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Prof Dr Irshad ul Haque History taking & Clinical examination by Prof Dr Irshad ul Haque 
A COMPREHENSIVE BOOKLET on Clinical methods, designed by the Medicine department, Punjab Medical College Faisalabad Pakistan for the guidance of Undergraduate Medical Students and graduate doctors.
Dr Zahid Masood
Polio Cases Drop by 99% from 1988 to 2000 by Dr Zahid Masood 
VITAL INFORMATION provided in the Statistical Reports of the organizations as WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO & other authentic data providers. For feedback mail to
Dr Khurram Raja
Qisas & Diyat Ordinance  by Dr Khurram Sohail Raja
Brief Introduction to the Ordinance which plays a pivotal role in our judicial system. A guideline for the undergraduate medical students. For feedback mail to

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