June 29, 2003:
June 29, 2003:
June 21, 2003:
June 20, 2003:
June 27, 2003
Prime Time Wrestling featuring Johnny Valiant
Labetti Post 390 Hylan Blvd.
Staten Island, NY
Main Event- The Patriot vs. Julio Dinero/Mike Kruel vs. Reckless Youth
Holy Rollers vs. Ballard Brothers
866-846-9928 www.ptwrestling.com
July 2003- To be announced
Bruno Sammartino TV Tribute
MSG Network
With Nikolai Volkoff, Nikita Breznikov, Vince McMahon
Time TBA
July 11-
An Evening With Johnny Valiant 8PM
The Darress Theater
615 Main St.
Boonton NJ
Info: www.darresstheater.com $10
July 18, 2003 7PM $10
Jamestown Jammers Baseball
NY Penn League
Jammers vs. Mahoning Valley Scrappers
Johnny V will throw out first pitch & greet fans & all you can eat
July 19-20
GalactiCon 2003
Opens Sat. 12 PM
Wrestling and Sci-fi Board Games Convention
Live performance of "An Evening With Johnny Valiant"
Sat. evening
Appearances by Evan Ginzburg, Johnny Diamond, Diamond Vixxen
Jamestown, NY
Info: http://www.gwfwrestling.com/gc2000/jt,
July 25-26
Big Apple Convention- St. Paul Church Auditorium
Comics, autographs, sci-fi. Movies & wrestlers
59th St. and 9th Ave. www/bigapplecon.com
Friday July 25th 12-8PM Saturday July 26 10AM-7PM
Saturday July 26 7PM
Johnny Valiant's Vaudeville Review
Polish Community Hall Jersey City, NJ
630 Jersey Ave. (Corner of 6th Street)
Starring Johnny Valiant, The Mambo King, Comedian Rockin' Randy,
Actresses Maryanne Russell & Chela
$8 advance/$10 door
Wednesday July 30 7:30PM
National Wrestling SuperStars
Manasquan, NJ Elks Lodge
17 Stockton Lake Blvd.
Johnny valiant, Superfly Jimmy Snuka, Dapper Johnny Falco, Ratty & more
Tix/directions: 732-888-1704 www.nwswrestling.com
Friday August 1 Midnight
"Friday Night Intervention"
The Collective Unconscious
Comedy set by Johnny Valiant & others (also comedy videos)
Ludlow between Stanton & Rivington
145 Ludlow Street
(F Train to 2nd Ave.) $5 students $7 GA
August 16- Booked
Private Party
Saturday August 30, 2003
NCW All Star Wrestling
Triton High School Gym
Runnemede, NJ
Also on show: Jimmy Valiant!
June 15, 2003:
June 11, 2003:
The 5th Annual Shane Shamrock Memorial Cup held on July 16th, will not only mark the 5 year anniversary of Maryland Championship Wrestling, but it will also mark the end of the MCW era. This news comes with mixed emotions and I'm sure it will stir mixed emotions with the fans and critics. In an attempt to help you understand how we arrived at this decision, I've decided to tell you the whole story. To some of you its familiar because you've been there since Day 1, to others it will allow you to come inside a little and set aside rumors and untruths.
In late 1996, after several years of not having a professional wrestling training center in the state of Maryland -or one that stayed open for more than six months- I began toying with the idea of starting my own Pro Wrestling training center. The one thing that I was sure about was that I wanted to do things differently than anyone in the past had done. I wanted to make it a "legitimate business", obtain the proper licenses, insurances, open a corporation and make a legit company out of something that had been used as a money scam in the past. I wanted to show people that it could be done and done right. As I sit here and think about it, I don't remember one person that gave me positive reinforcement. Axl Rotten actually turned down my offer to become a partner and told me that turning a wrestling school into a legitimate company would never make it and he didn't want to do it. To this day,Axl Rotten will sit around and say that he helped build the business and that we wouldn't be here without him. I've always found it funny that a guy who found it such a bad idea and washed his hands of it, was the first to jump up and say it was all his idea and take the credit once it became successful. Several days later, while in the local gym with Mark Shrader, I explained to Mark that Axl didn't accept my offer and that was how our partnership came to be. Mark also believed that if done properly, this company could work and be successful.
