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The Anniversary

Let me be sad today,
give me this day to mourn.
It's the date my little son died
and also the date he was born.
Let me think back to his birth,
the fear of viewing him, dead.
Memories of holding him close,
and cradling his little head.
Allow me to visit his grave,
to let a few balloons go.
To place flowers lovingly,
and trim the grass that does grow.
Allow me tears to cry,
love fills my heart to the brim.
Spilling it on those close by,
while always longing for him.

Elizabeth Dent

I can't believe that it has been 1 year since I finally got to hold you in my arms my little man!!! What should have been the happiest day in my life turned out to be the HARDEST one!! I love you sweet boy and I will never ever forget you!!

I am sure that the angels are having a wonderful party for you - and if your anything like your daddy your face is covered in cake by now - and if your anything like your mommy that cake is CHOCOLATE!!!!!!

I can close my eyes and picture your party right now - I see that you are being held by your great-granparents - and you are surrounded by your angel friends. I know that your right hand man Patrick is helping you to open your presents and all of your other angel friends (who include Erin, Quinn, Adam, Korey, Dominick.....and the list unfortunately goes on forever) are all hudled around waiting to see what you are going to open next

I am sitting here wondering how big you would have been today,
how many clothes would you have outgrown by now, what size shoes
would you be wearing? Would you have a most favorite teddy bear, or would you only be interested in trucks and cars and doing "boy" things?

Your daddy and I love you so very very much Derek - and I know
that you are doing your angel bestest to help us continue on
with our lives without you in our arms - but it is so very
hard some days - but thankfully we have each other to turn to
when the pain is to much. I can just imagine the angels all
gathered around you on the day that you joined them in heaven
I know that you are surrounded by love sweet boy - and I know
that you will be waiting for Daddy and I to join you again

The following poem was written by my very good friend Lori - she is the mommy of angels too - and so she truly knows how special your first birthday is sweet-heart! You can visit her tribute to her angels HERE

Remembering Derek

On this day one year ago,
Lisa and Doug's son-shine was born.
He entered this world without a sound,
Parents on earth left to mourn.

Family and friends,
have shared in their pain.
By holding them close,
Whilst tears fell like rain.

As friends we have shared
their sorrow and joy.
As Lisa told stories,
of their precious boy.

And through this year
we have come to love,
Their angel son
sent briefly,... from above.

Derek has taught us all so much.
It's not about how long you live,
but how many hearts you touch.

For Lisa, Doug and Derek for Derek's first birthday.
with all my love, Lori

written 2/9/99

To view the memoriam published in Derek's memory click here
To view the beautiful gifts given to Derek for his birthday click here

MARCH 10, 1998

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