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THE START OF SOMETHING Disclaimer: I'm in no way associated with pokemon. I'm just a fan of the show and of the game. Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu were walking down the road when they heard, "Prepare for trouble!" "Not again!" Moaned Ash. "And make it double." "To protect the world from deviation." "To unite all peoples within our nation." "To denounce the evils of truth and love." "To extend our reach to the stars above." "Jessie," "James." "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light." "Surrender now or prepare to fight." "Now hand over the rat!" Jessie demanded. "Never!" Ash yelled picking up Pikachu. "Then you give us no choice." James said calmly. "Meowth our new weapons!" Meowth pulled out some rubber hoses from a nearby bush. James grabbed a hose out of Meowth's paws, and lassoes Pikachu with it. Jessie grabbed the other hose and lassoes Misty, Ash, and Brock. "Let us go!!" Misty screamed. "Yeah, come on you can't leave us hear!" Brock said. "Oh, can't we?" Jessie asked sarcastically. "James, grabbed that Pikachu and let's go!" "Pikachu! Thundershock!" Ash yelled. The attack failed. "Fool, you can't shock us!" Jessie said gleefully. "We're wearing RUBBER gloves, and we had our suits insolated." "Shut your yap and let's go!" Meowth ordered. Jessie pulled out a mallet and hit him over the head with it. "Let me gloat!" Team Rocket jumped into the Rocket balloon, and set off. "Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! Pikachuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!" Cried Ash at as the balloon lifted out of sight. "We finally caught Pikachu!" Jessie cried throwing her arms around James. He dropped Pikachu, who was now in a rubber ball, and turned bright red. "Now that we got the rat, what are we going to do with him?" Meowth asked. "Um...We'll give him to the boss." James said. "We're running out of fuel, we'll never make it back to HQ. " Meowth said worriedly. Jessie sighed. "How much fuel do we have left?" she asked. "About half an hours worth." Meowth replied. "Let's see how far it takes us, then we'll go on foot or get a car or something." Jessie said a little irritated. "HELP!!" Misty yelled "GET ME OUT OF THEASE ROPES!!" "Misty, we're in the middle of nowhere. No one can hear you." Brock said shaking his head. "Excuse me. But your not tied up right." A voice said. They all turned towards the voice. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" cried Ash. "What's Jessie doing back hear?!?!?!" "Shut up! Maybe she came back to untie us." Misty said. "Could you please untie us? We where robed by some pokemon thieves." "Why of course." In a matter of minuets they where free. Now that I helped you do you think you could help me?" She said. "Um...what kind of help?" Ash asked. "I'm looking for my fiancée. His name is James. He has blue hair down to his shoulders and bright green eyes. Have you seen him?" They looked at each other in astonishment. "As a matter of a fact we have." Misty said. "Oh, where is he?" Jessie look-a-like asked. "I don't know, but I intend on finding out." Ash said angrily. "Oh, why is never did catch your name." "I'm Misty, that's Ash and this is Brock." Misty introduced the group. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Jessiebell." "This is as far as we're going to get." Meowth announced. "Ok, then land. And not in a tree this time!" James ordered. "You make one little mistake and they'll never let you forget it." Meowth grumbled. He carefully landed the balloon near a little lake. "James you start to set up camp. I'm going to take a little swim." Jessie ordered. And walked away. "What did she say?" James asked. "I don't know. I never listen." "I'm going to start to set up and then I'm taking a dip in the lake." James stated. "James just left you?" Misty asked in astonishment. Jessiebell nodded. "Men are pigs." "Hey!" Ash cried. Misty just ignored him. "If we want to catch up to Team Rocket, we'd better be going." Brock said before a fight could break out. "There's no telling how far they can make it before that thing runs out of gas." "Jessica! How could you have forgotten you bikini?" Jessie said out loud. "Oh, well people where swimming long before swimming suits where invented. She striped down and jumped in. "Meowth I'm going for that swim now. I'll be back after a while." James said. He walked down to the lake and realized that he didn't have a suit. "I'm still going swimming." He said to himself, as he striped