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TIME LINE Last Updated March 24, 1999

Welcome to MEMORY LANE. Why dont you take a walk down memory lane with me and reminise the times we've shared with DAYS. If its cries, laughter, sorrow, or grief whatever the sentiment may have been (or is) lets re-kindle the memory! click to go to a specific year or just scroll down and reminise it all. I will update this page as needed.




































2000 (not yet posted)






Marie Horton and Tony Merritt were engaged, but the wedding was canceled.

Marie attempted suicide.


Marie married Craig Merritt, but she miscarried their child and they soon divorced.

Marie begins dating Tony again.

Julie Olson and David Martin were engaged, but the wedding was canceled.

David had an affair with Susan Hunter. She became pregnant so they married.


Richard "Dickie" Martin was born (Parents-David & Susan Martin).

Tony left Marie and Salem forever.

Bill Horton began dating Laura Spencer.

Bill Horton was diagnosed with tuberculosis. He then left Salem.

Julie Olson had an affair with David martin and became pregnant.

Dickie Martin died of a head injury.

David Martin was shot and killed by Susan.

Bill returned to Salem.

Marie began dating Dr. Mark Brooks.

Kitty and Sandy Horton returned to Salem.

Mickey Horton and Laura Spencer married.


Bill raped Laura and she became pregnant.

Laura and Tom Horton learn that Mickey was sterile.

Dr. Mark Brooks discovered he was Tommy Horton, Jr.

Marie left for Africa and eventually joined a convent.

Laura gave birth to Michael William Horton (Parents-Bill Horton & Laura Horton)

Julie gave birth to David Martin, Jr. and put him up for adoption (Parents Julie Olson & David Martin).

Scott and Janet Banning and their adopted child, Bradley, moved to Salem.


Tom and Kitty Horton divorced.

Bill learned he was Mike Horton's biological father.

Janet Banning died of a brain tumor.

Kitty Horton died of a heart attack.

Julie Olson discovered Bradley Banning was her son, David Martin, Jr.

Julie Olson and Scott Banning married (child now named David Banning)


Sister Marie Horton returned to Salem

Bill was sentenced to 1-3 years in prison for involuntary manslaughter in connection with Kitty Horton's death.

Doug Williams (Brent Douglas) arrived in Salem.

Bill was released and returned to Salem.

Mickey had an affair with Linda Patterson and she discovered she was pregnant.

Doug and Julie became lovers.


Scott Banning left Salem with David.

Susan was raped and became pregnant.

Melissa Patterson was born (Parents-Linda & Jim Patterson)

Jim and Linda remarried.

Addie Olson returned to Salem after husband, Ben's death.


Susan began dating Dr. Greg Peters.

Steve Olson returned to Salem for a while then left for Europe.

Doug Williams and Addie Olson married.

Susan learned her baby's father (the rapist) is Greg's brother Eric Peters.

We were introduced to Bob and Phyllis Anderson and their daughter Mary, owners of Anderson Manufacturing.

Susan delivered her baby, named Annie.


Scott Banning died in an accident at Anderson Manufacturing.

Addie became pregnant and was diagnosed with Leukemia.

Mickey suffered a heart attack, stroke and amnesia, then disappeared.

Greg Peters and Susan Martin married.

Mickey met Maggie Simmons in a neighboring town and stayed with her under the name Marty Hansen.

Mickey was presumed dead by the people of Salem.


Hope Williams was born (Parents-Doug & Addie Williams)

Addie's leukemia went into remission.

Bob and Phyllis Anderson divorced.

Julie and Bob Anderson married.

Addie died when hit by a speeding car.

Marty (Mickey) and Maggie held a symbolic wedding.

The Hortons found Mickey.

Mickey and Laura legally divorced.

Jeri Clayton and daughter Trish came to Salem.

Neil Curtis arrived in town.


Mike Horton and Trish moved in together.

Julie became pregnant with Bob's child.

David Banning returned to Salem with friend, Brooke Hamilton.

