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Welcome to pokemon Destiny.The Pokemon series that is based on the show but not the same. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ash Ketchum,a ten year old boy woke up from the sounding of his alarm clock. What Day is it? he asked himself.Ash looked up at his calander. "All right.It's Monday.Today I start my pokemon journey." _____________________________________________________________________________________ Episode #1 Pika Problem ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ash got up.He now was going to be a pokemon trainer.He couldn't wait.One day he would become a pokemon master.Ash just remembered. "Oh yeah,Gary's leaving early I can't let him beat me.I just can't." Ash ate some breakfeast and hurried to Prof. Oaks house. "So Ash.Today's the day.Eh?Gary has already got 1 badge and here you are not even started.Anyway here are some pokeballs and a pokedex.Now choose the pokemon you wan't.I have a pikachu,golbat,charizard and a ponyta left." What?No way Gary already haqs 1 badge.He just left today"Ash shouted. O.k o.k I was just lieing so you'd get a move on!!!"Prof. Oak confessed. "Secound of all what happened to charmander squirtle and Bulbasaur?"Ash asked "Sold out" was all Prof. Oak could say."So which one do you want?" "Can I have Charizard?"Ash asked. "Sure,"Oak handed Ash the pokeball. "Be sure to call me some time" Oak said. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ash was now on the road to start his pokemon adventure. "You There," a voice said. Ash looked up to see a red headed girl. "I am Misty.Who are you" "Ash,"Ash replied. "I challenge you to a match,"she said "Well,I was told never to hurt a girl," Ash said blushing. "Not with me.With my pokemon,"Misty said. "All right.My first pokemon battle,"Ash shouted "Go Starmie,"Misty shouted. "Starmie?" "Starmie.Evolved form of Staryu.This water pokemon can shoot beams of water,"pokedex said. "Oh No.Well give it a try Charizard." Ash through the pokeball and out came..........pikachu? "What?Oak must of got the pokeball's mixed up.Well, at least electric is good against water.Pikachu Thunder shock" "Pika,"pikachu said as he went to sleep "Ahh.He won't obey.Please Misty,cancel the fight.Or my pokemon will be destroyed,"Ash complained "You care that much about a pokemon you didn't even wan't?"Misty asked. This broke into a little conversation.While Misty and Ash were talking Starmie started to attack Pikachu. When Ash finally turned around he saw that his pikachu had been beaten to a pulp. "Starmie.How dare you do that without orders.Return Starmie,"Misty ordered. "C'mon Ash.Let's get your pokemon to the nearest pokemon center." _____________________________________________________________________ And so,Ash and Misty head to Varidian City.What adventures lie ahead for these 2 younge pokemon trainers? * * * * * * * * * * To Be Continued

Gathering of the friends(PokeDestiny)

Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9