down to his Birthday suit. He noticed something moving out in the water. "I hope it's not a garados." And he jumped in. Jessie was lazily swimming around when she noticed some odd ripples on the water. "I wonder what caused those?" she said aloud, and swam towards the cause of them. After a few seconds she noticed something blue in the water. "What the hell?" Then it surfaced. It was James! "James, what the hell are you doing?!?!?!?" Jessie demanded "Jessie?!?!? is.......I'm swimming?" he asked fully noticing that both of them had neglected to bring a swimming suit with them. He started to turn bright red. "James!!!" Jessie screamed and he realized that he had been staring at her. He turned his head. "You stay there! I'm going to go get dressed!" and she swam off as fast as she could. "Wow." James said. Ash and the rest had been nearing TR's camp when they heard a scream. "James!!!!" "That sounded like Jessie!" Brock said. They started running towards the noise. "Oh I hope he's okay." Jessiebell said with a frightened look on her face. "If I know Team Rocket, he probably fell off a cliff." Ash said. Misty hit him over the head with a mallet. "You're suppose to be make her feel better not worse." She screamed. As they neared the saw James putting his jacket over his black T-shirt. "I can't believe him!" Jessie yelled as she paced. "I told him I was going for a swim! I was so embarrassed! Although he looked a little embarrassed himself." Jessie mused. "He was staring right at me with this weird look on his face." "I'm sure you turned your head right away, huh?" Meowth asked. " he was covered with thicker water than I was. Yeah, that's it, thicker water." "Yeah, sure, what ever you say Jessie. "Um...Jessie can I talk to you for a moment?" James asked nervously looking at Meowth. "Alone?" "I can take a hint." Meowth said and walked away. "Jessie, I'm sorry! I honestly didn't know you where swimming." He started to beg, and he handed her a rose. "James." Jessie sighed. "I told you I was going swimming." "I didn't hear you say that. If I had known" He started. But Jessie cut him off. "James I know you wouldn't do something like that on purpose. It.... Just that..."She stopped and sighed. "Just that?" James prompted. "Oh never mind." She went over to the fire that Meowth had started. James walked over to her. "Are you okay?" He asked putting his arm around her shoulders. "Yeah. I guess." She sighed. Looking into his dazzling green eyes. Giving him a little smile trying to convince him that she was okay. He smiled but still looked uncertain. He didn't like to worry but he worried a lot about Jessie. She was his bestfriend, partner, and he wished that they could become a lot more. In the bushes near by Meowth was watching them. "I wish those two would just get together." He sighed. But Meowth wasn't the only one watching Jessie and James. "I can't believe him!" Jessiebell said. "He acts like he cares for her not me." The others ignored her. "Do you see Pikachu?" Ash asked. "I don't see him." "He's over there bye Jessie foot." Brock said. "It looks like he's in some kind of ball." "How are we going to get him away from those two?" Misty asked. "I think I have an idea. "Ash said looking over to Jessiebell. "We want Pikachu and you want to get close to James. I think I have an idea, if you're willing to go along with it." "Of course I am! I'll do anything to get James back." "Ash what are you thinking?" Brock questioned him. Jessie sat there wishing James would put his arm around her again. She sighed. James looked up from the food he was eating. He still had that worried look on his face. Jessie thought to herself. "James is there any rice left?" He looked over into a pot. "Yeah, hear you go." As he handed it to her the fingers brushed. James's felt himself start to blush. Jessie could feel her heart pounding. "James, I'm going to go into the town over the hill later, you wanta come?" Jessie asked, feeling a little hope growing in her. "Um, sure." James said. This could be a good chance to be alone with her. Jessie's face light up. It looks like she's starting to feel better. James thought to himself. "Hey what about me?" Meowth whined. "We need someone to watch Pikachu, while where gone. We can't bring him with us. The little brat has probably told the cops that we stole the little beast." Jessie said quickly. "Oh, ok." Meowth replied. That was a close call. Jessie thought to herself. Ash and the others watched while Jessie and James left. "Why do I have to where this stupid outfit?!" Jessiebell