Linda Patterson Phillips and daughter Melissa returned to Salem.

Laura became pregnant.

Rebecca North came to Salem.

Doug ordered a surrogate child with his sperm.

Rebecca anonimously carried the child.

David had a car accident and was presumed dead (no body was found).

Brooke's mother, Adele, came to town.

David began living on a farm with the Grant family (they were black).

David fell in love with Valerie Grant.

Brooke found she was pregnant with David's child.


Mike had an accident and his true paternity was revealed.

Mickey regained his whole memory.

Mickey was committed to Bayview Sanitarium.

Dr. Marlena Evans came to Salem.

Jennifer Rose Horton was born (Parents-Bill and Laura Horton).

Neil Curtis and Phyllis Anderson married.

Robert LeClair and Rebecca North married.

Julie and Bob Anderson divorced.

Jeri Clayton left Salem.

Kim Douglas arrived in Salem looking for husband Brent Douglas.

Doug and Julie married (therefore Doug no longer wanted his surrogate child).

Bob Anderson was revealed to be Brooke's father.

Adele Hamilton died of alcoholism.

Mickey was released from the sanitarium.

Mickey and Maggie adopted Janice Barnes.

Gary and Susan Peters divorced.

Susan and Eric Peters left for California together.

Greg Peters and Amanda Howard married.

David became engaged to Valerie Grant.

Rebecca delivered her surrogate child named Dougie LeClair (Robert adopted him).


Trish killed her father, Jack Clayton.

Rebecca took Dougie and left town with ex-love, Johnny.

Trish discovered she was pregnant with David's baby.

David and Valerie ended their engagement

Valerie left for medical school in Washington DC.

Tom Horton had a heart attack.

Brooke's car was in an accident, the burned body inside was assumed to be her.

Samantha Evans arrived in Salem.

Samantha had Marlena committed and pretended to be her.

David Banning and Trish Clayton married.

Phyllis left Salem to go on a world tour.

Don Craig found Marlena and had Samantha arrested.

Larry Atwood arrived in Salem.


Doug was framed and arrested on drug charges.

Larry raped Julie.

Larry was found dead.

Julie was tried but acquitted.

Lorraine Temple arrived in Salem with Don's daughter Donna. Lorraine soon left, but Donna stayed.

Linda Phillips and Bob Anderson married

Janice Horton was kidnaped by her natural mother Joanne.

She was returned and Joanne stayed in Salem.

Steve Olson returned to Salem.

Mike Horton proposed to Margo Alderman who had leukemia.

Pete Curtis arrived in Salem, had an affair with Donna Craig and got her pregnant.

Stephanie Woodruff arrived in Salem.

Greg and Amanda Peters left town.


Stephanie is proven to be Brooke Hamilton.

Don Craig and Marlena Evans married.

Rebecca North LeClair died.

Julie left town after being badly burned (she went to Mexico for a divorce).

Donna miscarried--Pete left town.

Laura Horton was committed to Bayview Sanitarium

Marie Horton returned to Salem and remembered an old affair with Alex Marshall.

Alex Marshall arrived in town.

Lee Dumond arrived in Salem.

Marie was recalled to the convent and left town.


Linda and Melissa Anderson left town.

Stephanie (Brooke) had a car accident and died.

Alex Marshall and Mary Anderson married.

Bob Anderson died.

Ray Stone and Leslie James came to town.

Killam and Liz Chandler arrived in Salem with Maxwell Jarvis.

Don Craig, Jr. was born (Parents-Don and Marlena Craig), but died of SIDS after only three weeks.

Don and Marlena Craig divorced.

Donna left Salem to live with Grandma Craig.

Bill left Salem to work at Lakewood Sanitarium.

Sister Marie returned to Salem after searching for the daughter she put up for adoption after the affair with Alex--the daughter was Jessica Blake.

Josh Fallon and Tod chandler (brothers) arrived in Salem.

Margo Horton died of Leukemia.

