Journal of a Cynic


Yesterday wasn't a joke, I've actually caught a cold. Now I'm eerily aware of all these sick people around me...coughing, sniffling...and when I ask them how long they've been sick, they roll their eyes. They cough. And they say, "Let's see...I had a sore throat for about a week (hack hack)...then I was sick as a dog. (choke) Then I couldn't stop coughing. Now I'm feeling much better. (Wheeze.)" help?

One of my favorite lottery customers came in the store today and bought a scratch-off ticket. He made me pick it out for him, even after I told him it hasn't been a very lucky week. So he scratched off the silvery stuff and found the pair of numbers that meant he won, looked at me and said, "Wanna split it?" I'm thinking, he won a dollar. He's going to give me 50 cents. Awww, what a nice guy. He scratched off the prize box and I came away with 5 bucks. What a sweetie. He's one of many customers to offer me a share of the cash, and the only one who's ever followed through.

As I was walking out of the store I was paged to the phone. I thought, "Who the hell...there's only one person who's ever called me at work...nooo...." But it was. My freako boyfriend called my store from boot camp. I talked to him for a second and he got off to call his parents. I sped home and crawled under a blanket on the couch to wait for him to call back.

John seems to be doing well. His flight is bad-ass, setting new records in their inspections and whatever it is they do. I get the impression that they stand at attention a lot. For a while it looked like they would graduate with honors, but it turns out that only the male section is doing well. The women are sucking. While the men are the best that have come through, the women are some of the worst. So the whole flight didn't make honors. In order to make that up to the men, the staff sergeants let them have more free time and phone time. So he got to talk forever today, almost 20 minutes. He was all excited about the confidence course they'd done yesterday; he actually had fun. But he's not buff yet. I told him he better not come home until he's totally buff.

I read today that Mystery Science Theater 3000 is ending. How sad. Even though I don't have cable anymore, I take comfort in knowing that MST goes on. I'll flick my lighter in memory of MST. Long live Tom Servo!

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