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this is where our zines are for sale!

Fertile Resistance:


Pandora's Cunt:
very basic info about arwyn's own journey, birth control, nutrican for vegans, pad/tampon alternitives, cures for yeast infections and resources. recomended more for women just getting into natural healthcare, especailly those who live in Minnesota. comes with pad pattern insert!
cost: $1 or whatever you can pay! zine trade encouraged!

edited by Cedar and a friend of hers, Bloodroot is personal stories, art and includes "make your own medacine: tinctures!", with quick facts about herbs, yeast infections and colloidal silver.formed by the redclover collective, who is no longer together. Cedaris starting a farming commune in Texas and Aurore is going to natural heathcare school in New Zealand.
cost: $1.00 +stamps, or 50 cents (tape change to index card in envolope)

Instructions for 3D model of pelvic muscles!!:
this one is very exciting! it's not a zine, but copies from a book belonging to a midwife friend of mine. you will need an anatomy book, or access to website on anatomy and access to a copy place. 10 pages detailing how to make a paper cut out 3D model of pelvis, comes with pattern, when i finish mine, i will put up a picture of the result!
cost: whatever you can pay!! a dollar is incouraged, but trades are more than welcome!

send to Arwyn
2004 Rundell Pl
Austin, Tx 78704

remember! making more zines requires more information, and two peope don't have time to do that bythemselves! help us out and send us your zine or an article to go in fertile resistance!

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