Liz Chandler and Neil Curtis became lovers.

Mary and Alex Marshall divorced.

David deserted Trish and left Salem.


Renee Dumond arrived in town.

Brent Cavanaugh arrived (using the name Brad).

Lee killed Brad (Brent.

Lee was committed to Bayview Sanitarium.

Doug and Julie moved in together.

The Body Connection Opened.

Alex legally adopted Jessica.

David and Trish Banning divorced (both were back in Salem).

Marie left Salem, then returned without her habit.

Jake Kositchek arrived in Salem.

Jessica left Salem to become a nun, but dismissed from the convent, she returned.

Maggie became pregnant as a surrogate mother.

Lee was discharged from the sanitarium.

Doug and Julie Williams remarried.

Jessica became three different personalities (Jessica, Angel and Angelique)

Stuart and Evan Whyland came to town.

Evan was the sperm donor for Maggie's baby.

Alex was shot--David Banning was convicted, but escaped, then was later cleared.

"Salem Strangler" began his killing rampage.

Tony DiMera arrived in Salem to win back his wife, Liz Chandler.

Roman Brady arrived in town.

Sarah Horton was born (Parents-Maggie Horton & Neil Curtis).

Liz Chandler and Don Craig married and then divorced.

Tony and Liz were back together.


Stephano DiMera arrived.

Tony forced Liz to stay with him even though he was in love with Renee.

Lee revealed that Renee was her daughter with Stephano.

Mary Anderson was killed by the strangler.

Melissa Anderson returned to Salem.

Mickey and Maggie got legal custody of Melissa.

Mike left Salem for Medical School.

Hope left town.

Gwen Davies arrived.

Samantha Evans killed by strangler.

Jake was shot in struggle with Roman.

Kayla Brady arrived in town.

Anna Brady and daughter Carrie arrived.

Evan died on the operating table after a car accident.

Mickey taken and held hostage by Stephano (he was presumed dead by those in Salem).

David Banning and Renee Dumonde married.

Tony and Liz DiMera divorced.

Trish left town for a singing gig.

Don Craig and Maggie began their affair.


Roman Brady and Marlena Evans married.

Noel Curtis was born (Parents-Liz & Neil Curtis)

Stephano was arrested and died of a stroke in prison.

Neil Curtis and Marie Horton married.

Anna Brady and Tony DiMera married.

Hope Williams returned to Salem.

Liz shot Marie.

Liz sentenced to 5 years in prison.

Tony and Anna DiMera divorced.

Howie Hofstedder arrived in town.

Alex Marshall and Renee Dumonde married

Daphne DiMera (Tony's mother) came to Salem.

Renee died by stab wounds and poisoning with a raven feather in her hand.

Nurse Kelly Chase died the same way.

Eugene Bradford and Trista Evans married.

Trista was found dead (also with a raven feather).

Eugene's cousin Letitia died.

Neil and Marie Curtis divorced

Anna left Salem on the run from Alex.

Pete Jannings arrived in Salem.


Larry Welch came to town.

Anna returned.

Hope Williams and Larry Welch married.

Andre DiMera arrived in Salem.

Stephano returned to town.

Stephano and his driver Petrov died when their car plunged from a cliff.

Liz was released from prison.

Liz Chandler and Neil Curtis married.

Megan Hathaway and her father Maxwell came to Salem.

Linda Anderson returned with the name Madame DuPrix.

Twins Samantha Gene and Eric Roman Brady were born (Parents-Roman and Marlena Brady).

Daphne DiMera died in plane crash.

Andre DiMera drowned in quicksand.

Roman died after being shot by Stephano, but his body disappeared.

Kimberly Brady came to Salem.

Shane Donovan arrived in town.

Kate Honeycutt came to town to work for Stephano.


Megan died by electrocution in a hot tub.

Gwen Davies left Salem.

Eugene Bradford and Madeline Rutherford married.

Eugene and Medeline divorced.

Calliope Jones and Eugene Bradford married.

