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A Brief History Of Aura Imaging

During the 20th century, efforts were made to record and measure the human energy field. Scientists, doctors and many others knew a field of energy existed around living things, now it was time to verify its existence! One of the first successes in measuring the Aura can be credited to Nikola Tesla, a very famous and renowned inventor. Tesla gave us among other things one of the very foundations of our life on earth today, AC current! Alternating current gave us the ability to power our homes in a safe and inexpensive way. Tesla harnessed AC current in his work with Thomas Edison. Edison was already working with electricity, however he believed DC or “direct current”, as it is called would be the future for powering our lives. Edison told Tesla “This is the United States, we use DC here! Washington DC, its our way.”

While DC power is good for car and other batteries, it has been proven that Tesla was correct, AC is what gives us the ability to live as we do today.

In the 1890s, Nikola Tesla took the first Aura photograph. After Tesla, Soviet scientists Semyon and Valentina Kirlian produced a method of photographing the Aura this is called Kirlian photography. L Ron Hubbard famous author and founder of Scientology had a Aura measuring device built by custom order!

While more advanced, the cost of that system was very prohibitive, 60,000.00 U.S. dollars (keep in mind this was in the 60s). Since those days various other pioneers have come along.

The next wave of innovation has to be credited to Johannes R Fisslinger A brilliant inventor and visionary who uses computer technology mixed with tested and true methods of Aura measurement, to put a whole new slant on Aura imaging.

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