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You & your Cholesterol

What is Cholesterol??
Cholesterol is a transparent greasy substance present in every cell of our body. Cholesterol is of many types but two types are important. Good cholesterol (HDL) and Bad cholesterol (LDL). Triglyceride is another greasy substance which if present in excess in body is dangerous like LDL.
Though for few vital functions of the body, cholesterol is essential but if it is in excess in blood, its dangerous. If LDL is in excess in blood, it starts collecting in blood vessels in layers and this collection of cholesterol is called Plaque which closes the blood vessels resulting in Angina, Heart attack or Stroke.

When Cholesterol is in excess??
To help you and your doctor to know that cholesterol is in excess or not, " National Cholesterol education program " has devised certain principles which tell the actual condition of Cholesterol in the body. These principles are based on certain elements which are termed as dangerous elements.
It is important for you to understand these dangerous elements because diseases of blood vessels and excess of cholesterol have got a specific connection.

Dangerous elements for diseases of Blood Vessels??
1- Family history of heart problems.
2- Age.
3- High blood pressure.
4- Diabetes.
5- Smoking.
6- Low levels of Good cholesterol.
7- If HDL exceeds 60mg/dl in blood, reduce one dangerous element.

Suggestions of your Doctor??
Keep your cholesterol level under control, exercise regularly, take food with less greasy elements. This way, you can reduce your cholesterol levels. But sometimes, this is not enough and your doctor can feel that these steps are insufficient to keep cholesterol levels low, then he can prescribe you some medicine to reduce cholesterol level.

Balanced diet & importance of exercise
To take medicine is just a supplement step to reduce cholesterol. Actual remedy is to take less greasy diet and to do regular exercise.

Foods which should be avoided
* Reduce greasy foods or foods with excessive fats.
* Avoid butter, cheese, icecreams and milk with cream.

To select Foods
Your aim should be to take less greasy foods. Take fresh fruits, vegetables with green leaves, noodles, rice, fish, chicken and dairy products without fats. How much you eat is also important?? More you eat, more calories enter your body which is equally dangerous. Your nutritionist can help you in devising your eating chart.

Exercise Regularly
First consult your doctor and then set to exercise. That will help you to regulate your cholesterol levels. Brisk walking is a simple exercise and then you can opt for swimming or cycling.
Choose a friend who can company you in exercise. This will help you in continuing your exercise plans in a better way. Consult your doctor who can help you in selecting your exercise and can suggest you on your cholesterol levels.

People who care                       

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

What is Blood Pressure??
Your heart pumps oxygen-rich blood through your body by a series of blood vessels called arteries. When blood is pumped out of the heart, it pushes against the walls of the arteries. This force against the walls is known as blood pressure.
What is High Blood Pressure??
Your blood pressure rises when blood presses against the walls of the arteries with too much force. If your blood pressure goes above 140/90 and remains there, you may have high blood pressure.
High Blood pressure is often called THE SILENT KILLER because there are usually no symptoms. If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to serious health problems such as heart failure, stroke and kidney damage.
Controlling High Blood Pressure

  • Take your blood pressure medication as directed.
  • Begin a regular exercise program.
  • Check your blood pressure regularly.
  • Reduce stress in your life.
  • Eat healthy and reduce your intake of salty foods.
  • Quit smoking.

Provided as an educational service by Pfizer Laboratories Limited. For more information consult your doctor.


Influenza, commonly known as Flu is a viral disease which affects millions of people every year. Influenza can spread as an epidemic and can take a fatal course in infants and old people.
What is Influenza??
Contrary to common beliefs, influenza does not only mean cold and running nose but it is a dangerous viral disease that affects the membranes of the airway.
The symptoms of persist for a number of days usually starting as high grade fever and headache. Your joints and muscles start feeling weak and fatigued alongwith which there is dry cough, irritation in the throat and itching and feeling of irritation in the nose.
Difference between Common Cold and Influenza
Cold starts gradually whereas influenza takes over rapidly when suddenly there is shivering. Patient complains of lose motions, nausea and vomitting but no fever during first 24 hours.
In diabetic people, people with heart diseases and those above 60 years of age might suffer from pneumonia as a result of Influenza. This maybe viral or bacterial. This is most common in people with weaker heart. Pregnant women and younger people may also get affected. Most of the people who suffer from influenza die of pneumonia.
Is Influenza Curable??
In otherwise healthy people influenza is a self-limiting disease. The patient is cured within few days. In uncomplicated influenza only supportive treatment like bedrest, excessive intake of fluids, medicines for fever, nasal sprays and cough syrups are required. There is no use of antibiotics.
Prevention is better than Cure
Severity of the disease, its spread, annual occurance, related complications and deaths is the reason why Vaccination should be carried out.
How long does the Vaccine work??
The vaccine works for one season. This is because of the continuous change in the structure of the virus, which means that in every season a new form of influenza virus borns against which there is no resistance among the people. It should be kept in mind that the influenza virus does not provide immunity against common cold or cough.
Which is the right time to get vaccinated??
This is just before the start of the winter season when there is a corelation between the prevailing virus and the virus used for vaccination. This vaccination prevents 70-90% people from influenza whereas 90% of the deaths from influenza can be prevented.
Who should get Vaccinated??
1-People who have low resistance especially elderly people, diabetics, those suffering from respiratory and heart diseases.
2-Medical and Paramedical people who are constantly in contact with patients.
3-Travellers and people going on Haj.
Pakistan Chest Society (centre).


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