Ivy Selejko and Pete Jannings had an affair, she became pregnant and they married.

Melissa began seeing her parole officer Ian Griffith.

Marlena shot Stephano, he died (again).

Bo Brady and Hope Williams married.

Shane's dead wife Emma was found alive.

Victor Kiriakis arrived in Salem.

Bo learned Victor is his natural father.

Levinia Peach came to work for Shane.

Tod chandler returned to Salem.

Savannah Wilder arrived in town.

Steve "Patch" Johnson arrived in town.

Theo Carver and Danny Grant died.

Mike Horton, now a doctor, returned to Salem.

Tony DiMera and Anna DiMera married again.

Anna was sent to prison for murdering Claus Van Zandt.

Tony disappeared and divorced Anna.

"The Pawn" (John Black) arrived at the Kiriakis mansion.

Kimberly became pregnant (she was engaged to Shane, but didn't know if the father was Shane or Victor).

Doug and Julie left for a world cruise.


Anna was released from prison.

Mickey and Maggie Horton and Melissa Anderson and Pete Jannings wed in a double ceremony on Valentines Day.

Tod Chandler died in a car accident.

Hope became pregnant.

John Black is found to be Roman Brady.

Robin Jacobs arrived in Salem.

Mike and Robin had an affair.

Robin and Mitch Kaufman had an affair.

Robin became pregnant.

Robert LeClair returned to Salem.

Roman (John) and Marlena renewed their wedding vows.

Britta Englund came to Salem for a while, then left again.

Kayla left Salem for a while then returned and became involved with Patch.

Britta's brother Lars came to town.

Doug and Julie separated and Doug returned to Salem.

Kim and Shane separated.

Andrew Shawn Donovan was born (Parents-Kimberly Brady and Shane Donovan)

Roman's house exploded with Marlena inside, she was presumed dead.

Pete Jannings became paralyzed and left town.

Emma Donovan was found dead.

Gillian Forrester arrived in Salem.


Kimberly Brady and Shane Donovan married.

Hans disappeared.

Shane was proven to be Andrew's biological father.

Gabrielle came to Salem to help Shane.

Roman (John) found Marlena being held hostage by Orpheus.

Roman (John) attempted to rescue her, but the plane she was on exploded, she was again presumed dead.

Roman (John) killed Orpheus.

Shawn Douglas Brady was born (Parents-Bo and Hope Brady)

Bo, Hope and Shawn D left Salem to sail around the world.

Caroline and Shawn Brady adopted Frankie and Max.

Bill Horton returned to Salem.

Janice Barnes returned.

Adrienne Johnson arrived in Salem.

Jo Johnson arrived in Salem and admitted she was patch's mother.

Duke Johnson came to Salem, but was soon shot by Adrienne.

Diana Coleville arrived.

Justin Kiriakis arrived.

Justin Kiriakis and Adrienne Johnson married.

Roman (John) and Diana began their affair.

Harper and Anjelica Devereaux and son Jack arrived.

Patch and Jo discover Jack is her other son.

Kayla Brady and Jack Devereaux married.

Eve Baron and Nick Corelli arrived in town.


Shane discovered Eve was his natural daughter and he adopted her.

Kayla and Jack Devereaux divorced.

"Riverfront Knifer" killed Janice Barnes.

Bill left Salem again to be with Laura (still in Bayview).

Emilio and April Ramirez came to town.

Kim and Shane legally separated, then reunited.

Harper was arrested as the Riverfront Knifer.

Kayla Brady and Patch Johnson married.

Jack proposed to Melissa, she said no.

Patch and Kayla found Benjy and brought him to Salem.

Benjy's mother, Ellen, was found dead.

Adrienne and Justin separated and reunited.

Shane's twin brother, Drew, arrived in Salem.

Tarrington, the head of the ISA, was introduced.

It was revealed that Stephano was Benjy's father.


Benjy and his grandfather, Orion, left Salem.

Adrienne had an affair with Emilio, then reunited with Justin (again).

