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All About Matt

Matt Simon
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Just in case you want to see how smart I am. Click on the picture.
This score even surprised me. The test must be screwed up or something.

Hey everybody! This web page has been designed by me and only me. It's part of my punishment for getting caught by the cops after curfew. My mom just wanted me to do something creative. This is my citation. It's pretty cool looking actually. OK! Update on the curfew ticket! I finally had my court date in December and I plead not guilty. Now I have another date on the Ides of March at 9:00AM. Let's all pray that the cop doesn't show up, b/c then I can get the case dismissed. :-)

I'm 17 and I attend Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas. (I like using the full name. It makes ME sound smarter!) Here's my school seal. Click on it to visit my school's homepage.

I work at MJDesigns right now. For those of you who don't know what that is, its an arts and crafts store like Michael's or Hobby Lobby. We went out of business, but we reopened better than ever under new ownership! Don't worry, I'm not an arts and crafts guy. I'm a stocker. I just do normal behind the scenes stuff, nothing big. Here's one of my paychecks. I know its not much, but it's good enough for me.

I used to be a skater back in the day, but it wasn't exactly good for my body, so I stopped. Here's a picture of me doing a railslide down a rail in front of my house.

I play baseball now. I actually hit a homerun last season. (I'm not exactly a homerun hitter, so be proud.) This is a picture of me crossing homeplate after hitting it. I was mobbed shortly thereafter. Click on it to see more baseball pictures of yours truly.

I'm in band. (OK, OK! Laugh it up! I'm a band queer, but hey! I'm going to be drum major and I'm going to get into any college I want to! so HA!)

This is my kitten. Her name is Lady. She's a runt, but she still catches birds and rats as big as her. She likes to catch those little lizards too. She brings them to me as presents. I don't like them. Isn't she cute though? If you think she's cute, click on her to see some more cute kitty pictures.

Here are some cool things I thought you might like. Just random things.
Some cool downloads

I finally got a picture of me with short hair. It's actually me, Mark, and Luke. I'm the smallest one. Click on the picture to see some more random pictures of yours truly.

Click here to see pictures of the cutest kid in the world

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