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  Rose Cisneros

Days Fan Club Logo
Hear Me Speak!


My name is Rose and I'm the webmaster and creator of this Days of Our Lives Online Fan Club Website. I alone maintain and update this website as news arises. So if things tend to get a bit outdated, please be patient cause I'm a one-woman band here.

BUT, I would like to mention DEBBIE who updates the UPDATES/RECAPS page. She has been with me for a while and most of you already know her for her great summeries!
There are also some other volunteer fans who contribute information, home-made prizes (for our yearly Trivia Hunt), and other goodies. So if you're interested in helping out one way or another email me and let me know what you have in mind.

Days is the first soap I've ever watched. I've only been watching for about 7-8 years now. My favorite character is Alison Sweeney (Sami Brady). She's got great talent and I feel she's what makes the "DAYS" of Salem turn. I have been online promoting the popular daytime emmy award winning soap for about 5 years now which is what gave me the drive to put up this Online Fan Club for the fans to enjoy.

I will provide the freshest updates, articles, and features on this side of the net so come back to see what I have whipped up for you each week! Invite your friends and tell them all about this site!

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions and related answers about this website and myself. If you have any questions that aren't answered below, feel free to contact me anytime, day or night this site is open 24 hours!!!

Q: Who is your favorite villian or villianess?
Sami Brady is my utmost favorite villianess. She really knows what she wants and how to go about getting it. I really like initial drive she's got at heart for what she sets her eye on. Even though her tactics aren't as sweet, but you get my point.

Q: I've noticed your site changing from time to time does it get updated daily or when you have new material?
You are correct, the site does get updated each week in the Updates Recaps section and when new information arrives. Which is why I suggest checking back often would give you the most up to date information.

So rest assured that this site will not look old and boring each week. Keep coming back for the latest updates and features such as new games, events (online and off), and other goodies. So don't forget to bring a friend!!

Q: What made you decide to start this Days Fan Club website?
Well, I felt I wanted to contribute more to the DAYS fans, to keep you updated, informed, and in the know.

I know what its like going from site to site trying to find ONE simple answer to my question and threading through millions of sites wasn't any fun. So, here I am offering to do the dirty work for you (since I already been to most, if not all the sites on the net) and I also wanted a place where all fans could come and put their ideas into one site. I try to make it for the fans by the fans, and as interactive as possible!

So if you have something in mind for this site let me know by emailing me below. I'm always open to suggestions!

Q: What is your favorite storyline?
My most favorite storyline would have to be the Kristen/Susan era. Now that was a well thought up script! I just couldnt stop laughing at all the shinanigans Eileen Davidson had to endure and the laughter she brought to all the DAYS fans is unforgetable! I wish someone would just get her off that island! Dont you agree? Where are Celeste's preminitions when we need them?!

Q: Who is your favorite character?
I really like Kate Roberts. She has been through a lot in her life from a bad marriage to Curtis Reed to Sami's blackmail attempts. I feel a strong woman like her makes a difference in lives of REAL women in the world stuck in similiar situations (even though this is only a show) can feel that there really is a light at the end of the tunnel. Kate has overcome obstacles in her way like Vivian almost killing her and Kate having to survive on a ship.

Q: How long have you been watching DAYS?
I have been watching DAYS for like 7-8 years now. My husband is the one who got me hooked on it.

Q: How do you get the information you post?
I have various "inside" sources that I will not mention here. I also watch the show daily and get my weekly storylines from there, read magazines, and I also attend most of the show's events (luncheons, games, appearances, chats) and make my own "live" stories.

Q: What is your most HATED storyline?
I completely was against the Princess Gina/Hope storyline. I just cant believe how rediculous it got. Even though, I repeat, this is only a show I feel they could've waisted their talented brain on a better storyline (This is only MY opinion). There's more to my thoughts on this but some things are better left UNSAID.

If your question is not addressed above, you may also email me using the FEEDBACK form on the right

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Rose Cisneros
P.O. Box 44
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CA, 92556