Jennifer became involved with Emilio.

Cal Winters arrived.

Diana Coleville left Salem.

Robin Jacobs returned to Salem with son, Jeremy (Mike Horton was his father).

Jack and Jennifer fell in love, but Jen kept dating Emilio.

Nick and April married and left town.

Alexander Kiriakis was born (Parents-Anjelica Devereaux and Justin Kiriakis).

Shane was caught in an explosion and was presumed dead.

Scott Banning returned to Salem.

Robin and Jeremy returned to New York.

Marina Toscano arrived.

Kayla became pregnant.

Shane was alive with Rebecca on the run.

Patch went to Italy and met Isabella Toscano.


Nick and April's marriage was annulled.

Mike and April got engaged.

Jack brought Isabella to Salem.

Cal murdered Rebecca.

Julie Williams returned.

Melissa returned.

Stephanie Kay Johnson was born (Parents-Kayla and Steve Johnson)

Mike Horton left for Israel.

Scott left Salem with singer, Faith, to go to medical school in California.

Jennifer was to marry Emilio, Jack kidnaped her to stop the wedding, but Jennifer returned to Emilio (they did not marry).

Justin and Adrienne remarried.

Neil was revealed to be Sarah Horton's natural father.

Hope and Shawn D. returned.

Later, Bo returned.

Hope and Ernesto Toscano were presumed dead in an explosion.

Kim left Salem for LA (baby Jeanie was born there).

Dr. Carly Manning (Katerina Von Luschner) arrived.

Harper Devereaux escaped from prison, but fell to his death.

Jennifer (pretending to be Carly) was raped by Lawrence Alamain.

Jack and Jennifer found Frankie being held hostage by Lawrence.

Patch was poisoned and died.

Nick was found murdered.


Emilio was found dead after falling from a window.

Justin and Adrienne adopted twins-Victor and Joseph.

Kimberly returned.

Vern, Brian, Tanner and Cassie Scofield arrived.

Molly Brinker arrived.

Jo was committed to a mental institution.

April moved to New York.

Mickey and Maggie broke up.

Melissa and Sarah moved to Nashville.

Frankie and Eve moved to Africa.

Jack and Jennifer married.

Ginger (Molly's mom) arrived.

Marlena returned from the dead.

The real Roman was found and Roman (John) was found to be just a brainwashed John Black.

Bo Brady and Carly Manning held a symbolic wedding.

Isabella informed John that she carried his baby.


Vivian Alamain arrived.

Danielle Stevens arrived and claimed to be John's wife (she wasn't).

Danielle was found to be the jewel thief "Romulus" and was arrested.

Lawrence and Vivian discover John is really presumed dead Forrest Alamain.

John and Isabella married--Brady Victor Black was born during the ceremony.

Carrie Brady returned to Salem.

Lawrence and Carly learned they have a child together--Vivian's foster son Nikki.

Abigail Johanna Devereaux was born (Parents-Jack and Jennifer Devereaux).

Kayla moved to LA

Shane left for Europe.

Kim returned to LA.

Isabella Toscano Black died of pancreatic cancer while in Italy.

Brian Scofield and Ginger moved to Chicago.

Billie and Austin Reed came to town.


John Black and Marlena had an affair.

Kate and Lucas Roberts arrived.

Julie left to be with Doug in Switzerland.

Sami Brady returned.

Kristen and Peter Blake arrived.

The herbs Vivian had ingested turned her into a homicidal maniac targeting patients at University Hospital. Wehn Dr. Carly caught her about to give Caroline a lethal injection, they struggled, and the next thing Dr. Carly knew she was buried alive! To top it all off the coffin had a walkie-talkie system which Vivian used to insult her and torment her. All of Salme believed Carly was dead.

Vivian buried Carly alive, but she was rescued by Lawrence.

Kate was found to Billie and Austin's mother.

Isabella (Belle) Brady was born (Parents-John Black and Marlena Evans Brady).

Jonah carver arrived.

