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Many people become lost in their world of dreams and fantasies. They are cut off from reality because of their wants, hopes, and needs. I am one of those people. This is my fairytale.


Because of the webmaster's lack of motivation, this website has been put on hold. I'm leaving the site here incase I ever decide to take it up again, or if someone absolutely adores my or Jessica's writing and simply can't get enough of it. If you have any questions or comments, please email me.

Hello, I'm Cecilia, and welcome to my fairy tale. This is my personal page for my writings such as poetry, short stories, whatever. I hope to have many of my friends writings on here soon too. Also, if you would like your own "fairy tales" posted, I would be more than happy to do so for you.

The Vault



June 14, 2001
Hey, long time, no see. Well, despite the site's "down time" I've updated. I've put up the first two chapters of something my friend Rachel and I have been working on. Sorry, no updates on the other stories. Maybe next time.

January 14, 2001
Hey! It's been a while, eh? I've got another poem from Jessica titled "The Puzzle." Check it out. Also, I've add a few more links just for the heck of it. Happy Martin Luther King Day!

December 27, 2000
I've added a links page and put up a guestbook. So, if you ever get the time to sign the book, you're more than welcome to.

December 1, 2000
Well, I finished linking all of Jessica's poems. Please e-mail me if you find that any of the links don't work.

November 19, 2000
Right now, I'm in the process of adding the thousands of poems my dear friend, Jessica, has contributed. Be sure to check back to see when I get them all up!

Noverember 8, 2000
Hey! It's the "grand opening" of Fairy Tale! This site isn't gonna be updated that often because life has a tendancey to interfere with my "creative callings". So! Check back every month or so, and I'm sure you'll find something worth your while!

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