whined. Wearing an outfit identical to Jessie's."While Jessie and James are gone, you'll pretend to be Jessie, come back because they found a better place to hide Pikachu. Then after you get him, bring him back hear. Then we'll separate those to in town. While there separated, you take Jessie's place and pretend to be her." Ash explained for the third time. "You two look so much alike James will never know the difference." Misty said kindly. "Okay." Jessiebell sighed. About two minuets after Jessie and James left Meowth heard a noise from behind him. "Who goes there?" He cried out. "It's me you idiot!" a voice yelled back. "Oh Jessie! You scared me!" he said. "James and I found a better spot to put Pikachu. I came back to get him." She explained. "Oh, okay. He's over there." Meowth pointed to a spot near the fire. She went over and picked up the ball. "We'll be back in a while." She said and left. "That's odd. She didn't tell me where she was taking him." Meowth mused. "Great job!" Misty exclaimed, Jessiebell had gotten back. "He never noticed it wasn't Jessie!" Ash said, prying Pikachu out of the ball. "Pika pika Chu pikachu." Pikachu exclaimed when he got out of the ball. "Now for the second half of the plane." Jessiebell said. They nodded and started walking towards the town. "Let's see, we got everything we need." Jessie said. "What do you want to do now?""How about a movie?" James suggested. "Sounds good to me." Jessie said smiling. "Hey Team Rocket!" A voice called out. They turned towards the voice. It was Ash and the other twerps. "Give me back my pikachu!" "What pikachu?" Jessie asked innocently. "I don't see any pikachus, do you James?" "Nope." Then they felt some one push between them. "I got their pokeballs!" Misty cried. "Hey give those back!" James yelled. "If you want them come and give them Misty taunted. James jumped towards her. "Ash catch!" And she through one of the balls towards him. She took off running in one direction and Ash took off in the other. "Let's go get them!" Jessie yelled. She went running after Misty. James was hot on Ash's trail when he bumped into someone. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" A familiar voice said. James pulled himself off the ground and saw that he had run into Jessie. "Jess I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there." James said taking a step back hoping that he would get hit with her mallet. "That's okay. I caught up with Misty and Ash and got our pokeballs back. Let's go before anything else can go wrong." Jessie said. "Don't you still want to go to the movie?" James asked sounding a little disappointed. "I guess we could." Jessie said with a nod. They headed toward the theater. When they got to the theater they paid for there tickets and bought some popcorn and soda. They took a seat near the back of the theater. After the movie started James nervously looked over to Jessie. This seemed like a better idea earlier. He thought to him self. He slowly stretched his arms out and placed one on the back of Jessie's chair. A soft smile crossed over Jessie's lips. He put his arm around her shoulder. She snuggled into it. Wow. James really likes me. Jessiebell thought. Weight a minuet. He thinks he does hear with Jessie, not me. That could be a small dilemma. She thought to herself. "Now where hell is he?" Jessie said out loud. She had just found her pokeballs in the middle of the street along with James'. "He probably went back to camp. Well while I'm hear I might as well find the mall." And she started walking towards the Town Square. "So what did you think of the movie?" James asked Jessiebell. "It was pretty good, but the idea of giant pokemon was a little ridicules." She said with a laugh. That's odd. When we saw that suppressed tentacrule she didn't think it was so ridicules or those giant robot pokemon. But he shrugged it off and started after her. "I'm hungry, how about we go get something to eat?" James asked. "Okay. Where should we go?" Jessiebell asked. "How about over there?" James asked pointing to a small restaurant with the words La petite café on the doors. "Sounds good to me." Jessiebell said. They went inside. Jessiebell had Fettuccini, and James had ravioli. "We should get back. Meowth will be angry that we where gone this long." James noted. "I guess your right." Jessiebell sighed, to leave. "Um...Jess?" James asked nervously. She stopped and looked at him. "Yes James?" Jessiebell asked. "I just wanted to tell you that I had a lot of fun tonight, with you. You know just the two of