Vivian was committed.

Curtis Reed arrived, but was soon shot by Stephano.

Stephano and Tony returned.

Jack left Salem and divorced Jennifer.

Jamie Caldwell arrived.


Vivian was released.

Laura was released from Bayview.

Kate Roberts and Victor Kiriakis married (marriage was not legal).

Kate revealed Lucas' natural father was Bill Horton.

Bill Horton returned to Salem for a short while, then left again.

John was revealed to be Belle's natural father.

Stephano died of an unnamed illness.

Tony DiMera and Kristen Blake married.

Roman and Marlena divorced.

Bo and Billie became engaged.

Gina (Hope) arrived.

John learned he was a priest.

Vivian wanted to give Victor something Kate couldnt..a baby! She had Kate's fertilized embryo implanted in herself!

Vivian became pregnant with Victor and Kate's child.

Mike returned from the middle east.

Jack returned.

Stephano returned again.


Marlena became possessed.

Bo and Billie married (marriage was not legal) .

Sami was rapped by Alan.

Sami shot and castrated Alan (blew away his manhood. What a GIRL!)

Vivian tricked Victor into marriage.

Kate "died" in a plane crash.

At Carrie and Austin's wedding, Sami announced she was pregnant with Austin's baby.

The angel, Gabe, appeared to John.

Beelzebub (devil) took inhibited into Marlena's body. John (who believed he was a priest at the time)put Marlena on a vigorous exorcism and told Satan to go back where he came from.

Marlena "died" during her exorcism, but John was able to save her.

Marlena thought she was through with Satan, but to her dismay she had a new admirer:Stefano. Stefano whisked Marlena away to Paris against her will and caged her up below the City of Lights and had the cage guarding his "Queen of The Night"

Gina was proven to be Hope.

Bo and Hope divorced.

Billie left for Europe.

Jude St. Clair arrived working for Peter.

Jennifer Horton and Peter Blake married.

The "Mystery of Aremid" began.

The Lady in White appears in Aremid.

Tony shot himself and framed John.


John almost executed in the gas chamber for Tony's "murder."

Marlena was finally rescued from the cage with the help of Rachel Blake (who died trying to escape an explosion)but Stefano survived.

Hope was caught in an avalanche and was presumed dead.

Hope was held hostage by Jude St. Clair

Celeste (Aunt Frankie) and Stephano were revealed to be Lexi Carver's natural parents.

Kate Roberts returned from the "dead."

Hope is found and Jude St. Clair is shot by Peter.

The Lady in White is revealed to be Rachel Blake, Peter and Kristen's mom.

Kristen becomes pregnant with John's baby.

Sami's evil tricks are discovered by all, and she loses Austin.

Kristen loses the baby after a tunnel cave-in, but tells no one.

Kristen needed someone pregnant and STAT. She comes across Susan who pretends to be Kristen and goes to doctor's visits and so forth.

Daniel Scott returns to Salem to get money from Peter, evades Jack and leaves for Europe.

Will is kidnapped by Mary, the cat woman.

Jamie leaves the show.

Will is found, but Austin must marry Sami to get him back.

Peter's evil deeds come out (via Daniel Scott who is in Paris), and Jennifer leaves him, making Jack very happy.

Franco arrives in Salem and starts all sorts of trouble.

Jill comes into play, and begins to get paid to act the part of a beat-up girl.*

Billie returns and throws a wrench into Bo and Hope's wedding plans.

Andre escapes from the Paris jail with Vivian and Ivan, comes to Salem, and is killed on Smith island.

Marie, Kim, Julie, and Doug come back for Bo and Hope's wedding.

Stephano returns to Salem and with him brings Susan, the Kristen look-a-like that is pregnant and has a dark secret about the father of her child.

Peter is shot by Jack when Jack tries to foil Peter's plans to kidnap Jen and Abbie.

Peter "dies" and all surviving DiMeras swear revenge.

Peter comes back, not really dead. Daniel Scott was buried instead.

