Name: Victor Synn
Sex: Male
Age: 28
Height: 7'
Weight: 365
Strength: 18
Speed: 11
Intimidation: 20
Courage: 18
Vitality: 20
IQ Rating: 13
Moves: 1. Back breaker
2. Neck breaker
3. Press Slam
Special Move: Guillotine (reverse
DDT with elbow drop)
Cheat: Yes - any way he can
Quote: 1-8-7 said it, and so it will
be done.
Other Info: Victor Synn is a well
recognized figure in wrestling. Dominating in the IHWF before making
his home in RAWF, Synn has done it all in RAWF. He's been both loved
and hated and usually both along with finally recognizing his dream, he
was then stripped of the world title by President Chaos. Synn went
on to buy the company and fire Chaos and then began the most hated period
in his life. Everyone soon hated him as the ultimate power corrupted
him to depths of depravity known only before by Chaos. Synn was
forced by the board of directors to defend his control of the company
to a surprise opponent at the RAWF Birthday Bash of 2000. His opponent,
Chaos. And Chaos won with help from Darksider and Maul. Then
everything was revealed as Chaos and Synn announced that Chaos was his
father and Synn retired. But as Synn started to leave, his own father
nailed him in the spine with a sledgehammer, thought to have crippled
him for life. Synn returned however, in his wheel chair to take
a spot on the shows as an announcer and has rejoined with his father.
Synn, though not crippled, has been ordered to never wrestle again because
one wrong shot could end it all. And now that he has been fired,
have we seen the last of the Synn Man?
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Name: Prez Chaos
Sex: Male
Age: 44
Weight: 325 lb.
Strength: 4
Speed: 2
Intimidation: 7
Courage: 2
Vitality: 8
IQ: 18
Favorite 3 moves: 1. foreign object
2. low kick
3.throat punch
Special Attack: Powder to the eyes
Cheat: yes (Plans sneak attacks)
Quote: Because I said so.
Other info: President Chaos is the
most power mad, corrupt president in wrestling history. He is biased and
hateful and has formed the Chaos Army to help enforce his madness.
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Name: Darksider
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Height: 6'11"
Weight: 320 lb..
Strength: 21
Speed: 18
Intimidation: 19
Courage: 19
Vitality: 20
IQ Rating: 20
1. Spinning Death (Tornado DDT from the corner off the top)
2. The After Life (A Stunner out of no where, in other words, not just
a kick to set it up, could come off the top, from behind, through a table)
3.Hells Fire (Big show's Chokeslam)
Alternate Finisher:
Demon Driver (Leaping tombstone)
Finisher: The Killing Machine (Double
underhook jumping reverse tombstone)
Cheat: Yes - choking & foreign
Quote: I am the True Lord of Darkness.
Other Info: Known for holding the
RAWF world Championship for the longest time and tying for the most title
reigns as well. Darksider was impressive since the beginning. After destroying
another rookie in his first match, he moved on and won the RAWF for the
first time in his second. Since then, which was over 13 months ago, The
belt has never left Darksider's waste for more then a week or two.
From the start Darksider has concentrated on evil. But for reasons unknown
he never really lost the love of the fans, no so more then ever. And his
powers seem to grow stronger every match. Nearly unstoppable, new competition
is constantly needed to be thrown at the Wizard Of Hell, to keep him busy.
He has done everything there is to do but still comes back for more, he
has been apart of all the extremes of the sport... Exploding bombs...
flaming death cubes... fall from grace, he's done it all. He's come up
with matches such as the Tower of doom, the last man breathing death match,
and the Hardcore burned alive match! Can anyone stop the Darkest SOB in
the world today? That question remains a mystery.....
Darksider was brutally attacked and thought to have been killed by Maul,
Chaos, Brian Eidson, and Tony Rocky Horror during a hell boat match three
months ago. His spinal cord was thought to be broken by Maul with his
sledge hammer, and he was dumped over the side of the boat and left for
dead. But The Wizard of Hell, The Lord of the Darkside, the Darkest SOB
in the world was far from dead. How he found his way out of the deep waters
of the gulf of Mexico are unknown. But he is back, and he is calling himself
a new and improved Killing Machine. He has learned new devastating moves
and ways to hurt or kill a man from somewhere, and he's looking for sweet
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Name: Paul Marshall
Sex: Male
Age: 32
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 230 lb.