us?" He said then he leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Jessiebell had an utter look of shock on her face. He really likes me. He's never kissed me before. Before now, that is. She thought. When they got back to camp an irritated voice greeted them. "It's about time you two got back!" Meowth complained. "I've been weighting for hours." "It didn't kill you," than under his breath "unfortunately." Meowth leaped up and scratched him clear across the face. "I heard that." "Where's the rat?" James asked. "You know they say memory is the first to go." Meowth answered. "What do you mean by that?" James demanded. "Don't you remember? You and Jessie found a better place to hide Pikachu, so you sent Jessie back hear to get him. "No we didn't" James said very confused. " Jessie did you comeback and get Pikachu?""No, I've been with you all evening." Jessiebell replayed. "OH NO!" James cried drooping to his knees. "James, what is it?" Jessiebell asked rushing to his side. "It must have been Jessiebell!" James cried. "Who's Jessiebell?" Meowth asked. "She was my fiancée, before I ran away to join TR. She was just awful!" James monad. "I WAS NOT!" Jessiebell cried. James and Meowth looked at her. "WHO IN THE HELL IS THAT!" An angry voice cried. Everyone jumped and looked towards the voice. "It's Jessie! But that's impossible!" Meowth cried. "Which one of you is the real Jessie?" James demanded. "I am," They both cried. James and Meowth looked at each other in total confusion. At this point Jessie and Jessiebell started to fight. After a few seconds any idea of whom was who totally vanished. "James, we'd better get them apart before they kill each other." James nodded and grabbed the nearest Jessie, and held her arms down. Meowth grabbed the other one. "Now which one of you is Jessie of Team Rocket!" James demanded. "I am!" The both said in unison. A look of desperation crossed over his face. "James, I'm the real Jessie." Said the Jessie that Meowth was holding. A pleading looks in her eyes. "I know how we can tell them apart!" James cried." Jessie, how do you feel about 'giant pokemon'?" He asked. "Giant pokemon are the most ridicules things in the world!" Cried the Jessie in his arms. "I think there scary." The Jessie the other said. "Meowth let her go. She's the real Jessie." James ordered. "James why did you run away from home?" Jessiebell asked. "I was being forced to merry you and you where just awful! You were always telling how to do things! And you never let me do anything. You where always following me around! You never left me alone!" James was practically shouting. "But James she never leaves you alone. She follows you around all the time." Jessiebell commented. "Yeah, but I LIKE her!" James shouted. Jessiebell got a look of pure shock on her face. A single tear ran down her cheek. "You like me James?" Asked a now very stunned Jessie. "Yeah." James said turning red. "I know I should have told you earlier, but I never could seem to find the right time to tell you." He sighed. Jessiebell suddenly feel to her knees, body quaking. "You're not saying that just because you saw me naked are you?" Jessie demanded. "No! I've like you for along time!" James exclaimed. "I like you too, James." Jessie said softly. "Alright enough with the mushy stuff! What do we do with the imposter?" Meowth demanded. " don't know." James said. "WE BURN HER AT THE STAKE! WE DROWN HER! WE THROW HER TO THE PRIMAPES! WE FEED HER TO THE GARADOS!" Jessie screamed now throwing an all out fit. James jumped out of her. "James has already broken the brats heart. Let's leave it at that." Meowth suggested. Jessie gave a sigh of resignation "I guess I live with that." She said. "Yeah me too." James said, gave Jessie a look quizzical look. "Bye the way where were you?" "I was looking for our pokeballs." Jessie explained, handing over his pokeball. "Oh, thanks." James said. "Let's start picking up camp so we can go. I want to get out of hear as fast as I can." He explained. They left Jessiebell on the ground and walked away, picking up the gear. As they started walking towards the nearest city, James slipped his arm around Jessie's waist. By: LeaMarie Tell me what you think!! I'd like to thank my bestfriend, Tessa (Tiki) for all her help with this story. She helped me allot with spelling and help write me out of some problems. She also gave me a few ideas for this story. I particle drove her nuts while I was writing this. So thanks Tess!!! Also if you think this story totally sucked, she gets part blame for it.
