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Episode 0106 : Santa Barbara's 1984 Christmas episode.Gina, Brandon and CC open presents next to the Capwell Christmas tree. Rosa and Ruben visit the Perkins' house. The Lockridges are in prison with Lionel and take the Christmas dinner there. Minx reads the Bible to all of them. Special Final credits.Shown on Thursday, 15 June 1989 in Spain.


Episode 0358 : Santa Barbara's 1985 Christmas episode ( Part one). Laken Lockridge ( Julie Ronnie) returns to have dinner with the Lockridges: Lionel, Augusta, Warren, Julia and Frank, the milkman. Cruz and Santana search for Gina and Brandon.Mason lives the 'Christmas Carol ' by Dickens. Shown 11 June 1990 in Spain.
Episode 0359 : Santa Barbara's 1985 Christmas episode ( Part two). Marisa Perkins ( Valorie Amstrong), Amy, Brick, Little Johnny, Glenn and Kathie are in the Perkins House. Sophia, Ted, Kelly, Nick, Dylan, Sam, Mason, Janice, Eden and Kirk are in the Capwell Mansion. Mason lives the 'Christmas Carol ' by Dickens. Special Final Credits.


Episode 0613 :Santa Barbara's 1986 Christmas episode ( Part one). Everybody hates Gina .CC , Sophia, Hayley, Lily Light ( Lynn Clark) and Brandon celebrate Christmas' Eve in the Orient Express. Gina has an accident and she receives the visit of an angel. Gina lives the story of ' It's a Wonderful Life' by Capra. Shown 5 June 1991 in Spain
Episode 0614 : Santa Barbara's 1986 Christmas episode ( Part two). Gina has a change of heart, thanks to the angel.The Capwells and the Lockridges ( including Minx < Dame Judith Anderson> second reappearance) help the homeless. Kelly Capwell ( Robin Wright ) phones home and her family is really happy. Shown 6 June 1991 in Spain. Special Final Credits