In March of 1997, after several months of research, hard work and persistence, Sharkorp Inc, doing business as Bone Breakers Pro Wrestling Training Center, was formed. On May 18th, we opened the doors to Bone Breakers and the first two students signed up, maybe you're familiar with them - The Bruiser and 2-Dope. They signed up with about nine others who quickly learned that the wrestling business is tough and not for everyone. At this point, we were only getting started and had not yet built up our credibility.
Around the same time, many of the local wrestlers were unhappy with the way things were going with the local promotion, MEWF. In December, a locker room full of guys walked out on the MEWF and Mark and I made a promise to them that we were going to start up a promotion that would not only be better for the wrestlers, but better for the fans. That was how MSDM Inc, doing business as Maryland Championship Wrestling, was formed. Forming the actual promotion was a whole different world compared to opening the wrestling school. There were different licenses, insurance policies, and certain bonds that we had to obtain. There were many obstacles, but we weren't going to let that knock us off track. On July 19, 1998 MCW held its first event at the Patapsco Arena in front of 1,200 anxious wrestling fans.
To sit here and try and list every single thing that has happened since that night - both the good and the bad- would take days to write and I'm sure I still wouldn't be able to remember it all. Not to mention the fact it would take you just as long to read. We had our highs: raising thousands of dollars for charities, developing a rapport with the Jerry Springer Show, working with the WWE to get our students dark matches (tryouts), and working with some of the biggest names in the wrestling business. We had our low points too: losing Shane Shamrock and losing friendships over business, just to name a few.
Through these two businesses, many doors opened and Mark and I were able to experience things that many only dream of. What no one seems to realize is that while we were doing so many things for other people, for the most part we were putting our lives on hold. We were successful, but we weren't rich. To stay successful, we had to work at both companies full time which meant both of us passed up some really great financial opportunities and busted our asses to keep things going.
In the last few months, I have used the business knowledge that I've gained through MCW and Bone Breakers to start several other companies that do not pertain to professional wrestling. Mark is doing likewise, along with learning the responsibilities of being a father. It was once said that life is a novel and with each new chapter you start, one must end. With each of us having new found interests, we feel that it is time for this chapter to come to an end. In life and business, timing is everything. We started this company on our own terms, and we're ending it on our own terms. It's not because some other promotion ran us out of town, not because there aren't still students signing up trying to become pro wrestlers, and not because we didn't give wrestling fans everything we had for five great years. That is what gives me the greatest satisfaction.
I'm sure dropping this bomb will bring out all of the outspoken, bitter, "I told you so", people who hide behind the facade of being "fans". Well, I'm sure by now everyone has figured out that while you give yourselves clever nicknames and hide behind message boards, most of the nay-sayers are just bitter, disgruntled people that MCW has parted ways with for one reason or another. I've got a challenge for those people... You don't need to just talk anymore. Come, step up to the plate. Start up your own promotion and 'show me how its done'. We have always had, and been grateful for, our loyal MCW fans and I am hoping that they can understand.
We set out to make a legit business of helping people shoot for their dreams, we built a promotion that gained respect throughout the business, we gave the fans everything we had, and we had a hell of a good time doing it. Nothing anyone can say will ever take that away from us. My goal was to make someone a wrestler and I did it for as many people as I could. It all came full circle when I watched a young guy, who came to me with nothing but a car full of his belongings, a hell of a lot of amateur wrestling talent, and trusted me to make him a pro wrestler, have his first televised match on WWE TV. Take note of Orlando Jordan, I'm sure you'll be buying his merchandise soon.
Bone Breakers Pro Wrestling Training Center is being bought out by Brain Busters, effective August 1, 2003. All students currently training, and those who still want to pursue their dream of becoming a professional wrestler, will be able to train at the Brain Busters school. The Mid-Eastern Wrestling Federation will work with all Brain Busters (and former Bone Breakers) graduates. Tim and Donna Burke (owners of MEWF) sat down with Mark and myself to work out a deal for not only the students, but for some of your favorite local wrestlers to continue wrestling for the MEWF promotion. MEWF is preparing to re-launch their promotion this October and I'm sure you'll see more than one or two familiar faces...
The Shane Shamrock Memorial Cup will be the last show and believe me when I tell you it'll be a night to remember. But before we say good-bye... we'll be at the Hard Rock Cafe on June 25th for a night of MCW wrestling and to kick off the farewell party. These last two shows won't disappoint you and both will be dedicated to the fans who have stood by us through thick and thin. Plans are in the works to bring in as many MCW "blasts from the pasts" for the Shamrock Cup and we're not going to lose sight of the fact that it is a night to remember Shane Shamrock as well.