Laura sees Kristen fixing her "baby" pad and is kidnaped by Stephano.

Laura is held captive in Peter's new house and has her memory erased by a laser.

Laura escapes, but no one will believe her stories that Peter and Stephano are still alive.

Sami gets in a car accident (hit various times with car by Austin) and enters a coma, and Austin talks lovingly to her to bring her out of it.


Hope returns Bo's ring when she thinks he still loves Billie. Billie decides to leave for France for good, but Hope stops her before she can leave.

Kate tries to vote Vivian off the board at Titan, but Vivian threatens to use information that Sami has to blackmail Kate. Vivian's plan fails when Sami awakes from the coma with amnesia thinking that she is still in high school four years ago. Vivian saves herself by discovering Kristen's secret about the baby and stays on the board.

Victor has a relapse when Vivian remains on the board.

Jen discovers that she still loves Jack but only after he has plead guilty to killing Peter and sentenced.(is that convenience or what?)

Roman is killed on an ISA assignment. his body is identified by Kim and reafirmed by Shane. During the funeral a strange man is videotaping the whole thing. Salemites decide that it was Stephano and he is alive, but Stephano has no idea who it is.

Bo goes undercover as a "bad cop" to nail Salem's drug kingpin J.L. King and is unable to make it to Hope to make-up because only Abe and Bo know that Bo is not really bad.

Susan goes into labor and is brought to the wrong hospital and Kristen is too late. John arrives with a priest so he can marry "Kristen" or rather Susan.

Billie gets sucked into Bo's undercover job and the two get married in Rome to prove to J.L. King that Bo "loves" Billie and not Hope. This was to protect Hope, who was at the wedding due to J.L. King pulling some strings.

Kristen trys to get Susan out of the way and into a secret room, but is unable to, even with the help of Vivian and Ivan.

Laura regains ger memory, but everyone thinks she is loony becuase Lynn is still giving her drugs that make it slightly foggy.

Marlena discovers everything about Kristen and Kristen puts Marlena in the secret room. Everyone just assumes that Stephano took her.

Laura trys to exhume Peter's body, but Kristen gets there first and cremates the body. This throws Laura off the deep end, especially because she mixed alcohol with two other drugs without knowing.

Kristen gets locked in the secret room with Marlena (thrown in by Susan) and Susan pretends to be Kristen so she can have John to herself. John and Kristen had decided to reafirm their vows, but now that is in trouble.

Susan bungles up Kristen's plan and Lynn stops drugging Laura and she starts to come out of her coma.

Sister Mary Moira, Susan's twin shows up and makes Vivian and Ivan do penance.

Carrie is moving towards Mike because Austin is not giving her much time. Sami has regained her memory and can walk, but only her, Lucas and Kate know that she can. Sami blackmails Kate and Kate can not help Carrie and Austin as they drift apart. Victor sees the photo's that Sami has and when he tries to tell Kate that they are nothing, but he has another stroke. Kate then thinks it was the photos's fault, and hence her fault. She prepares to put Austin and Sami a house in the country and promotes Austin out of Carrie's division.

Franco makes his move, but hope is not ready yet for a new love.

Stephano shows up to take Marlena away and Susan panics. Stepahno has problems because John and "Kristen" are reafriming their vows in a weird Elvis wedding and there are police everywhere.

Hoping to escape and stop Susan, Kristen digs a hole in the wall but hits a gas pipe. Danger for the two ladies.

Bo brings down J.L. King, but loses Hope in the process. Billie stays in Rome and is captured by Max, King's right hand man, who drugs her up.

During the wedding where "Kristen" and John are reafirming their vows, Laura shows up and Susan is discovered (her teeth go flying into Vivians drink...ewwwww) Marlena and Kristen are rescued and Kristen is exposed. Kristen, Vivian and Ivan are arrested.

Jack is released pending his appeal now that all of Salem believes that Peter is still alive. This mess up Travis/Trent's plans to get with Jen. He runs for help to his boss Stephano who gets him out of Jail to get with Jen.

