK in 9:01.

March 8, 2000, Glen Burnie, MD
Challengers JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS & CHRISTIAN YORK beat tag team champions THE HOLY ROLLERS (EARL "THE PEARL" & "RAMBLIN" RICH MYERS, with PLATINUM NAT) in 8:14 but because they won by disqualification, the Rollers held on to the belts.

March 18, 2000, Emmitsburg, MD
THE HOLY ROLLERS (EARL "THE PEARL" & "RAMBLIN" RICH MYERS, with PLATINUM NAT) retained their tag-team belts with a count-out win over THE GHETTO MAFIA (2-DOPE & SYDESWYPE), JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS & CHRISTIAN YORK, and TQM's CHAD & CHIP (with JIMMY CICERO) at the 17:11.

April 8, 2000, Catonsburg, MD
CHRISTIAN YORK pinned "STREET PUNK" RICKY BLUES in 12:11. Ricky stalled at the beginning, jawing with fans at ringside who had started a "Ricky blows!" chant. Christian, egging the fans on, finally caught up with Ricky with arm drags. Christian took Ricky's leg, but Ricky was able to back flip out of trouble. York then got a 2-count after weakening Blues with a neck breaker and front body slam. Recovering from a later mid-ring collision first, Ricky hit a snap somersault and then a torture rack into a a reverse diamond cutter, getting a 2-count. Ricky's huracanrana attempt was foiled as Christian grabbed his legs and slammed him. York followed with a back flip and atomic drop but then missed a moonsault as Ricky bodyslammed him. Christian recovered to get the pin after hitting a modified Juvi driver. JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS pinned "SODA POP" RONNIE ZUKKO (with CANDIE) in 8:00. Joey started strong with drop kicks and a dive off the top turnbuckle (unbelievable trajectory) onto Ronnie on the floor. The libidinous fans at ringside tried to distract the ultra-short-skirted Candie with pleas of "Candie, you dropped a quarter" and asking her to retrieve tickets that they had thrown on the floor near her. Ronnie stopped Joey's momentum with a superkick, following it with stomps and choking Joey on the middle rope. Ronnie hit a neckbreaker and put on a modified sleeper hold; but Joey did not submit. Joey punched Ronnie into a corner but was thrown off, and Soda Pop followed with a top rope headbutt. After Joey hit a face buster, Candie climbed onto the ring perimeter to distract Matthews. Joey walked over, kissed Candie, then hit a reverse ddt to get the pin on the Squiggy look-alike.

April 14, 2000, Annapolis, MD
CHRISTIAN YORK & JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS pinned TQM's DINO DIVINE & JIMMY CICERO in 12:40. The TQM's were in trouble early as Christian hit a flying leg-scissors on Cicero from the upside-down position, and then Joey dove from the top rope onto both opponents on the floor. Dino fell victim to a flurry of moves‹York neck wrench, double suplex, York baseball slide, Matthews head scissors and leg trip‹but survived a 2-count. Joey then full-nelsoned the entering Cicero. Cicero landed a savate kick and eventually maneuvered Matthews to the TQM corner where double-teaming ensued, the ref occupied with keeping York out. Cicero weakened Joey even more with an abdominal stretch accompanied by some Divine intervention. Joey managed to duck a super kick from Cicero, with Jimmy kicking Dino instead. Christian tagged in and cleaned house. The match eventually broke down, with the ref not seeing Cicero use brass knuckles on York. When ref Riley counted the pin fall and with TQM beginning a victory celebration, ADAM FLASH came to ringside and informed the ref about Cicero's use of brass knuckles. Riley ordered me to restart the match, and the protesting Dino was rolled up for the pin.

April 15, 2000, Sykesville, MD
JOEY "THE FUTURE" MATTHEWS pinned "STREET PUNK" RICKY BLUES in 8:05. Ricky's opening stalling caught Joey temporarily off guard; but Joey battled back with punches, a flying head scissors and a rompecojones kick. As Blues went out of the ring to verbally spar with hecklers, he was hit by a Matthews dive off the top rope. With Ricky back in the ring, Joey hit a flying body press and got a 2-count. Blues battled back with a back body drop and slingshot off the rope.Ricky then segued a torture rack with a neck breaker and followed up with a clothesline. He put Joey back in the torture rack but did not get the submission. Ricky pressed and slammed Matthews but missed with a moonsault, enabling Joey to recover with a back flip. Joey got a 2-count after a full nelson facebuster and then got the pin after a modified ddt. CHRISTIAN YORK pinned JULIO S. FANTASTICO in 11:03. Christian's early punches sent Julio scurrying;but the former Senor Sanchez recovered with a monkey flip. Christian returned the favor and got a 2-count after hitting a moonsault. Angered by the crowd's "You [imbibe liquid through a straw]!" chant, Fantastico stomped York. Christian then drop kicked Julio but missed a corner charge and was superkicked by Julio, who got 2-counts after a power slam and thrust slam. After delivering some Flair chops, Julio tried for a superplex but was thrown off by Christian. Christian went for a top turnbuckle leg drop but was pushed down by Julio. After Julio missed a moonsault that covered almost the entire diagonal of the ring, Christian hit a back flip and flying reverse ddt off the top turnbuckle. Julio kicked out and hit a rompecojones; but his cradle attempt was reversed by York who got the 3-count.

(Special thanks to Maryland Wrestling and Southern Championship Wrestling for providing these reults)


April 17,2000

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