Strength: 2
Speed: 1
Intimidation: 5
Courage: 1
Vitality: 1
IQ: 17
Chair Shot
Low blow
Powder to the eyes
Special:: Injection (Sticks adversaries
with a syringe, with a dose of mysterious liquid, that renders them unconscious)
Cheat: That's all the man does
in any way, shape, or form to get himself ahead.
Other Info: Paul Marshall was
once the most hated non-wrestler in the RAWF, and almost of all professional
wrestling while managing 'Destructive' David Wilson to several RAWF Championships.
Once a chemist for the government, Marshall performed many cruel experiments
not only on animals, but humans as well, which in turn made him the heinous
person he is today, destroying any conscious he might have ever had.
While the cruel tests were his job, supplying the black market with drugs
was not. Paul Marshall was the sole inventor, and creator of the early
1990's spread of the popular but deadly, inhalant nicknamed "Red Death",
that served as an instant overdose for many, killing nearly a thousand
people in New York.
Marshall was fired of course from the American Government because of this,
and he escaped his lab with test subject, the insane David Wilson. It
is unknown why the Government has stopped searching for Paul, many believe
that they had made a mutual agreement and that Paul was the one who turned
in David, who was taken away from the RAWF by The Harvard County Mental
Institution, on 02/22/02.
Now fate has turned This heartless, devious, souless bastard beside Chad
Bordeaux on the announcing team.
We've certain seen it all now haven't we?
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Wrestler: Captain Crush
Sex: Male
Age: 22
Height: 7'6"
Weight: 420 lbs.
Strength: 7
Speed: 3
Intimidation: 3
Courage: 4
Vitality: 2
IQ: 4
Favorite 3 moves:
Big Boot
suplexes (all sorts)
chokeslam thru tables (announce or otherwise)
Special Attack: "Crush-O-Matic-3001"
(pumphandle suplex into a tombstone.)
Cheat: only if my opponent does first.(chair
Quote: "You will be crushed"
Other Info: Captain Crush is just
a brute of a man with intentions to hurt people and win titles. He's not
really like the other big guys his size. What type of a guy he is will
come out in the roleplays.
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Name: David Wilson
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 325 lbs
Strength: 5
Speed: 2
Intimidation: 3
Courage: 3
Vitality: 2
IQ Rating: 5
Favorite 3 Moves: Modified Belly to
Belly Suplex (done at an angle so that when they slam down they crash on
their shoulder.)
Full Nelson Slam
Front Face Vertical Suplex (picks them up atomic drop style but instead
of kneeing them in the jolly giver just plunges forward with them crashing
face first into the mat)
Special attack: Fade to Black (While
in a pumphandle position hooks his free arm around their neck and lifts
them into the air slamming them down modified brainbuster jack hammer style.)
Cheat: Yes (anything brutal but does
indeed like to slam people onto steel steps)
Favorite Quote: Your quest for flory
and fame shall be your true demise.
Other info: Mysteriously released from
the Harvard County Mental Institution after being placed there by Paul Marshall
and also rumored TRH for classified reasons. Once a silent oberyer of Paul
Marshall awoke and turned on his keeper turning into an intellectual with
a taste for brutal violence and no care for riches, fame or material objects.
Mocks those who strive for glorified title reigns to make themselves look
better yet deem themselves hardcore. Underwent a brutal two month or more
feud with then champ Tony Rocky Horror / Mojo and was the sin\gle link into
what would have been a six month long title reign. Won the title to mock
those who wanted it and eventuall set in on fire the week after he won it.
His violent acts go down as some of the most brutal in RAWF history.
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Name: James Outlaw Richardson
Sex: Male
Age: 33
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 230 lb.
Strength: 5
Speed: 3
Intimidation: 2
Courage: 3
Vitality: 2
IQ: 3
Pancake Slam
Setup Move: Big Splash into turnbuckle
Special Move: Outlawed (Reverse Powerbomb
off top turnbuckle)
Cheat: No
Quote: You have been outlawed.
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Name: Rod Cordington
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Height: 6'10
Weight: 250
Strength: 4
Speed 3
Intimidation 2
Courage 2
Vitality 3
IQ Rating 4
3 Favorite Moves: 1 Sidewalk Slam
2 Gutwrench Suplex 3 DDT
Special attack: The Show Stealer (
Scoop Slam into an Implanter )
Cheat No
Favorite Quote I'll steal the show!