July 16th will be a night to remember. We're going to do everything we can to make it the best show we've ever had and go out with a bang! I'm sure it will be an emotional night for the entire MCW family (the fans and the locker room) but it will be one hell of a wrestling show with more surprises than any show we've ever had.
June 10, 2003:
Filsinger Games has announced that they will release a Limited Edition playing card for their Legends of Wrestling card game series at Origins 2003 on June 26-29 in Columbus, Ohio.
"There are a couple cards we're looking at," said creator, Tom Filsinger. "So right now we'll keep the name of the wrestler a mystery until the con."
The Legends of Wrestling card game features all-time wrestling superstars like the Road Warriors, Jimmy Snuka, Ted DiBiase, Gorgeous George, Buddy Rogers, and many more. An expansion set is due at the end of the year. The Limited Edition card that will be released at Origins 2003 will not be part of the expansion or any regular game edition.
Filsinger Games also produces Champions of the Galaxy, a wrestling card game set in the future. The 31st expansion in this series will be released in July.
Origins 2003 is one of the game industry's major annual conventions. It will take place on June 26-29 in Columbus, Ohio. For more information about Origins 2003, go to the official site at: http://www.originsgames.com/
For more information about this news story or the Legends card game, go to the official Filsinger Games site at: http://www.gwfwrestling.com/home.htm
Johnny Valiant and Evan Ginzburg looking for rides to Jamestown, NY for Tom Filsinger's Wrestling Game Convention on the morning of July 19 from NYC and/or Pittsburgh. Will share all expenses. E-mail evan_ginzburg@yahoo.com
Click on Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka to read this Sample Article!
CURT HENNIG Tributes by: Newspaper journalist Mike Mooneyham, wrestler Joe Rules and editor Evan Ginzburg & Curt Hennig cover art by ref Rick Knox
ORIGINAL SHEIK Tributes and back cover
CHRIS JERICHO Interview by Chris Yandek
JERRY GREY Interview
GIRLS of Old by Dale Pierce
BRUCE LEE, BRUNO & Me by Evan Ginzburg
CLEVELAND memories
YOUR LETTERS including one from the legendary Dr. Death Don Arnold
& much, much more
$5 to Evan Ginzburg at PO Box 640471 Oakland Gardens
Station Flushing, NY 11364
Subs: $15/6 months $25/1 yearUS
1980's Clippings Spectacular still available! Only $10/US $12/overseas packed with all the great territories and legends of the area.
2002-2003 Wrestling- Then & Now Annual due out MAY 25
Our largest one yet! Pre-orders now at $15US/$20 overseas
84 packed pages. Don Arnold autograph on each collectible magazine.
Don Arnold Interview/Tribute/Autograph
SuperStar Billy Graham Tribute
Lou Thesz Tribute
Southern wrestling Memories
Ref Rick Knox takes you in the ring
& Much, Much, More!
Trade links with www.wrestlingthenandnow.com and www.johnnyvaliant.net
We will trade links with any interested site. We get well over 1,000 hits a month and can help YOUR site get traffic.
Wrestling promoters! You can now plug your events absolutely free on www.wrestlingthenandnow.com. 2,000 hits a month of free publicity. Pull up indys. Log on today.
Listen to Evan Ginzburg and Fred Geobold each and every Wed. from 2-3PM on WBAI-FM's Light Show in NYC heard by 200,000 NY/NJ/CONN listeners plus a worldwide Internet audience. Arts program featuring wrestling. Heard live on Net at wbaifree.org and wbai.org. Upcoming guests include Butcher Paul Vachon and Johnny Valiant.
NIKOLAI VOLKOFF & JOHNNY VALIANT are now a big part of the WT&N website at www.wrestlingthenandnow.com Check it out!
Evan Ginzburg handling bookings for Ms. Nicole Bass and Johnny Valiant: evan_ginzburg@yahoo.com
Bring Johnny or Nicole to your next office party, birthday party, PPV party, family or office function, bar event, indie wrestling show, etc.
