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Submission Guidelines

1. 1,500 - 3,500 words.

2. Send as an attachment in the body of an email addressed to

3. Plain text format. If you are not sure what I mean, create your story in Notepad and send it to me that way.

4. No pornography or gratuitous sex unless integral to the story.

5. No sexual situations involving children under the age of 18 years unless it is necessary to the success of the story.

6. Harm to animals? Must be integral to the story.

7. Please use a grammar/spell checker...I don't have time to do your work for you.

8. Do something to protect your work...if nothing else, seal it in an envelope and address it to yourself. Then don't open it when it comes back to you.

9. Tell me something about yourself, in 50 words or less. Send a pic of yourself if you have one (jpeg) and I will put it on your story page with a short bio.

10. If I decide to publish your story on our web site, I will notify you. Do not keep asking me if your story was selected. If you do not receive a reply within ten days of submission, you will not be published at the site. You don't have to be Stephen King, but if you hook me in the first three paragraphs, I guarantee publication. And keep in mind; real life is scarier than any story I have ever read!

11. I will not accept snail mail. Email is faster, easier, and cheaper for you.

12. No simultaneous submissions; no previously published works, on the Internet or off.

13. Effective October 1, 2000, we no longer pay for stories. Under the old system, the authors hounded me to death regarding publication, and then once they were published, they hounded me to death about payment. Submit because you love the craft, not because you wanna make a dollar. D.F. Lewis is a premier horror author who has been published at this site. He is successful because he loves to write. Once you're that good, the money will come.

14. If and when your story appears here at the website and in the yearly anthology, payment will be made to authors based on a share of a portion of total royalties earned by the anthology, to be paid six months from the date of publication. Copies of the anthology that are not sold after six months will be donated to local public libraries.

15. If your story is selected for web site publication, authors grant First Publication Rights only. Author retains all other rights.

16. If you have any questions, email us;

17. No promises of selection for publication or payment other than that contained herein are expressed, intended, or implied.


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