Other info:He is the boyfriend of
James adopted mother Sheila.
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Name: Jason 'Dameon' Hill
Sex: Males
Age: 30
Height: 6ft 11in
Weight: 385lbs
Strength: 5
Speed: 2
Intimidation: 4
Courage: 5
Vitality 2
IQ Rating: 2
Favorite 3 Moves: Chokeslam To The
Outside Of The Ring
Triple Pwoerbomb
Torture Rack
Special attack: OVERDOSE - A modified
Cranium Crunch.
Cheat: No
Favorite Quote: "Time For An
Other info: Former RAWF Intercontinental
Champion, Former SCW World Champion, Now off of retirement to show the
young pups who rules!
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Name: J.D. Awesome
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 220
Strength: 3
Speed: 5
Intimidation: 2
Courage: 4
Vitality: 3
IQ Rating: 3
Favorite 3 Moves: Senton Bomb
Special Attack: Awesomely Done (Northerlights
Suplex with Opponent sitting on top rope)
Cheat: Yes (Hair Spray in the eyes
is a favorite but any object will do. )
Favorite Quote: "Why? Cause thats
the kinda guy I am."
Other Info: Well liked growing up
J.D. Awesome hung-out with many different kinds of people. Though in one
instance it go him in a world of trouble. By hanging-out with the wrong
crowd he turned into a shell of his former shelf. Getting the cops called
on him numerous times for numerous reasons. He even spent some time in
Juvenile Detention.
Then one night Awesome got into a fight with some kid who got in his
way. J.D. almost killed the kid, who was sent to the hospital with a concussion,
a broken arm, and was losing too much blood. Awesome was sent to Reform
School for 2 years. He went back to being his old self again, but a tormented
soul still lurks within.
J.D. trys his best to be good and make up for all the pain and agony
he caused on people. Though despite his fun loving attitude he can't shake
the evil he has left inside from his street punk days. You'll notice it
during times when he's getting competitive. Like during matches, interviews,
and so on. But he has a bit of a weakness for a pretty face, which can
calm him down and sometimes gets him into trouble. He's also an electronics
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Name: Halie
Sex: Female
Age: 21
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 120
Strength :4
Speed 4
Intimidation: 3
Vitality: 2
IQ: 3
Courage: 4
Favorite moves :
Belly to Belly suplex
Jumping Roundhouse
Various kicks
Special Attack: Spinning Armdrag into
a butterfly lock.
Extra Info: Halie is a quite beauitful
woman with dark hair and beautiful green eyes. She's been trained in the
art of shoot fighting.
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Name The Crippler
Sex Male
Age 22
Height 6'8
Weight 320
Strength 5
Speed 5
Intimidation 6
Courage 8
Vitality 5
IQ Rating 3
Favorite 3 Moves
Cradle Piledriver
Mountain bomb
Choke Slam
Special attack: Crippling Effect (Rings
of Saturn/Crippler Crossface Mix) or Deadman's Drop (Snowplow)
Cheat Yes ( Uses his Singapore Cane
Favorite Quote: "Death gives
you time to think of all you should have done with your life", "You
can't tap with the master son, so sit your ass down before I blast you
Other info: Any long time fan of the
RAWF knows what this man is made out of. While some wrestlers who have
fought him may not like him, all do respect him. Crippler demands respect
and has on more than one occasion beaten respect into a wrestler who saw
him as an easy fight. Crippler's career started in the IHWF where upon
entering joined the 1-8-7 and ended up following them to RAWF. From the
start most people, even a few stable mates, thought that Crippler was
just some rookie that would fade out without a fight. The wrestlers soon
learned that this rookie was about to show the world what a boy from Norfolk,
Virginia could do. He quickly won the IC Title from a fellow 1-8-7 member
and showed the world he could fight with the best of them. Crippler continued
to win and became the first wrestler in RAWF history to win every belt.
Crippler was on his way to becoming the greatest wrestler to grace the
RAWF ring when he was killed in a match with Darksider when he was hung
by barbwire. He was out for four months before he would give Darksider
the scare of his life when he returned in his home town. Crippler's return
would be short as his body was not ready to return to action and Crippler
would disappear from RAWF television. Crippler rebuilt his body and is
ready to do what is necessary to take out the men is claims is responsible
for his death. He is what Undertaker wants to be, he truly is the Deadman.