Coming soon in Wrestling- Then & Now Anniversary Issue #150:
Nikolai Volkoff on Sailor Art Thomas
Johnny Valiant on The Sheik
History of zines and sheets
Interviews with Kid USA and hardcore icon Lowlife Louie Ramos
Brute Bernard
And much, much more.
Pro Wrestling America
Trying to get a $25,000.00 grant from VISA!
By: Jonathan (ICEMAN) Knudsen
Hello wrestling fans this is the ICEMAN here from PWA Pro Wrestling America. And I am asking you to give PWA a helping hand to get a $25,000.00 Grant from VISA of America Co. VISA is right now offering a $25,000.00 grant to any company that is a start up company, or some one with an idea for a business that will use the money as jump start capital on there business. PWA has been fortunate enough to have gotten into this grant pool with there Wrestling Promotion Idea. There are several different aspects to this business plan and I will try briefly to go over as many as I can for you the fans.
#1 First PWA receives $25,000.00 from VISA
#2 PWA then gets matching funds from an Angel-Investor that has all ready agreed to put up another $25,000.00.
#3 PWA purchases a 18? X 18? Wrestling Ring for $5500.00 (this ring will be used for Events and Training Camp)
#4 PWA has a 4000sq? building in Philadelphia were we will be putting on a wrestling camp. I have arranged for several super stars to be guest trainers at this camp. Those names will be released when we have the camp set in place. PWA will charge $1500.00 for a three month camp and we can handle 30 students at a time. Total:$45,000.00 every 3 months
#5 PWA will get the people it needs for this camp by advertising in several wrestling magazines and on the internet. Cost $15,000.00
#6 PWA will promote house shows around the US using names from yesterday, today and tomorrows stars! This we figure will pull $5000.00 to $10,000.00 a show after paying the talent and expenses. With a minimal investment of $30,000.00 to $40,000.00 a show. This money will come from angel-investors we all ready have in place to back our shows.
#7 The master tape production from our own in house production crews using Canon SL1 Midi digital recorders with a server interface. Will be sold to a company we all ready have set up for direct distribution to several Video Houses in the US. Total: $65,000.00 a taping
#8 PWA also has an in house PYRO Tech Company Called Labrynth Pyros . We have a master tech that will be designing all of the pyros for our shows. Cost: $1500.00 a show
#9 PWA has a sound engineering company called Bird Land Productions that will be doing all entrance music. And the Lighting for our events using Martin DMX and Wizard Intelligent Lighting Systems. The sound system will be set up with Crown Audio and Pinicle Sound Works using Mackie Ultra Boards for a sound interface and TOA cardios for a pick up. Cost: $1500.00 a show
#10 The most important of all Top Talent from Wrestling Federations all over the US.
These are just a few of the things we have in our business plan and it has taken me seven years to put it all together. Starting with learning the back end of the business to learning about post production and sound production. I have spent most of my life learning about what it will take to make a productive wrestling business. Giving the fans and the wrestlers what they need most a stable Indy Wrestling Show that will last. But in order to make this all happen we need your help and your vote!! By going to www.ideashappen.com and putting wrestling in the search field and scrolling down till you see PWA. Click on the link that will take you to our pitch and simply press Feelin It! You of course may read the pitch but is pretty much what you see here just not in such detail. I want to take the time to thank Wrestling Then and Now and every one that helped get this message out to the fans.
Jonathan (ICEMAN) Knudsen
Filsinger Games has announced that WWE Hall of Famer, Johnny Valiant, will bring his acclaimed one-man comedy show to GalactiCon 2003 on July 19-20 in Jamestown, New York.
GalactiCon 2003 is an annual game convention sponsored by Filsinger Games for fans of Champions of the Galaxy wrestling game.
Filsinger Games has also released the Legends of Wrestling card game, featuring playing cards for all-time wrestling stars including Johnny Valiant.
Other guests at the convention will include Hannibal King (Filsinger Games artist), Evan Ginzburg (Editor of Wrestling: Then and Now newsletter) and Tom Filsinger (creator of Champions of the Galaxy and Legends of Wrestling card games).
Events at GalactiCon 2003 will include the release of new wrestling games and playing cards by Filsinger Games, auctions, trivia challenges, wrestling videos, and more.
For more information about attending GalactiCon 2003, call for information at 1-888- 275-8178 or go to: http://www.gwfwrestling.com/gc2000.htm
Filsinger Games
Champions of the Galaxy/Legends of Wrestling