Á. Personal
Name :
Bill Anastopoulos
Birth Date :
December 26, 1969
Birth Place:
Athens Greece
Address :
Ossas 5 - Gerakas 15344 - ATHENS GREECE
B. Education
1. Sep 1987 - Dec 1991. Graduate of Department
Of Informatics in Athens University .
Grade Excellent 8.51
- System Analysis
- Programming in PASCAL, C, COBOL,
ASSEMBLY 8086-8088/ 6502,
- Data bases (SQL/Ingres)
- Operating Systems MS-DOS, Unix, VMS, Apple
- Design and develop education software. Research
with 10 year old students
- Computer Graphics
2. Jun 1987. Graduate of Senior High School. Agia Paraksevi
Grade Excellent 18.7
3. Feb 1984 First Certificate in English
C. Current Work
Programmer at EDP department of ERGOBANK
since 1994.
Working at
Mainframe Unisys A16 - ALGOL
SCO UNIX - C with embedded SQL
Informix 4GL
Windows 95 - Visual Basic 5
D. Previous Work
1. 1989-1990 Supervisor at computer laboratory of department of informatics.
Athens University
2. Mar 1992-Ïct. 1993: Soldier in Greek Army
3. Dec 1992- Oct 1993: Programmer in Communication Department at General
Greek Army Staff
- Development of communication projects and database
- Supervisor NOVELL network
- Supervisor/educator in automatic system transferring
telex. Communication Center of General Greek Army Staff
E. Publications