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Name: Heartbreaker John Murphy
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 311 lb.
Strength: 4
Speed: 3
Intimidation: 4
Courage: 4
Vitality: 2
IQ: 3
Reverse DDT
Boston Crab
Special: Heartstopper (starts as a
bear hug, from there i lightly toss my opponent into the air and catch
him with a diamond cutter. )
Cheat: Yes ( rarely will but when
he does will hit with chairs or run in partners)
DTN.... Don't Trust No one
Other Info: I have been in the RAWF
for years. I am back with the Crippler by my side. We are here to restore
what is right in this fed. We want to bring back what's rightfully RAWF
and not 1-8-7.
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Name: Too Hot To Handle Matt Vandal
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 276 lb.
Strength: 5
Speed: 1
Intimidation: 4
Courage: 5
Vitality: 3
IQ: 2
Twirling Powerbomb
Belly to Back German Suplex
Torture Rack
Special: The F-5
Cheat : Yes (By Any Mean Necessary)
Quote: You can't handle Matt Vandal.
Other Info: Started his professional
wrestling career at the age of 16 when he was 22 he accidentally killed
a wrestler in the ring. At trial he was proven guilty for murder. 2 years
later evidence arrived to prove his innocence. he is now out of jail and
on parole. Once again back into the professional wrestling scene Vandal
stumbled across the RAWF and is here to make an impact. And will stop
anyone who gets in his way Because they can't handle Matt Vandal.
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Name "The Aryan Dream" Klaus
Sex Male
Age 22
Height 6'
Weight 220
Strength 4
Intelligence 3
IQ 3
Vitality 6
Courage 2
Intimidation 2
Favorite Three Moves
Full nelson slam
sleeper hold
Special Move Kyrstallnacht- *F-5 Bomb*
Other Info: From the land of Germany,
Klaus Kaiser comes to America and the RAWF to prove the incompetence and
the lack of pure brutality that he feels wrestling has lost in it's high-time
as an American pasttime.
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Name: Spawn
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 285lbs
Strength: 4
Speed: 3
Intimidation: 4
Courage: 3
Vitality: 3
IQ Rating:3
Favorite 3 moves:
1. U-hook powerbomb
2. The End ( Clothsline from hell)
3. Chokeslam
Finisher: Desolation(Last ride)
Cheat: Yes (with baseball bat to skull)
Quote: "Now is the Time!"
Other info: Spawn is a mysterious figure.
In his past life he was rookie cop John Crawford. One night driving home
from work, he got in a freak accident and was left for dead. When he regained
consciousness in a nearby hospital he was told he had been in a coma for
nearly two years. He had terrible scars on his face from the explosion.
He was forced to wear white paint to cover the wounds they are that severe.
After leaving the hospital, he set out on a new found intent to prevent
Anarchy among society. He dresses in all black and sports a black trench
coat. He carries a black wooden bat with him everywhere to "enforce"
justice on anyone who stands in the way of his mission.
He has been searching for a spot to release his rage and pent up anger.
The Rawf may just be the place. He is set to eliminate all those who oppose
his way of thinking. Most of all he like to inflict pain upon those who
fall to see the reason in his pursuit.
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Name : Serj Taylor
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Height: 6ft 4in
Weight 217lbs
Strength: 2
Speed: 4
Intimidation: 3
Courage: 4
Vitality: 3
IQ Rating: 4
Favorite 3 Moves:
Ego Check - Double Underhook Piledriver
"K.O.A." Killing On Adrenaline - Corkscrew 450 Splash
Biocide - Crippler Crossface
Special attack: The Cycle - Test Drive
Cheat: Yes (Chairshot)
Favorite Quote: "F*ck the system!"
Other info: Serj Taylor grew up in
New York City. Thoughout highschool he was into wrestling. After high
school ended he went to Japan to train. There he learned to control his
anger through meditation. But when he came back to the states even his
meditation couldn't keep him from hating the U.S. Government. They took
his home and his money. So now he is here in RAWF looking for a chance.
A chance to earn some money and a chance to beat the system.
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Name: Grave Digger
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Height: 6'8"
Weight: 302 lb.
