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Final Product!

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Drum roll please...


Here is the final product


Ready to play!


The wired coin door complete with lights (they were wired in series and then connected to a molex connector for a hard drive in my computer.  The coin acceptors were also wired up so I can make people pay for games if I wanted to.  Behind that you can see the little engine that could PC that's running the show.  I might upgrade to a Duron based system as some games just run too slow on this setup.  Here's the stats on the computer if you're interested:

Dell Dimension XPS R450  Pentium II 450 MHZ

192 MB RAM


ATI Rage Fury Pro 32 mb Graphics card with S-Video out (total overkill)

Generic 24 X CD ROM

Windows 98 1st edition running in dos mode

i686MAME .37 B13

ArcadeOS as the front end

In-N-Out Burger bumper sticker on the top of the case for that custom look.



Well I could probably put more stuff here, but I'm going to go play Galaga now.


feel free to drop me a line if you want to know more!


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