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Pictures of Me (nothing spectacular)

This is the only other picture of me with short hair that I could find.

This is me and my date Sarah at homecoming this year. Isn't she just so cute? That's Michael Epps in the background.

Another one of me and Sarah before homecoming. I don't normally look this weird.

This isn't a picture of me, but I guess you could say its a picture of my better half. This is Sydney. Me and her are going to get married when we're older. We're serious. The only thing is, she lives in Houston and I live all the way up here in Dallas. It kinda puts a strain on things, BUT one day we will be together. :-) This is a picture of her butt. She sent it to me. I don't think she wants it on here though. Oh well.

This is a picture from before Snowball, Ursuline's big senior formal thing. That's my beautiful date Marisa on the right with her friend Lynnsey. I'm in the background there between them and John is off to the left.

This is a bad picture of me all dressed up for Snowball. That's my darling Marisa by the door. :-)

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