Strength: 3
Speed: 2
Intimidation: 2
Courage: 2
Vitality: 3
IQ: 8
Favorite 3 moves:
1. Gut Wrench Powerbomb
2. Choke-Toss
3. implant DDT
Special Attack: Implanter (Reverse
tombstone: i.o.w, picks them up like a piledriver then drops to knees
like tombstone)
Cheat: yes (Uses Fire)
Favorite quote: BURN IN HELL!!!!!!
(he likes the quote a bit too much)
Other info: Grave Digger used to tear
up RAWF in the old days as Hardcore champion, IC Champion, tag champion,
and TV Champion. One title has escaped this unstable lunatic, and that
is the world title.
He's back, but he's hung up his boots. He's got a new plan to get what
he's always wanted in the World Championship Gold, and it involves controlling
the mind of his former tag team partner. Darksider is under his control,
though Grave Digger claims he found Darksider that way, a mindless zombie,
and is only trying to help him regain his own sanity.
Grave Digger has become increasingly insane, he thinks that the souls
of the dead, (The Tortured Souls) talk to him, and tell him to do things.
Don't be fooled, he can fight, and has proven so on many occasions. But
why do something you can just as easily brainwash someone into doing for
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Name: Freddie Fate
Sex: Male
Age: 21
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 240lbs
Strength: 2
Speed: 4
Intimidation: 1
Courage: 4
Vitality: 3
IQ: 6
Three Moves:
Swinging Neckbreaker
Implant DDT
Belly to Belly Snap Suplex
Special: Running Fill Tilt DDT
Cheat: No
Quote: "You can't change your
fate. Your fate has already been decided. I'm your fate!"
Other Info: Freddie Fate was born
in England, July 25th 1981. His childhood was a usual, happy one. Not
a lot of memorable things happened, that is, until Freddie reached the
age of 19. Whilst scouring a newspaper, he saw an advert that interested
him. It was for a local underground federation. Freddie rung up and enquired.
One thing led to another, and a week later, Freddie found himself in the
ring, opposite a huge brick shithouse of a man, named Krang The Destroyer.
Freddie somehow overcame the odds to beat Krang, and from that point on,
Freddie had a taste for wrestling. He moved from federation to federation,
clearing up the competition, winning titles and respect, then moving on.
At the age of 20, Freddie reached a federation named the AWA. Freddie's
first match pitched him against a cheating weasel named Kudos. Kudos cheated
like hell, and ended the match beating the crap out of Freddie with a
chair. Freddie was rushed into hospital, but was discharged a few days
later. Freddie rejoined the AWA, and things started changing. Freddie
was becoming a hell of a lot more aggressive, and after a few months,
as luck would have it, Freddie was pitted against Kudos once more. The
match was nothing short of a war. Freddie and Kudos put on one hell of
a match, and beat each other within an inch of their lives. Kudos begun
getting the upper hand and one again attempted to beat down on Freddie
with a chair. But this time, Freddie snapped. Freddie grabbed the chair
out of Kudos' hands, and repeatedly hit Kudos with the chair, sending
kudos to the ground in a instant. Kudos was a lifeless lump on the ground.
From then on, things have never been right with Freddie. People called
him the "loose cannon", and he suddenly become extremely feared
in the AWA. Freddie left the AWA, as he did every other federation. Now
he wishes to bring his insane style of fighting to the RAWF.
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Name: Erica
Sex: Female
Age: 26
Weight: As if David knows, let alone
the entire federation
Strength: 1
Speed: 5
Courage: 5
Vitality: 1
IQ Rating: 7
Favorite 3 moves:
Low Blow (Often using a foreign object)
Counter-Attack (Blocks an enemy's strike, and uses it to her advantage
whether turning it into a throw, or using the advantage for a strike of
her own.)
Foreign Object Strike
Special Attack: Slashes opponent with
a hidden switchblade in her thick punk-metal bracelet. (Extreme circumstances
only in most cases)
Cheat: Yes.(Any means necessary, as
long as it's brutal.)
Other info: Not much is known about
the estranged valet of David Wilson's. She first appeared on RAWF TV in
a nurse's outfit, tricking Dameon on 12/11/02. Rumor has it that she was
the Harvard County nurse that David had while his stay in the mental institution.
Being a registered nurse, she has an extremelly unusual medical background,
as well a knowledge of basic self-defense from fending herself from the
crazed lunatics in Harvard County. Her usual attire when accompaning David
is a usual punk outfit, like a short black skirt, heels, with large metal
punk bracelets, one of which she sometimes carries a switchblade in.
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