Sami discovers that Will is really Lucas' son.

Vivian and Ivan strike a deal and testify against Kristen plus they pay a hefty fine, everything Vivian owns.

John and Marlena decide to marry, but Stephano and Kristen have other plans. Kristen shows up with a man in a wheelchair, Roman Brady back from the dead!!!!

Austin, with the help of Mickey, finds out that he can anull his marriage without Sami regaining her memory, but he is not sure if Carrie still loves him.

Roman went on a suicide mission and has contracted an infection via biological warfare....he only has a couple of months to live.

In search for a cure for Roman, Carrie and Mike go to a conference in California. To show off to one of Mike's friends, Carrie pretends to be his honey. After a car crash during a rainy day trip, Carrie looses passes out and Mike carries her to a shed. He takes off her wet clothes and uses his body heat to warm her up. While they are sleeping they make-out, but nothing comes of it.

Austin anulls his marriage to Sami, but decides to remarry her. Carrie stops the wedding with the news that Sami is faking and that Will is not Austin's child, but Lucas's. Austin and Carrie get married leaving Mike out in the cold.

Billie is hooked on drugs by Max, and is real hard up. Bo searches for her, finds her, and comforts her. He hooks up with the Rome police and they arrest Max. Billie leaves the hotel room. but does not make it far. She needs a fix. Bo finds her again and helps her with her withdrawal.

Stephano says he has a cure for Roman and lures John, Lexi, and Abe into helping him escape his prison cell. Once out, John goes with Stephano to get the cure and Hope tags along(she has a secret from her Mason Blanche days that scares Stephano). After landing in a jungle, John and hope get locked into a room at the DeMira complex. Kristen wants Stephano to perform brain surgery on John so he will forget he ever loved Marlena. John and Hope escape, but Stephano is ready for them. He shoots a poison dart at John, but Hope jumps in the way.....problems for our heroine.

Carrie and Austin Honeymoon in Rome....maybe they will run into Bo and Billie who are also on their undercover honeymoon

Vivian meets Jonsey and pretends to be some long dead Zigfeld follies girl so she can get him to tell her where his riches are hidden.

Vivian eventually ends up marrying Jonsey for his money and ends up really falling in love with him after a night of passion.

Jonsey shortly dies after the marriage with vivian and he leaves all his riches (really Stefano's) to Vivian.


Susan has a surprise visitor, her long lost twin, Penelope. They talk and Susan tells Penelope about Kristen.

Susan finds out her newly found sister is dieing and is willing to help her sister before she dies. The mask a plan

Meanwhile Kristen has a plan of her own, to drug a soda not yet opened. And make Susan sign over the baby.

Susan (Penelope) show's up at Kristen's door telling her she is not going to give her Elvis

Susan (Penelope) is drugged and she sees Kristen outside by the pool. She heads out towards Kristen.

Kristen is found dead in a pool

Edmond we come to find drowned Penelope thinking it was Kristen.

Susan is kidnapped and taken to an island.

Susan escapes and has Kristen taken to the island instead

No one knows Kristen is alive and dancing for a fat sultan who eats all day (ewwwwww)

Stefano thinks she's gone with Elvis and Susan is on the Island

Bo trying to help Hope regain her memory lands him in the bayous of Louisiana. Where he found some problems instead of answers, a woman with ratty hair wearing a permanent mud pack.

Bo sees the face of the Swamp Girl pretty but scarred.


Sami is arrested for the murder of Franco Kelly on her wedding day (after finding out he slept with the stripper, Candy)

Sami is framed for murder

Sami is out on bail but runs from the police on the day of her sentencing, with Austin and Will

Mike and Carrie declare their love for each other

Eric and Billie are trying to help find out who really killed Franco

Sami is sentenced to the death penalty

Sami, on her way to turn herself in and make a plea for Austin's freedom, is shot by the Joe Maroni's hitman.

Sami is taken to prison

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