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Suman Ranganathan

This page is all about South Asian actress Suman Ranganathan

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Suman and Akshaye Khanna in "Aa Ab Laut Chalen"

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From an article on Suman from Filmfare Magazine June 1999.(

No more sobs and sighs. Suman Ranganathan insists that she's footloose and fancy free:

by Anuradha Choudhary

No more sobs and sighs. Suman Ranganathan insists that she's footloose and fancy free For Suman Ranganathan, after Fareb and Aankhon Mein Tum Ho, Aa Ab Laut Chalen happened. Which made viewers, producers, directors et al sit up and take notice. "Frankly, I'm thrilled that I was noticed. The praise reassured me that I've chosen the right profession. Rishi Kapoor had told me exactly what my role entailed, how many scenes and songs I had. So, there was no insecurity." Sure she was a bit apprehensive about being pigeon-holed as a vamp. "But, surprisingly, no one has reacted negatively to my character," Suman smiles. "I did get some offers for the vampish sort of stuff, like the role which Sushmita Sen's doing in Sirf Tum. But I refused point blank. Sorry, I wasn't interested. I don't want to be a gangster's moll." Clearly, she's in a cock-a-hoop mood. It's almost as if she's been transformed overnight from the B-grade to the A-team. "Suddenly, the entire film industry seems to have woken up to the fact that Suman Ranganathan can act," she says sharply. "Incredible! Even a small role in a high-profile film can do wonders for your career. I've received quite a few second lead offers which I'm considering. I've no problems accepting secondary roles, as long as they have some substance. The secret of survival here is not to get greedy. You must do some strong supporting roles before you're accepted." Guzzling iced water, she continues, "I'm a big optimist. I know good things will happen to me. Meanwhile, I'll live life to the fullest. I want to party, spend time with family and friends, go bowling, bungee jumping, the works. I don't want to wake up when I'm 65-years-old and mourn, 'Hey where did my life go?'"

Love Life But all said and done, Suman Ranganathan has been more in the news for her liaisons and affairs than for her movies. Her ex-boyfriend, Uru Patel, has even gone hammer-and-tongs against her, calling her all sorts of names in print. To that her retort is, "I don't understand why I should react. I can't stoop so low. If someone talks badly about me, then it reflects on his upbringing. To be honest, that entire episode in my life has left me very disillusioned. "I'm glad it's all behind me now. I don't want to even associate myself with that name any more. I won't discuss my relationship and why it didn't work out. I don't kiss and tell. All I'll say is that I've never felt more relieved than when the relationship ended. It had become like a noose around my neck. Mercifully, I can breath freely again." Emphasises she, "This is the best phase of my life. There are no relationships to bind me today..." But the nudge-nudge-wink-wink brigade is going berserk listing her current boyfriends. She has been seen painting the town red-`n'-purple on different occasions with Ashok Dattwani, the owner of Shatranj restaurant and Rajesh Saathi, a producer of television serials. "Don't be silly," Suman guffaws. "I'm not ready for another relationship. I'm back with my old buddies, I go out with them. You can't expect me to sit at home and mope about the past. Right now, I'm enjoying life. I'm not a hypocrite. When I get into a relationship, I'll make it public. For the time being, I'm just being myself. Now does that answer your question?"

From the mouth of Suman herself:

SUMAN RANGANATHAN Typecasting Women It’s really sad but Indian movies have still not come of age. As women, we’re not asking for roles that would give us a National award each year, all we’re asking for are roles that are real. In Hindi film a heroine does not progress beyond the kitchen and running around the trees, whenever the hero is free. Even if she is a modern woman, not to worry the hero will come into her life and change her into a Sati Savitri type who whimpers at his feet and sacrifices her career to sing her customary 2 songs with him. And then when people make real movies with real characters, people are quick to call it arty. Or worse, the films are miserable failures at the box-office.I wish Indian filmmakers would just grow up and treat women the way they need to be treated Give them roles that require more substance, then, style. Its ridiculous but a woman in a mini is always the vamp. And the woman who’s wearing a chiffon sari and picking out roses in Switzerland always end up being the heroine. C’mon, who are we fooling ? We are heading for the next millineuim but our heroines still seem to be stuck in a time-warp. I did `Aa Ab…’ and people were quick to slot me into a vamp. Well, too bad, I guess it requires intelligence to distinguish between a vamp and a woman who knows her mind and lives life on her terms. That intelligence is sadly lacking in people and to think, we make such a big deal about heading for the next millenium. Millenium or no millenium, the attitudes haven’t changed. Male Chauvinism This is one subject I can go on and on about but the argument would never end. A woman who’s open about her life will always be labelled a slut and a man who has twenty relationships will always be called a stud. It disgusts me but its’ always been there. It’s a male-dominated world but that doesn’t mean men can get away with murder. I personally detest chauvinism and I run a mile if I spot one. Fortunately for me I haven’t met many of these, if I did I’d probably give them a piece of my mind and walk away feeling great ! Sometimes I really hate it because I have been a victim to Chauvinism. Inspite of being an open book, its been easy for people to turn around and blame me. Why can’t they accept me for what I am ? At least I am honest I don’t believe in making eyes at every man I meet and still be labelled coy. It sickens me. I’d rather be honest about my relationships. And if that makes me a man-eater then well, who cares ? Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn ! Gossip Journalism Its my pet-peeve. I believe that if you want to write about me, go ahead and write it, like it is. Capturing a person’s spirit and not what you perceive of them. But unfortunately, I’ve always had people tarnishing my reputation, for no fault of mine. I’ve paid the price for being honest but that doesn’t mean I’m going to become a hypocrite to suit people. Most of my link up have been in such bad taste. I don’t mind it if people wrote about who I was seeing, in fact I would myself speak about it . But it upsets me when people link me up to friends I have known from a very long time.A woman with any substance will always be given a hard time because men tend to get intimidated by a strong woman. But who cares we’ll still be what we are and that’s why we get talked about all the time.


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This page last updated Wed. Jul. 7, 1999.

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